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"Remember, call me if you see anything suspicious." Rebekah says. "Klaus's already want to sever my head for letting you out, again, so if something bad does happen, there'll be nothing stopping him."

"Got it." I smile.

"The bell just rang, hurry, you'll be late."

"You can hear that?" I question.

"Amazing isn't it?" She laughs.

"Well thank you for the ride, and everything before that." I say, giving her a hug before getting out.

"Where have you been?" Lola asks as soon as I walk into school. "You haven't been in class, barely answering your phone."

"I was about to get a search party on your ass." Ze says, swinging an arm around me.

"Come on, we don't want to be late." I laugh, walking into class.

I never thought I'd be glad to be sat in the middle of a lesson even if it is math.

Next, I have history and I sit along side Lola and listen to Mr Handsel blab on about the plague which we already learnt about last semester.

Half way through class the door swings open and Klaus bursts in. Instantly, I try to hide myself but how well can you really hide in plain sight?

"Who are you?" Mr Handsel asks.

"I'm looking for Danielle." Klaus says, staring him in the eyes which I know is him using compulsion.

Mr Handsel points to me. "Danielle please go with this man." He says.

"So that's where you've been." Lola smirks.

"Klaus get out of here." I say.

"Ah, Danielle, how lovely to see you again." He says, walking over to me. He leans on my desk and whispers. "Get your things we're going."

"I'm not going anywhere." I growl in a hushed tone.

Klaus's expression hardens. Swiftly, he grabs my upper arm and my bag in his other before pulling me out of my chair and dragging me out of class.

We make it out of class and I slam the door behind me before finally ripping my arm free of his grasp. "Quit being such a caveman!" I yell, snatching my bag from him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Leaving the house with no protection."

"It's a school Klaus, not vampire central." I spit.

"I don't care what it is, you will follow my orders." He bellows.

"I'm your girlfriend Klaus! Not a solider, not a slave and especially not just someone you can boss around or compel." I hiss. "Now I am going back to class, you can wait in your car if you want to that badly but I am not going with you."

"I am the most feared supernatural being around and you dare challenge me?" He bellows.

"Who are you?" I snap. "Because you are not the guy I am in love with." I turn away from him to walk back to class but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

"You do not love me Danielle." He says.

"Who knows anymore? I am eighteen Klaus! A teenager who knows more things already than anyone has ever known in their whole life. I've been bitten, healed, kidnapped, scared so I think it's only fair that I get to judge my emotions."

"Come with me Danielle." He says.

"I am not going home." I snap.

"Not home," He says. "Somewhere you won't regret."

With my chest still inflating and deflecting rapidly I nod. "But first tell me what you did to Rebekah and Elijah."

"I broke their necks." He says. "Only fair, they did it to me first."

The Mikaelson Family (Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now