Valentine's Day

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Note: Happy Valentine's Day! Sorry this is a day late. This is short, but I hope you enjoy it!

Pairing: Inuckles

It was the perfect time for Matt's return to the Melbourne house. Everything was all planned out, and all they needed to do was actually do it, which was easy enough.

On Valentine's day, when everyone else was asleep early in the morning, Matt and Mason got up. Matt had to wake Mason up, but when Mason remembered, he was quick to get out of bed and get dressed.

They laughed quietly as they tried not to wake everyone else when they left the house, bumping into each other way too many times on purpose.

They walked to the little cafe they had found one day when they were out with the others. They had shared a look, and they both knew they had to come back one day, just the two of them.

Almost no one was in the place when they entered, holding hands.

They were soon seated and given menus. They chatted quietly, giggling at everything the other said. As they were waiting, Mason grabbed his phone and made Matt join in on a selfie. "Fuckin' nerd," Matt chuckled, shaking his head after Mason posted it on to Instagram.

Mason stuck his tongue out. "You love me and you know it," he teased. Matt rolled his eyes and grabbed Mason's hand, giving his knuckles a small kiss.

"Of course I do, you dork. Why do you think I pulled you out here?"

Mason giggled, and they ordered soon after.

Once they got their food, Mason took another picture for Instagram, while Matt was doing the exact same.

"And you said I was a nerd," Mason teased.

Matt rolled his eyes again. "That's cause you are, you nerd."

"You're taking pictures too!"

"Yeah, of my food. Like a normal person on Instagram."

Mason scoffed, "Wow, you're gonna do that on our date? Really? I thought I meant more to you."

"Oh my god, quit being dramatic and eat."

Mason grinned and laughed before starting with his food.

They laughed and had fun as they ate, and never stopped glancing at the other, thinking about how much they loved them.

They finished and left hand in hand, leaning against each other with smiles on their faces and love in their hearts.

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