Gold and Silver Scars

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Tumblr prompt: All of his scars turned gold or silver, depending on the injury.

Pairing: Delitoonz

The light hit Jonathan in the face as it peeked through the blinds. He yawned and turned around, not wanting to get up yet. But the light had woken him, and once he was up he couldn't go back to sleep.

He opened his eyes slowly, yawning again. He smiled when he saw that Luke was still in bed. He forgot it was his day off today. Luke looked peaceful in his sleep, and Jonathan's smile grew. He studied his face, and then his eyes slowly moved downward, to his arms.

He saw Luke's old scars, with their unusual color glinting against the sunlight and almost blinding Jonathan. He moved slightly, just so he could see them without the brightness. They looked beautiful in the sun, the silver scars matching the golden ones.

Jonathan reached over and ran his fingers over the scars, feeling them. They didn't feel like metal, they felt like a normal scar. Jonathan already knew this, but he still couldn't help but to be surprised. It was just so... Unnatural.

But that's what drew him towards Luke. They were both unnatural in their own way, and their ways clicked together perfectly.

Jonathan ran his fingers over the one gold one on that arm, remembering what had happened that night. He shuddered thinking about it, but then he grew happy that all it left was a scar; it could have been so much worse for them, but it wasn't.

The other silver scars were mostly from Luke's teenage years when he always got into knife fights. Jonathan scolded him the first time he had heard that Luke used to do that by calling him a dumbass, but then proceeded to tell Luke about his teenage years and how he used to break into houses to steal people's food for no reason.

They were both troubled kids once. It was a shame that they hadn't met during those times, but maybe it was for the best too; who knows how much trouble they would have gotten into.

Luke yawned and his eyes fluttered open to meet Jonathan's blue eyes staring at him. Luke smiled, "Morning, beautiful."

Jonathan smiled even more and laughed quietly, "Good morning, you damn beautiful human being."

"How long have you been up?"

"Maybe a couple of minutes, I dunno."

"And you watched me sleep the entire time? That's totally not creepy."

"Hey! I wasn't watchin' you sleep!" He protested. "I was admiring your scars, thinkin' about life, that's all."

"Is that so?"

Jonathan nodded. "Yeah." He traced the scars some more, and Luke grabbed his hand and kissed it. Jonathan smiled, and then laughed, "I was just thinkin', what if we met when we were kids? Y'know, with you gettin' into knife fights and me breakin' into houses to steal food? Wouldn't that be such a mess?"

Luke laughed and squeezed Jonathan's hand. "Oh my God, the cops would fuckin' hate us, we'd be doing shit every fuckin' week." Jonathan giggled and nodded his head in agreement. "Alright, beautiful, time to get up."

"But Luke," Jonathan whined, "I don't wanna get up. I wanna stay in bed."

"We're both awake and have to do shit, come on, Jon."

"Yeah, but I want today to be a no work day, you know? Besides, it's too cold out there."

"You mean out from under the covers?"

"Yeah, that thing."

Luke rolled his eyes, and yanked the covers off of Jonathan. Jonathan shreiked at the cold and hit Luke's arm, frowning at the way Luke laughed at him. "You, you damn heathen! Gimme back the blankets, you-you damn hoochie!"

"I ain't a hoochie," Luke grinned, "but you ain't getting these back."

"You're a damn hoochie and you know it! Now gimme the blankets!"

Luke tossed them off the bed completely, and Jonathan pouted. "You're mean."

"You love me and you know it."

"I do, just not when you steal the damn blankets, you fucker."

"Come here." Luke pulled Jonathan on top of him and kissed him. "Is that better?"

"... A little. You're still making breakfast because you're a dick."

Luke laughed. "It's cute that you think I'd even let you near the kitchen."

"Are you tryin' to imply something?"

"Yeah, that you're an awful fuckin' cook and nearly burned the house down last time. Now get up." Jonathan pouted at him again, and Luke just rolled his eyes and pushed Jonathan off before getting up. "Come on, or I won't get you any pancakes." Jonathan perked up instantly and scrambled to get up, nearly tripping over his own feet. Luke chuckled and rolled his eyes again as they went to go make breakfast.

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