Chapter 10: Haunting Pasts

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            “Anything could be demons. That doesn’t help. Anything else weird happen? Like an omen?” Dean asked taking the main road out of the dusty old town.

            Sam shrugged. “I didn’t have time to look to far into it but he didn’t mention anything.”

            I started to hum along to the song and I turned my face against the window. “What kind of omens would you look for?” I asked.

            “Crop dying, cows being slaughtered mysteriously, mass genocide and the list really is endless. Just things that are way out of the ordinary.” Sam explained still reading through some papers.

            “So if there are patterns, why doesn’t the government ever pick it up?” I asked still not understanding how other people wouldn’t notice these things.

            “People find ways to trick their mind into not believing the supernatural. It is hard for them to accept.” Dean coughed slightly. “Two months ago if you heard that all the crops had died  a town over from you-“

            “I would’ve thought a drought or a weird pesticide.” I muttered nodding. “I guess that makes sense that people have to live in ignorance or they just wouldn’t be able to live their lives.”

            “A luxury hunters don’t have.” Sam breathed out deeply from his nose.

            “So I have gathered.” I muttered and relazed more into the back seat.

            “There has been something on my mind.” Dean spoke cautisouly. “What happened to your family? Why are you so easy to drop your life? Why isn’t there anyone who is keeping you in normalville?”

            I closed my eyes and let out a low sigh. “What happened to your family, Dean? Why are you two brothers traveling the country hunting demons and not at home watching Sunday football? I am guessing a tragic story that eventually lead you to be hunters. My guess is either your mother or father was killed by a demon and the other set out to destroy, leading you two into this line of work.” I don’t know how I knew but it just came to me naturally.

            “I see your powers are still functioning.” Sam said monotone.

            I realized I was actually right. “Sorry- I didn’t mean for that to come out so cruel. My story is a little less exciting. But if we are going to be traveling the country together I guess my past is something you should be aware of.”

            “Sounds a little exciting.” Dean was a little hesitant.

            I shrugged and kept my eyes shut to keep the tears back. I hadn’t thought about any of this in ages. “Like I said before, my grandmother had these weird powers and when I went over to her house she used to tell me stories. Stories about fairytales-or I thought they were at the time- and she told me that one day I would see them myself. She fed me all these weird names and for the life of me now I cant remember them. But my father found out about all this and was pretty angry. He didn’t want me to live in any fantasy world. Real dick of a guy.

 “He ended up forbidding me to see her. This lead her to sneak into my room at night and continue the stories. It lasted a couple months. Then my father came in one night and found her. I was about seven. He dragged her out by her hair and shot her in the back of the head. Then he killed my mother. Stabbed her in the throat thirteen times. Then he turned on me.

“Funny thing is, and I always told myself I was dreaming or I was just hallucinating, but I know his eyes were black. Anyway, that is all I remember. I think the cops said that someone had broken into the house and killed him. I remember a voice telling me that everything would be okay. But that is all I remember from that night. Then on I was on my own. Jumped from foster home to foster home and when I was eighteen I moved into that house and have just been surviving there ever since.” I swallowed a lump in my throat. “You are going to tell me you know something that has black eyes, right?”

“It was a demon.” Sam spoke with little emotion. Then I heard his sympathy. “I am so sorry.”

“It’s okay. I kind of figured as much.” I held onto my bandaged arm and kept my eyes closed. I listened to the sound of the engine on the road.

“What was your grandmother’s name?” Dean asked softly.

            “Grace Henry.” I smiled despite myself. “She was the nicest person I ever knew. And the imagine of a bullet going through her brain is the single most disturbing nightmare I have to this day. She is the reason why I think that I was meant to help people. She had the gift I have and she helped people. At church on Sundays everyone thanked her and I never knew why. But I heard later that she would give people little hints about what not to do and when they listened, good things happened to them. They would cheat death by an inch or win something special.”

            “She sounds amazing.” I could tell Sam was smiling by the way he spoke.

            “She was. And I am going to hunt these things so no other little kid loses their hero.” I opened my eyes and looked toward the front of the car. We were stopped at a red light. Dean was watching me from the rear view mirror. When our eyes met he looked back to the road in front of us.

            “What about you guys? What did you lose to make you want to give your lives to this job?” I asked feeling almost depressed. But it was these things that motivate people. Loss and death make you fight harder.

            “Our parents.” Sam said simply. “You were right. Our mother was killed by a demon and our father waged war on it. Raised us to kill monsters and we killed the demon. This is all we know.”

            “Like I said, there is no going back.” Dean muttered. “I have tried. And all it makes is more death and more guilt.”

            “Have you ever encountered a monster that wasn’t evil?” I asked almost thinking maybe some things could be innocent.

            “You.” Dean grinned. “Although I guess I wouldn’t classify you as a monster but you did knock both of us unconscious.”

            “Sorry about that.” I cracked a small smile. “Nothing personal. I don’t think I could do it again if I tried. Just an adrenaline boost or something.” I yawned and looked out the window. “So most of your lives is on the road?”

            “Pretty much. After this thing in Oakland we are going to swing by our friend Bobby’s house. He is a hunter and he has some things he wants to ask you. He might know more about your powers.” Sam finally stopped shifting through the papers and just sat back. “You might stay with him for a little while.”

            I nodded. “Is he going to try to exercise me?” I chuckled thinking of some of the demon movies I have seen. “To make sure I am not a demon?”

            Dean raised his eyebrows and shot Sam a quick side glance. “He may spray you with holy water so don’t be surprised by that. He can get a little paranoid. But he should be pretty okay with you. I explained everything on the phone to him and he doesn’t think we should worry about you.”

            “What do you two think?” I asked suddenly realizing that they could think I am evil.

            “We don’t know.” Sam said simply.

            “But we don’t think you are going to hurt us. Or you would’ve killed us when you had the chance.” Dean snapped.

            I nodded and looked out the window. “I don’t know what I am. If I am evil, I am pretty bad at it.”

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