Chapter 30: Much Needed Pie

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            “EMILY!” Sammy screamed when they hit the bottom of the stairs. Dean stopped in his tracks and watched Sam scoop Emily into his arms and give her a giant bear hug causing her to giggle. She hugged him back and Dean realized that Emily was the younger sister Sam never had.

            “Sam!” She shouted out of breath from his hug. “Long time no see.”

            His face momentarily dropped but he closed his eyes and hugged her tighter. “I did all I could to get you back.”

            “I appreciate it.” She whispered into his ear. “I missed you more than you could know.”

            “One big happy family.” Dean muttered under his breath as he walked down the remaining steps and stood beside Cas.

            Sam let go of Emily and they stood looking over at Dean. He noticed how close they still stood and something like jealousy washed over him. Sam looked over at Cas a moment before fixing his eyes on Dean. “There is a slight problem.”

            Cas spoke up, his eyes still fixed on Emily. “Emily rising has caused a great stir down under. Demons are looking for her far and wide. Lucifer has tried to protect her whereabouts but even he is searching for you. The angels are letting this happen. I think that they want you to be killed.”

            “But why? And who rose me? What was their intentions?” Emily asked softly, Dean felt a shift in her tone from energetic to tired.

            “I think it was God.” Cas said simply. “Only reasonable explanation. Your death caused a ruckus upstairs. It seems that your sacrifice pushed Lucifer back in his search for the end of the world. You saved the world a few months.”

            She breathed out deeply. “Are you saying that if whoever pulled me back up hadn’t done it, the world would still be safe?” The guilt in her eyes showed and it caused Dean’s chest to pound.

            Cas just shrugged. “Who knows? I don’t think you would’ve stayed down there long-“

            Her eyes grew a deep gold. “I was there for twenty years, Cas. Every second was too long. Every piece of me they tore, was too much. But I did it for this world and the humanity that I still believe in. I would’ve stayed down there another hundred years if I knew it was for the better of this world.”

            Dean caught his breath but Sam spoke before he could find words. “We are going to fight this together. If you so much as pick up a gun, I will beat it away from you.” Sam spoke sternly. “You can’t help us from hell, all you can do is suffer. There is always another way.”

            Her eyes were blue again and they fell on Dean’s. She gave him a loving stare. “Okay. No more suicide. I will stand by you.”

            “Good.” Dean finally spoke with a crack in his voice.

            She gave him a sweet smile. “Before we get into all this, as a treat for my first day back from hell, I think we should celebrate with some pie.” Then she winked at him.

            Sam chuckled as Dean felt a smile glow on his face. This really was his dream girl. “Alright. I can do that.”

            Cas didn’t move. “I have to go. There are some things I have to go.” And before anyone could ask he was gone.

            I sat at the dinner table with Dean right beside me and Sam across the table from me. Sam kept looking up at me over his menu like he was waiting for me to disappear. Dean would sometimes accidently bump arms with me but I knew he was making sure I was still there. I stared at the menu and smiled softly. I lied to them when I told them I didn’t know who brought me back. I killed those worthless demons that held me. I crawled from the pit of hell myself. But I was afraid that if they knew it, they would fear me or even want to kill me. So I let them play it off with their theories. I was just glad to be back.

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