Fist Fight

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Tumblr prompt: Your hands ache and your knuckles are bleeding after getting into another dumb fist fight so I'm gonna bandage them and then hold your hand for the whole day

Pairing: BasicallyidoWildcat

Marcel fumed as he dragged his boyfriend back into the house.

"Marcel I'm sorry-"

"Don't you 'sorry' me!" Marcel snapped, shoving him into the bathroom. "I told you not to fight anymore, and guess what you did? Fought another person. And now your hands are bleeding because you're a dumbass. And I have to be the one to clean you up. You're lucky I dragged you out of there when I did, or you probably would have had a busted up face." He grabbed the bandages from under the sink and began wrapping Tyler's hands. He let out a frustrated sigh, slowing down when he heard Tyler winced in pain.

"I didn't want to fight him, Mar," Tyler mumbled.

"Oh really? Please enlighten me on why you did anyways."

"He kept pushing me around, even when I said I didn't want any trouble. If I didn't fight back, I would have been in a lot worse shape than I am now."

Marcel finished up the bandages for both hands and sighed again. He took both of Tyler's hands and kissed them lightly. "I just don't want you to end up in a hospital or something because you went to far. I just want you to be home, with me." He sniffed and wiped at his eyes. Tyler felt the guilt weigh down more and more on his shoulders until he felt that they were going to give out.

"I'm trying baby, I really am," he whispered, taking his boyfriend's face into his hands. Marcel grabbed them lightly and looked up at Tyler, sighing once more.

"I know," he whispered back. "I know." He pulled Tyler into a hug, almost crying. Tyler rubbed his back and shushed him, rocking him slowly. Marcel pulled back from the hug, wiping his tears away. He grabbed Tyler's hand lightly and pulled them out of the bathroom.

When they started heading for the door, Tyler pulled back. "Woah, where are we going?"

"To the store, idiot. I have to get more bandages because of your dumbass." Tyler let himself be dragged out of the house and down the street. The entire time, Marcel didn't let go of Tyler's hand.

"Babe, you do know that you don't have to hold my hand, right?"

"Actually, I do. So you don't get into any more fights."

Tyler scoffed and rolled his eyes, "I'm not going to get into a fight when my hands are fucked up."

"I'm not taking any chances."

Tyler laughed and squeezed Marcel's hand. "I love you too babe." Marcel smiled a little and swung their hands a little as they walked into the store.

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