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Note: This is kind of angsty. I hope you enjoy it though!

Pairing: Swuckles

Eric had never reached his snapping point. Sure, he had gotten pissed many times, and had gotten close, but he had never actually snapped. His friends joked that maybe he had been pissed so many times that he didn't have one.

Eric got pissed from lots of things: His friends being idiots, games not going well, other people being assholes to him and his friends.

Some of the people in the school weren't the best people, everyone knew that. Usually, it was okay to handle. Sure, sometimes things hit close to home. But as long as you had someone to hold you back, it was okay.

Eric was alone walking through the halls. It was normal on some days, where his friends were out doing jackshit while he did whatever he needed to do. Barely anyone was in the hallways with him, but he didn't mind. He liked to listen to the sound of his feet hitting the ground and echoing off the walls. It was calming in a weird way.

He heard shouting from around the corner. Someone was yelling at someone else. Normal for this school, Eric thought. He rounded the corner, and froze.

The person yelling was some fuckwit he had seen before that had given him and his friends trouble before. That wasn't the problem, however. The problem was that the person being yelled at was Mason.

And Mason looked terrified.

Eric had never seen him look so scared before.

And then he saw it.

A tear running down Mason's face.

Eric's blood boiled. His fists clenched. He saw red.

He snapped.

He didn't remember what happened after he took his first step forward. What he did remember was seeing Mason, up close, sobbing and telling him to stop, to calm down, that it was over. Eric was dazed. What had happened? His vision was blurred. His head lolled to the side, and he saw the kid, nearly beaten to death on the ground. He glanced at his hands. Red. He looked back at Mason. His head pounded. He couldn't quite catch his breath.

"Are you okay?" He breathed every word out slowly. He could barely hear Mason, or anyone else. He couldn't feel Cam and Matt holding him back. He could barely feel Mason's hands on his cheeks. He could see Mason's face clearly now. Mason was trembling. Tears still stained his flushed cheeks. He looked so scared, so worried, so concerned.

"Yes," Mason replied, almost laughing. His trembling lips gave a small half smile. "Yes, I'm okay now. Are you okay?"

Cam and Matt had let go of Eric at this point. Eric still couldn't feel much. His bloodied hands reached up and moved some of Mason's hair out of his eyes before carefully caressing his face. "I think I'm okay now," he said softly.

Mason nodded, grabbing Eric's hands. He swallowed. "Please don't do that ever again," he whispered. "I love you, but you scared me so fucking much."
Eric looked back at the kid, who was getting tended to.

"Did...did I do all of that?"

Mason looked even more concerned than before. "You don't remember?"

Eric looked back at Mason. "I remember seeing you crying and taking a step forward. And then... I saw you right in front of me, telling me to stop."

"Oh, Eric," Mason nearly sobbed. His gripped Eric's hands even tighter. "Please be more careful. I don't... I don't want to see you get hurt. You know how much you mean to me. It would kill me if I saw you get hurt."

"And you know how you mean the absolute world to me, Mason. I don't want to see you cry ever again from some asshole like that. Seeing you like that fucking killed me, Mace. All I want to do is protect you. All I want to do is keep you safe. All I want to do is to make sure that you're happy."

Mason laughed weakly. His voice was sounding hoarse already. He sniffled. "I love you, Eric."

"I love you too, Mason."

Their lips met soon, melting against each other carefully. They pulled back. Mason's eyes flickered open a couple of seconds later. His tears had dried slightly. His eyes weren't as watery as they were before. Eric studied his face. He was glad Mason wasn't as teary-eyed as before, but he still hated that he had been crying in the first place. His thoughts were slowly coming back. So were his memories, although those were still fuzzy. He remembered throwing a punch or two at the beginning, and then he remembered being on top of the guy, hitting his head against the floor. He almost wished he had killed the guy. Just thinking about Mason crying was making his blood boil again. How dare someone do that to the person he loved?

"Eric? Eric? You're scaring me, are you okay?"

Mason's concerned voice brought him back into reality. He blinked, and found Mason's eyes. "Sorry, baby," he said softly. He pulled Mason closer and kissed the top of his head. "I'll be more careful next time. I promise."

"Thank you," Mason whispered. He rested his head on Eric's chest.

"Eric!" Eric turned to see Cam a couple of feet away from them. "I hate to break the moment, but you need to talk to some people." He pointed back where some cops were waiting.

Eric sighed. He looked back at Mason, who was looking at him. "Stay near the group, okay?" Mason nodded. Eric kissed the top of his head and let go. Mason held himself, watching as Eric walked away and towards Cam.

He hoped to God things were going to be alright.

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