Lecture Hall

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Tumblr prompt: All the seats in this huge fucking lecture hall and you have to sit right next to me.

Pairing: H2ONogla

Daithi was tired. Being in college was a mistake, especially since it was an American college. He just had to do the exchange student program, expecting everything to be fuckin grand.

Now he's sitting in a practically empty lecture hall, still deathly tired from doing an all nighter the night before. He just wanted to pass out for maybe a month, but that wasn't going to happen if he wanted to pass his classes.

He sat alone in roughly the middle of the classroom, which was a miracle, because if someone sat next to him, he swore he was going to flip his shit.

He heard the lecture hall open, but he never took his eyes off the professor. This professor seemed to always start when he wasn't paying attention, and he wasn't going to let that happen this time.

He heard the footsteps of whoever came in get louder, and Daithi prayed that the person wasn't going to sit next to him. They got louder until they were right next to him, and then Daithi heard the seat next to him go down.

Oh, for fuck's sake.

He finally lifted his eyes from the professor, who still hadn't started yet, and looked over at whoever sat next to him so he could glare at them.

When he saw who it was, he groaned out loud, and let his head fall and hit his desk.

Jonathan grinned down at him, "Hey, Nogla! I didn't know you had this class."

"Please sit somewhere else," Daithi begged. "I don't want to deal with your shit right now."

Jonathan laughed quietly, "What, are you sick of seeing me already? Come on, I know you love me."

"I really don't. Now please go."

Jonathan situated himself in his seat and leaned back, "Nah."

Daithi groaned again. There was no way he was going to focus now, not with his obnoxious roommate right next to him.

It was silent for a couple of minutes, and Daithi almost dozed off. What woke him up was someone nudging his foot, and it turned out to be Jonathan. "What?"

"Professor is gonna start talking soon, I suggest you get up now."

Daithi waved his hand to dismiss him, "Nah. He starts whenever the fuck he wants, it'll be a bit before he starts."

"Uh, no. He starts after his wife texts him, and after he replies with a fuckin' paragraph text. So when you see him texting for over 30 seconds, you know you should pay attention."

"... How would you know that?"

Jonathan shrugged. "I just pay attention, I guess."

Daithi looked down to see the professor texting on his phone. He figured he'd let himself doze for a minute or so before he would get up and take notes. He laid his head down and closed his eyes.


"Daithi. Daithi. Daaaaaithiiiiiii."

Daithi groaned and opened his eyes, yawning. He glared at his roommate, "What? I'm tryin' ta fuckin' sleep here."

Jonathan rolled his eyes, "You missed the entire lecture 'cause you passed out. I took notes for you though. Come on, get up."

Daithi's eyes widened, "Wait, wha? Are you fuckin' kidding me?"

Jonathan laughed, "Nope, you were fuckin' out like a light, dude. Now come on, I'm pretty sure you don't want to be doing an all-nighter again tonight." He helped Daithi up, and they walked back to their dorm.

When they got there, Jonathan tossed his notebook at Daithi, who barely caught it. "Here. I'm pretty sure you want to read over the notes before that big test."

Daithi opened the notebook and flipped through the pages, trying to find the notes for the previous lecture. He was surprised at how nice Jonathan's notes looked; they handwriting was neat, and Jonathan had somehow summed up the notes in such a way that Daithi understood it all. "Holy shit..." he muttered. He turned to Jonathan, "How the fuck do you take such nice notes?"

Jonathan shrugged. "I dunno. You really think they're nice?"

"Are you fuckin' kidding me? For once I actually understand what this shit means! Not to mention your handwriting is nice as fuck."

Jonathan smiled, "Thanks. You can look over them as long as you want, just as long as I get them back by tomorrow." Daithi nodded and instantly began looking through them.

"Thanks Jon, I appreciate it."

"No problem, Nogla."

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