The Best Prom Serenade Ever

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Pairing: Krii7y

When John asked Smitty to go to prom with him, Smitty couldn't believe his ears. John wanted to go to prom? With him? It was practically a dream come true. So of course he said yes.

Although, he didn't know what to make of the question. Did he ask just to go as friends? Or did John like him? He couldn't tell. But there was only one way to find out, and Smitty was excited as hell for it.

The two had already gone out to get suits together, so Smitty knew what the expect when John came up to the door. And yet, his breath was still taken away when he saw him. God, why did he have to be so pretty?

John smiled at him and bowed dramatically, "Are you ready to go, m'lady?"

"Mm, I expected more, but sure," Smitty replied as a joke.

John gasped, "How rude, I'm the best of the best."

Smitty rolled his eyes, "Alright, come on, loser, I don't wanna be late."

"We're not gonna be late," John promised. "So just calm down, alright? I know what I'm doing." Smitty rolled his eyes and grabbed John's arm as they walked out of the house.


Smitty gasped as they got to the school. He'd never seen it at night before, and especially not with lights. It actually looked decent compared to how shitty it normally looked in the day.

They parked. John got out, opened the door for Smitty, and held his hand out. Smitty fought back his blush and took John's hand. "Such a gentleman," he commented, which made John snort.

They gave the tickets to the people at the door and entered. Music blasted throughout and people talked and laughed. The place was crowded.

John held onto Smitty's hand as they weaved through the crowd, trying to find a good place to stand. That place was near the back, against the wall. There was barely anyone there.

For a majority of the time, they just stood around and talked. Every once in a while they would go to the food table to maybe grab something if it was still there.

It wasn't exactly a fairytale come true, but Smitty enjoyed John's company.

Later in the night, the music stopped for a second, and the loudspeaker came on.

This next song is a request from one person to a very special person, who's hopefully having a good time tonight.

John smiled and dragged Smitty out to the dancefloor, which was still packed with people. "John, what are you-"

He then heard the familiar start of a song, and he gasped. "April Showers? I can't believe they're playing this!" He looked at John excitedly, and noticed something. John was looking at him with the most loving look he'd ever seen. He couldn't fight the blush as John pulled him closer, slightly singing along with the song.

"You know something, Smit? Ever since we met, I've felt like we've been, I dunno, drawn together, in a way. And I didn't have the balls to do anything for the longest time, but, y'know what? I think this is the perfect time to ask. So, on to the reason I asked you in the first place: would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Smitty's reply was a kiss on the lips. He had jumped onto John, making John stumble back a little bit, but he steadied himself and kissed back. Smitty pulled back and wiped his eyes, as he was crying a little bit. "Of course I'll be your boyfriend, dummy! I've been waiting for you to ask ever since we became friends."

John blinked in surprise, but then laughed, "Sorry for keeping you waiting then, babe." Smitty blushed at the pet name, but smiled.

"Hey, at least you had the balls to do it now, right?" John just smiled and nodded, and they kissed again.

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