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Tumblr prompt: It was the hottest summer on record, but the lake remained frozen over

Note: Short one-shot. Enjoy!

Pairing: Delitoonz

Luke was awoken by his friend shaking him. "Luke, get up! Come on, get your ass up!" Luke groaned and peeked his eyes open.

"Jonathan, go away," he mumbled.

"But Luke, it happened again!"

Luke knew exactly what he meant by "it". He shot up out of bed, eyes wide. "Are you serious?" Jonathan nodded, smiling as his eyes twinkled mischievously. "Well, what are we waiting for? Get your stuff, we're going ice skating."

It was odd, seeing two teens with ice skates in the middle of summer going into the forest. But they didn't know what the teens did.

Jonathan was the one to accidentally find it one day as he was exploring. It was a lake, one frozen over. It was summer then, too. He instantly told his best friend Luke about it. Luke of course didn't believe him. Well, until he actually saw it. The lake was completely frozen over, and the ice was so thick that you could actually walk on it without fear that it was going to break underneath you.

When they got there, they pulled the skates on and started skating. They always had this sort of competition when they were there. The competition was who could not fall the longest.

Jonathan nearly lost his balance at one point, which caused Luke to snicker. "You doing okay over there?" he called. Jonathan glared at him and skated towards him. Luke got faster, skating in the opposite direction. It soon became a chase, with Jonathan after Luke.

"Get back here you son of a bitch!" Jonathan laughed.

"You gotta catch me first, bitch!"

Eventually, Jonathan grabbed onto the back of Luke's shirt and pulled him back. This caused Luke to fall back onto Jonathan. They both ended up falling to the ground, with Luke on top of Jonathan. "Good going, idiot," Luke groaned, sitting up.

"I didn't know we were gonna fall!" Jonathan protested, sitting up as well.

"Jonathan, you yanked me back as hard as you could, of course I was gonna loose balance and fall!" He turned around to look at Jonathan, who was mocking him silently. When Jonathan saw Luke's glare he stopped and smiled nervously at him.


Luke scoffed and rolled his eyes, "You're an idiot, you know that?"

"Well, since you already have told me that multiple times, yes." Luke smacked the back of Jonathan's head. "Ow... Why are you always so mean to me?" Jonathan whined, rubbing the back of his head.

"Because I love you," Luke teased, ruffling Jonathan's hair.

Jonathan blushed a little and shooed Luke's hand away, "Shut up." He looked up, noticing that the sky was getting dark. "We should probably go, it's getting dark."

Luke looked up and nodded. "Yeah, we should. Come on." He got up and pulled Jonathan up with him. They got off the lake, took their skates off, and walked back home.

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