Chapter 31: Undoubtedly

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            “I need to get some fresh air.” I muttered and looked back up at Dean. “You two stay here and keep eating. I will be back in a minute.”

            Dean nodded and scooted out of the booth. I got out and walked shakily toward the door. I pushed it open and walked into the cool air. I walked around the side of the place, still feeling Dean and Sam’s eyes on me. When I turned the corner and felt alone, I closed my eyes and focused on Cas.

            I opened my eyes to see I was in an alley somewhere very warm. I looked around to see I was close to Cas. I still wasn’t used to this teleporting thing. I didn’t even tell Sam and Dean. I heard Cas’ voice and followed it down the alley. I stopped at an open door and walked in. I saw Cas standing in this abandoned warehouse with a man that I knew all too well. It was Zachariah. My spine grew cold and I felt the distrust I once had for him. I felt my stomach pitch when I saw Cas was standing in a ring of fire. Zachariah had him captured. I felt the blood pound through my body. But I listened it to what they were saying and hid out of sight.

            Dean watched Sam finish his pie and looked over at the door to the diner. Emily had been gone longer than a few minutes and it was making him worried. Last time he was worried about her, she put a bullet in her brains. He knew that she was better now, after being in hell, but he still felt her sorrow and guilt. He knew that she was still feeling like she would turn against them and he knew the feeling. The angels were still using every torture and maneuver to make him allow Michael use him as a vessel. But his will was strong and so was hers.

            “She is fine.” Sam said simply as he finished his last piece of pie. “She is just having the post hell feelings. I remember when you first came out. You would stare into space and sometimes scream. My best guess was that your memories of it would hit you in waves. That is probably what is happening to her.” Sam’s voice dropped. “But she is the only one who can help herself.”

            Dean nodded realizing he knew exactly what was happening with her. “I just wish I could help.”

            Sam smiled at his brother. “We all do. But all we can do is be there next to her and remind her that she isn’t alone.”

            Dean chuckled. “Sammy, how did you become so much wiser than me?”

            “Wisdom comes from sorrow and experience. I have at one point lost everyone I loved. You learn things about people and yourself when you are all alone in the world. IT really opens your eyes.” His eyes fell onto his plate. “I hope she comes back soon.”

            Dean looked back at the door anxiously. “Me too.”

            “I don’t know where she is.” Cas said strongly against Zachariah.

            Zachariah smiled and shook his head. “I know you are lying Castiel. And I am still your superior. You will tell me where she is.”

            Cas shook his head. “I no longer work for you.”

            “Right. You work for those stupid Winchester boys.” Zachariah shook his head. “You have gone so astray from your own kind.”

            “I work for no one. And my own kind are the ones who are astray. I will protect the girl until my last breath. You are just going to have to kill me.” Cas spat and stod his ground.

            “No. I will leave you here for eternity. Dean and Sam will never find you.” Then Zachariah left to do all the other things he had to do. Since the demons were rising up and Lucifer was heading the army, Zachariah has been busy keeping everything in order. He knew Cas wouldn’t budge and so he left without anyother words.

            I stepped out from the shadows and walked toward Cas. When he heard footsteps he turned and saw me. He grinned widely but then went back to a straight face and cleared his throat. He was happy to see me and that scared him. he was scared that he was falling from heaven like I did. Only he wasn’t falling, he was fading. He was gaining more human features.

            “Cas, it is great to see you.” I spoke and with the wave of my hand the flames were gone.

            Cas came out of the charred circle and embraced me in a hug. “I could say the same to you. How’d you find me and how long were you there?”

            I hugged him back and set my chin on his shoulder. “I focused on you and here I was. I came in about when you told him you weren’t going to snitch on me. Thank you.”

            He pulled back and gave me a warm smile, he didn’t seem to care anymore that he was having human thoughts. “It is the least I can do. Where are Sam and Dean?”

            “At a diner a little ways away from Bobby’s. They think I went for a brisk walk. I just didn’t want them to know that I have so much power. But I remember it all.” I looked up at him and felt a warm shift in my gut. “I remember how much I cared for you, even as an angel. I remember thinking that you were special.”

            His grin widened. “You were my mentor.”

            I reached up and ruffled his already messy hair. “You were my only family up there in heaven. And I swore I would always look after you. And I plan on keeping that promise.”

            He nodded and looked at me with warmth and kindness. “Let’s go back to the brothers before they wonder where you are.”

            “Before we do I have to tell you something. Something no one knows.” I took a deep breath and knew that I had to say it to someone or I wouldn’t believe it myself. “I am in love with Dean Winchester.”

            Cas stared at me a moment before he gave me a side smile and nodded. “I know. Since the moment you came back and all you wanted was him. At first I was hurt, but then I realized that he was your soul mate. It was the reason you were born on the same day. God paired you with the one man who was your counterpart. You were meant to protect him from Michael and he was meant to protect you form Lucifer.”

            I looked down at the ground. “That makes sense.” I whispered and closed my eyes. “But I will always hold you dear to my heart. If Zachariah comes back for you I am going to kill him.”

            “Can you?” Cas asked a little shocked.

            I looked up into his eyes with anger. “Yes. He was always a bully. An arrogant self centered bully. And if he dares lay a finger on you, I will send him to hell before he can blink an eye.” I calmed myself and took Cas’ hand. “You’re the little brother I never had, and I am going to protect you with every last breath I have. Do you trust me?”

            He nodded and squeezed my hand. “Undoubtedly.”

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