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Tumblr prompt (kinda): "Please, don't get any closer... I keep destroying everything I touch."

Note: Kind of angsty. I hope you enjoy it though!

Pairing: DeliMoo

Jonathan had a terrible secret. It was a curse; one that he hated, one that he had to hide from the rest of the world in fear of being killed.

It was ironic; Jonathan hated death, but everything he touched died. He had the powers of death, but he didn't know how to control it.

He wore gloves to try and stop it, but it only worked for so long.

He was distant; if he got close to anyone, he was sure that they would be dead. It happened with his family, and he wasn't going to let it happen again.

But that was getting harder and harder to do ever since he became friends with Brock.

Brock was his only friend. He was really nice, and respected Jonathan's wish of not wanting to be touched. Of course, Jonathan didn't tell him about his deadly touch. He just lied and said that being close to people made him feel sick.

Brock didn't know much about Jonathan, but Jonathan knew lots about Brock. Brock would go to him everytime he needed to rant about some of his other friends. Jonathan would sit quietly and listen.

It wasn't always that Brock was angry, or sad, or stressed, but whenever he was, Jonathan was the first person he would go to to let off some steam. Jonathan almost felt special; he was almost certain that he was the only person that Brock trusted this much to let him see him in such states.

At most, Jonathan thought of Brock as a great friend, best friend even, if he wanted to go that far.

But recently, his feelings had begun to change. Everytime he saw Brock, his heart would begin to beat faster, and he'd suddenly become nervous. It took him a while to figure out what was wrong, but when he did, he was terrified. Last time he loved someone... They ended up six feet in the ground.

He tried distancing himself from Brock, but Brock kept coming back. He was like some incurable disease that Jonathan was stuck with.

And with this new stress now upon him, another one was surfacing: his powers were getting more and more uncontrollable. Plants he walked next to would begin to wilt, and people had begun getting more sick recently.

Jonathan knew he needed to solve that problem now, and the only way to do that was to try and control it. But at this stage, it was almost impossible.

He began eating less, and he wouldn't show up at school. He needed to figure this out now.

Brock began getting concerned for his friend. Everytime he needed Jonathan, he wouldn't be there. Brock's mood was dropping considerably, and so were his grades. He needed Jonathan.

The only logical thing Brock could think of doing was go to Jonathan's house to see what was going on. He had never actually been inside of his house; Jonathan had only pointed it out once when Brock had brought Jonathan to his own.

When he got there, he knocked, only to find that the door was open. This worried Brock even more; had something happened to him?

He walked in the house and shivered immediately. It felt so cold in there. He called out Jonathan's name, hoping that he got an answer. When he didn't, he silently cursed to himself and began looking for his friend.

The last place he checked was Jonathan's room. When he tried the door, it was locked. "Jonathan?" He pressed his ear to the door and listened. He heard a faint whimper, and Brock knew. He slammed his body against the door, trying to get it open. His shoulder hurt like a bitch, but he had to get to Jonathan.

The door finally opened, and Brock stumbled in. Most things in the room were broken, and all the plants that sat on the windowsill were dead. Jonathan was crawled up into a ball in the corner of the room with his knees brought up to his chest.

He looked up, and his tear-filled eyes widened. "Brock, y-you shouldn't be here," he whispered.

"Jonathan, what's wrong?" Brock walked towards Jonathan, but Jonathan whimpered again, and Brock stopped.

"Please, don't get any closer... I keep destroying everything I touch."

Brock kneeled down to Jonathan and reached our for him. Jonathan flinched and tried to scoot back. "Brock, please. I don't want you getting hurt," he croaked. Brock's hand was inching closer and closer to Jonathan's face. In reaction, he grabbed Brock's hand to stop it. His eyes widened and he froze up, squeezing his eyes shut.

He was expecting Brock to pull back in pain, but he didn't. He peeked his eyes open, and saw that Brock seemed perfectly fine. "Jonathan?" Jonathan opened both of his eyes in confusion. He brought his other hand out and grabbed onto Brock's other hand. Nothing happened. He chuckled, which turned into a happy laughter. He wiped his tears away and hugged Brock.

Brock, even though he was still confused about the situation, hugged back. "Jonathan? You okay?" Jonathan pulled back and glanced over to the plants. His smile fell when he saw that they were still dead. He walked closer, and they wilted even more. He looked over at Brock sadly before carefully walking back. Nothing seemed to happen to Brock, and when he put a hand on Brock's, he didn't react in pain. "Jonathan, what's going on?" Brock asked again.

Jonathan sighed and gripped Brock's hand tightly. "If I tell you, you have to promise that you'll believe me, and to not tell anyone else, and please don't leave me alone afterwards."

Brock nodded, "Of course! You can tell me anything. And why would I leave?" Jonathan sighed again.

"Okay," he took in a deep breath. "This may sound crazy, but... I... Practically kill everything that I touch. And I'm not exaggerating. That plant on the windowsill? It was alive when it got there. As soon as I walked in, it began to wilt. Look." He proceeded to walk towards the plant, which began wilted even more.

When he touched it, the leaves and stem broke off and fell onto the dirt in the pot. Brock's eyes widened. "That... That's impossible," he whispered. Jonathan shook his head.

"It's not. I... You're not gonna leave me, are you?" He looked terrified, like he was going to burst into tears any second. He sniffed, and his eyes began tearing up. Brock stepped forward to Jonathan and caressed his face.

"Jonathan, I would never, ever leave you. You're my best friend. And, well, I'm not dead yet, so please don't cry." He kissed the top of Jonathan's head. Jonathan almost felt like crying out of joy. He looked up at Brock, who was smiling softly at him. He hugged Brock tightly, crying into his shoulder. Brock hushed him and rubbed his back, rocking him back and forth.

Brock pulled back and put his hands on Jonathan's shoulders. "Come home with me. It's not healthy for you to be all alone out here in this old house." It was more of a statement than a question, so Jonathan had to go anyways. Brock grabbed Jonathan's hand and held it the entire walk there.

Jonathan noticed that the plants had stopped wilting as he passed by.

When they got to Brock's house, they went to the kitchen first. Brock's mom wasn't there because she worked nights, so she had already left.

After they had eaten, Brock pulled Jonathan to his room. It was already late, so Brock made Jonathan go to bed, since he hadn't slept in what looked like weeks. He crawled into bed after Jonathan and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him closer. Jonathan looked up at Brock, who was waiting for him to close his eyes.

Jonathan pulled Brock's face down and kissed him. Brock kissed back lovingly.

Jonathan pulled back and rested his head against Brock's chest. "Thank you," he whispered. Brock smiled and pulled him closer, kissing his head as he closed his eyes.

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