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Note: Based off of the song Cake by Melanie Martinez. I hope you enjoy this long and smutty one-shot!

Pairing: Brycat

Tyler didn't understand why everyone was prepping him to meet the new guy a day early. He didn't think it was entirely necessary. But the others apparently did, so here he was, barely listening to what they had to say.

He yawned and considered just taking a nap right then and there. It didn't really seem like anyone was paying attention anyways. But then Brock snapped his fingers in front of Tyler's face, waking Tyler up. Damn it, why did Brock have to have the eyes of an eagle and always know when he's not paying attention?

"Tyler, come on. We're being serious here."

"Yeah, and I'm being serious when I say it's not that big of a deal. Why do y'all need to prep me up anyways?"

"Because with your normal attitude, you're probably gonna scare him away!" Craig squawked. Tyler just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Tyler, he's very valuable to the team. We don't want to lose him," Evan said sternly.

"If that's the case, then why do I need to say this, or say that? Can't he handle himself?"

"The guys' not gonna go do the dirty work, Tyler. He's too skiddish to. He's gonna stay at base with Brock and Craig. Plus he's been on the run for a little while now, and we finally found and convinced him to join. We don't want him to run off again and go off radar for another ten years." Tyler sighed. They had a point, sadly.

"Alright, fine. I'll tone down my sarcasm and moodiness a bit when he gets here. But don't expect me to tone it down all the way, because fuck that shit." Most of the gang sighed, but Evan took that as good enough. He rolled his eyes with the rest, but he also smiled a little.

"Alright everyone, get off his back. You can get onto him tomorrow if he fucks something up then." Tyler scoffed, but silently thanked Evan. Everyone cleared out the room, and Tyler got up to leave. Evan stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder. "Seriously though, Tyler, don't fuck this up."

Tyler shrugged Evan's hand off, "I'll be fine, trust me. If I really fuck up, you can have my ass." Evan chuckled and let Tyler go wherever he was going, which was to his room. Hearing everyone talk all at once was giving him a headache, and had worn him out. He needed the rest, especially if the others were going to give him hell tomorrow.


Tyler didn't normally dream. And if he did, the dreams were usually that of an action movie, one where he was the main protagonist, kicking asses and saving the girl and whatnot. What did you expect from a gang member?

What his dreams were not was a bright, pastel colored candyland. Of course Tyler could tell what were dreams and what weren't, and when he was in a dream. Right now, he definitely knew he was in a dream; a really weird, concerning dream. Well, concerning for him, anyways. A grown-ass man should not be dreaming of candyland in his opinion (unless you're a furry or jack off to MLP, he thought).

He had "woken up" in a bedroom. Everything around him was either a light shade of pink or blue. He was under the sheets, which were silk (not that Tyler was complaining about that part or anything; the sheets in his own bedroom had holes in them and weren't nearly as comfortable as these).

He was in the clothes he had slept in, which was a little odd considering that he was the only thing in that setting that wasn't all bright, pink and happy. You would think that his dream-self would fit the setting.

The sound of a door opening caused him to sit up straight. At first, he couldn't see who or what was there. He actually heard them. They were humming an unfamiliar tune, though it didn't seem improvised. Tyler had heard improvised, and it wasn't that.

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