Chapter 36: Talking with Lucifer

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            I pressed my head against the cool back window of the impala as Dean drove us from our safe haven. Bobby was up in Utah helping someone with a ghost problem. I wished I could see him again. He is such a father figure to Dean and Sam and I would’ve liked to talk to him some more. But after I confronted him so angrily I don’t know if we would get along. He seems to not like me.

            Cas shifted beside me. Even though I was sitting on the far right, so I could still cath glances at Dean, Cas had to sit in the middle. I loved him dearly but he is really protective. Even Sam made a comment about it when we all first got in but Cas just brushed it away. That is when I realized that my death had really shook something in him. He wasn’t ready to lose me again.

            “How far away is this place?” I asked as I yawned.

            “About seven hours on good traffic.” Dean answered over his shoulder. “We’ll get a hotel room in town, and either start the research or rest for a few hours.”

            “What is the case about?” I wanted to be as in on this as I could and I knew that I would still lag behind them.

            “We think it is an apparition. But we don’t know. Several small children have killed their parents in one neighborhood. Every week on Friday it happens. We think it is an apparition taking over them and commanding they kill.” Sam jumped in.

            “Why kill their parents?” Cas asked softly. “Arent children supposed to love their parents?”

            Dean and Sam were silent.

            I looked over at Cas. “When something possesses someone, and they aren’t strong enough, they cant control what they do.”

            He nodded and looked over at me with a gratified smile. “That is dangerous.”

            “Damn right it is.” Dean whispered under his breath. “Just gonna burn whatever is left of the apparition and be done with it.”

            “After we find out who it is.” Sam was trying to be a great teacher and I appreaciated it. “We search deaths way long past that have anything to do with what is happening now. Any serial killers or murders from that neighborhood. We might get lucky. We will talk to families and the town police. If we aren’t lucky right away it can be a long process. But we are proffesionals.”

            “Could the apparition take over you guys?” Cas asked.

            “It wouldn’t want to.” Sam said darkly and I already knew where this was headed but I couldn’t stop Cas.


            “Our parents are already dead.” Dean’s voice was monotone and it caused silence to envelope the car.

            The rest of the ride we sat in silence. Dean turned on the radio and we listened to some Rock N Roll for the next six hours of the drive. I fell asleep a couple times and everytime I woke up Cas would be looking over at me like he was worried. It made me wonder if Dean and Sam were talking about me when I was asleep. It made me wonder more if I talked in my sleep. But the ride was pleasant enough. Until we stopped at the gas station and I got out to pee.

            I walked into the Sheetz and found my way to the bathroom. I had gotten some clothes a little ways back at a small thrift store before we even left Bobby’s town so I wasn’t in boxers. I finished my business and came out to find Cas staring at the snack isle. I walked up to him and was about to ask when he turned to me and smiled.

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