Pizza's Here

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Prompt: A is a pizza guy and when B opens the door his big ass dog bounds out and pretty much attacks A (lovingly but violently) and they fall back down the few steps so B invites them in to make them tea and apologise profusely + they bond

Note: This is kind of a long one-shot. I hope you enjoy it though!

Pairing: 40Smii7y

Lucas couldn't believe how long it was taking this guy to get to the door. He just wanted to drop off the pizza so he could go home. It was the last order of the night, and Lucas was spending it at this jackass' door, holding his pizza (which was still warm, and Lucas was thankful for that; he was starting to freeze out here and that pizza was the only thing stopping him from getting hypothermia).

He rang the doorbell again. The guy had to be home, the lights were on still. Unless he was that forgetful (if he was, Lucas felt bad for the guys' electricity bill).

The dog started barking again (the dog had barked so loud when he got there that he nearly dropped the pizza in surprise). He heard a shout that he couldn't identify (either the guy was yelling at him or the dog. Lucas hoped it was for the dog).

When the door opened, Lucas' cheeks became red, and it wasn't because of the cold. The man in front of him was only in sweatpants, and his hair was wet.

"Sorry man, I was in the shower, and I didn't hear you," he apologized. Lucas opened his mouth to say something, but when he did, he heard barking, and suddenly he was falling back into the snow with a large weight on top of him. He still had the pizza in his hand, but now there was a giant Dalmatian on top of him. The Dalmatian licked Lucas' face.

"God dammit Kino, get off of him!" The dog (who lucas now knew as Kino) was pulled off, whining the entire time. Lucas was pulled up off the ground too, meeting face to face with the man. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I'm babysitting my friends dumb dog who just so happened to trample the fuck out of you."

Said dog was now at Lucas' feet and was wagging his tail happily.

Lucas was blushing even more because of their close proximity (and the fact that the man was still shirtless). "This is probably your last delivery, right? Let me take you inside and warm you up; it must suck to have to be outside in the cold all the fucking time." Lucas could only nod (albeit a little more eagerly than he would have liked). He was breathless, and not because of the dog (although that was part of the problem).

The man pulled both him and the dog inside. Kino kept running around the two, wanting Lucas' attention. "No, Kino, you can't get any pizza, especially since you knocked over the pizza guy, you dumb nimrod." He lightly smacked Kino, who whined.

The man took the pizza from Lucas' hands and placed it on the counter. "Let me get a shirt on real quick and then we'll talk, okay? Make yourself comfortable my dude." He jogged to his room, and Lucas would have been lying if he said he didn't look at the guys' ass the entire time.

The man came back with a shirt now on (Lucas was slightly disappointed by this). "Sorry about that, heh." He stuck his hand out. "The name's Scotty."

Scotty. Lucas had a name to a face (and an ass) now, that was nice.

He finally took Scotty's hand and shook it. "Lucas."

"Lucas. Sorry 'bout Kino again, he gets too excited. You want something? A drink? Some tea, maybe?"

"Tea would be nice, thanks." Scotty smiled at him, and Lucas' heart began beating faster. He pushed down the blush that threatened to cover his face.

Lucas followed Scotty into the kitchen (it was the only thing he could think of doing). Scotty was making the tea at the stove, but didn't notice Lucas walking in. Lucas swallowed and decided to make small talk. "So uh, how did you know this was my last order?"

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