I'm Canadian, Don't Worry

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Tumblr prompt: Person A declares that they're going swimming at the frat house pool despite the fact that it's winter and there's snow fucking everywhere and the pool is empty.

Pairing: Terrornoss

Brian swore he was the only one there who wasn't drunk as fuck. Maybe it was just him not being able to get drunk with all this shitty, watered down American beer. But then again, his Irish friend Daithi on the other side of the room was beginning to look tipsy, and God knows how many beers that man had.

He sighed and stared into his cup before he put it down for good. No sense in drinking, since he was probably gonna be the one who has to help everyone in the morning. That was usually Brock's job, but looking over at Brock he could tell he had one too many by the redness of his cheeks and his swaying back and forth as he giggled nonstop.

This party sucked.

Being the mother of the group wasn't something Brian did often, nor did he really want to do it. Again, it was mostly Brock's job. But here he was, not in the mood to get drunk and bound to have someone throw up on him eventually.


He would go outside to get some fresh air, but it was the middle of winter, and it was fucking freezing out there. He'd be surprised if he even got the door open at this point, with all of the snow on the ground.

He looked around the room, listening in on drunken conversations until they bored him and then he moved on. He saw Evan stumbling to the back door, and he squinted his eyes. What the hell was he doing?

Evan pulled on the door, and managed to get it open before turning around to everyone with a shit-faced grin. "Guys, I-I'm going to take a swim, 'kay? 'Kay."

Brian's eyes widened and he cursed to himself as he made his way to Evan, who had stepped outside.

There was absolutely no water in the pool, so like hell Brian was going to let him jump in the pool, especially in this time of the year.

He made it through and saw Evan stumbling towards the edge of the pool. Brian ran up to him and grabbed him by the back of the shirt, pulling him back, "Oh no you don't."

Evan made a choking noise with the force of the pull, but then he turned around, and frowned when he saw Brian.

"But Brian," he whined, "I wanna take a swim."

"It's the middle of fucking winter, Ev."

"I'm-I'm Canadian, don't worry. I can handle the cold."

"And there's no water in the pool. You're gonna die by either hypothermia or cracking your fucking skull if you keep it up. Come on." He pulled Evan inside, and Evan whined to him the entire time.

"Why won't you let me swim? Let me go back outside."

"Evan, I love you, but you're not going back out there."

Evan stopped his whining and giggled instead, a smile forming on his face. "You love me?"

Brian began to blush a little bit. "I- yes, Evan, I love you, now please stay inside."

Evan's smile grew. "No."

Brian sighed, "Evan, please-"

"I'll only stay inside if you give me a kiss."

Brian stopped and looked at Evan, his face getting warmer and warmer.

"Evan, come on, no time for jokes."

"I'm not joking."

Evan seemed to look more sober than before, if that was even possible in this short amount of time. Then he hiccuped and giggled, and the drunkness showed again.



Evan was using his best puppy eyes, which were very impressive. And eventually, Brian sighed. "Alright, alright-"

"On the lips!"


"You said you would!"

Brian sighed, again. He was going to hate himself for doing this.

He leaned in, and Evan met him halfway. Brian meant for it to only be a peck on the lips, but Evan had pulled him closer and wrapped his arms around Brian's neck.

Brian found that Evan's lips felt really nice against his, and for a second he forgot about everything else.

Evan pulled back and grinned at him, giggling slightly. "You're a good kisser."

Brian blushed the most he had that entire night, and pushed Evan away as he cleared his throat. Evan only giggled again and grabbed Brian's arm, clinging onto him. Brian sighed.

It was going to be a long night.

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