Carnivals Are More Fun With Friends

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Note: This is a long one-shot. I hope you enjoy it though!

Pairing: H2OVanogla

Normally, Daithi would go to the carnival by himself. Mainly because nobody else really wanted to go with him, but that was okay, since he was happy that he was even there.

He loved the carnival. The smells, the sights, the tastes - it was all wonderful to him.

He was going again this time, but with some differences. Those differences were Jonathan and Evan, who were staying over and insisted on going with him. Of course Daithi had said yes, and the two instantly got ready. "Jesus Christ you two, have you never been to a carnival before?" He asked.

"I've never been to one, but it sounds fun," Evan admitted.

Jonathan and Daithi both gasped.

"What the hell is wrong with you, you-you damn heathen!" Jonathan declared. "How have you never been to a damn carnival?"

"It was never near us! Plus we already were using most of our money for hockey."

"Well, get ready for the best day of your life then!" Daithi promised.


When they got there, Jonathan and Evan were practically bouncing in their spots. Daithi couldn't believe how excited they were for a carnival - he loved them to death, but he wasn't that excited. "Jesus, are you two like, fucking five or something?" He asked.

"Yep!" Jonathan replied before him and Evan began giggling.

Daithi rolled his eyes, "I swear I'm gonna have to get a child leash for the both of ya."

"Hey! We're adults, we'll behave," Evan protested.

"Then act like adults, and don't wander off."

Evan and Jonathan stuck their tongues out at him, and he just rolled his eyes again.

When they got in, Daithi pulled them off to the side to figure out where they wanted to go.

"Can we get cotton candy?" Jonathan asked.

"I wanna do the bottle toss first," Evan said.

"I said cotton candy first, so that's what we're going to do."

"Uh, no, we're gonna do the bottle toss first."

"We can do both, god, calm down you two. Now come on."

He gave Evan the money to go to the bottle toss and told Jonathan to stay with him while he went and got the cotton candy. He got the biggest thing he could manage to get and walked back to the booth Evan and Jonathan were at, which wasn't that far away.

Evan and Jonathan hadn't even gotten to pay yet, they were too busy arguing with each other on who got to go first.

"Nogla gave me the money, so I go first. Besides, you wanted cotton candy first!"

"Yeah, but that was in the past! He's getting the cotton candy for me and I wanna play. I'm the guest, and guests should go first."

"I'm the guest too, idiot."

"Oh yeah..."

"I didn't realize you two would bicker so much, god damn," Daithi commented, before taking the money out of Evan's hands and paying the man at the booth.

The two looked at Daithi with open mouths before they looked at each other and shut them.

He handed half of the rings to Evan and the other half to Jonathan. "Don't you wanna play?" Jonathan asked.

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