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Note: This is an original one-shot! It's also a bit long and smutty. I hope you enjoy it though!

Pairing: Vancat

Tyler clenched his teeth at he watched Evan lean back in his chair, smirking at the person interviewing him. "That little bastard," he hissed between his teeth.

The man apparently had enough of Evan's shit and stormed out of the room, seconds later entering the one Tyler was in. "I just can't take it!" he huffed. "If he says one more smart comment, I'm going to shoot him!"

Their boss sighed. They had been trying to get information from Evan for about a month now, but he wasn't budging.

"Alright, let's pack it up for the night. We'll try again tomorrow."

"Wait, boss! Can I try?"

"Tyler, we know how much you hate Fong; you're going to break his neck the second you walk into that room."

"Hey, you have to give me a shot here. Who knows, maybe I'll get something from him." The boss sighed and gave him a look that Tyler knew all too well.

"Fine. But I'm going home. If you do get anything, write it down, unless the others are staying at well."

Everyone else in the room shook their head, which meant that Tyler was going to be there alone. "I trust you, Wine. Don't fuck this up." Tyler gave a salute, which the boss just sighed at.

As soon as everyone left, Tyler made a beeline to the interrogation room.

He was going to get something out of this little fucker if it was the last thing he did.

He made sure no one else was around, and he walked into the room. Evan turned his head to look at Tyler, still smirking. He looked Tyler up and down before whistling. "Damn, why didn't they bring you out sooner?"

Tyler didn't respond; he knew that if he did, he'd probably end up doing something he would regret later. He silently put the pictures in front of Evan before taking the seat from the other side of the table. "Ooh, you're the silent and brooding type, are you? I can work with that." He glanced down at the pictures before shoving them away. "And I already looked at those sweetie. I told you what I got. What else do you need?"

"The truth, smart-ass," Tyler hissed. Evan's cocky attitude was already getting to him, which wasn't a good sign. And he had no one to stop him this time, which was even worse.

Evan's smirk grew wider. "Ah, so you do speak! Very nice, very nice... And I already told you the truth, smart-ass," he mocked. Tyler clenched his hand into a fist under the table. He didn't blame the other guy for walking out; this guy was a pain in the ass.

"I need all of it, Fong. Start talking."

"What do you mean?" Evan inquired, tilting his head to the side and feigning innocence.

"I mean, you're not telling us everything you know. So you better take the easy way out and just say something now."

Evan raised an eyebrow, "And if I don't?"

"Then we'll have to go the hard way."

"May I ask what that way is?"

Tyler suddenly smirked and leaned back in his chair. "I can't tell you, but I can show you. That is, if you don't just come out and say what you need to."

That piqued Evan's interest. "Well, sweetheart, then I guess we're just going to have to go the hard way."

Tyler continued to smirk, "I guess so." He got up from his chair and walked over to Evan's side of the table. He forcefully pulled Evan's seat back, pulled him up and slammed him against the wall. "Try being smart now, fuckface," his hissed.

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