The Killer That Took Everything Away

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Prompt: "What kind of serial killer doesn't have a specific method of killing?"

Note: This is pretty angsty and long. I hope you enjoy it though!

Pairing: Moocat

For the past month or so, the only story on the news was the one about the serial killer in town. Every day around 6, everyone would turn into the news to see if their was another victim. It was a thrilling, terrifying story.

That story was all everyone ever talked about. Not only because of the fact that it was a serial killer, but it was a specific detail about them that caught everyone's attention even more.


"What kind of serial killer doesn't have a specific method of killing?" Tyler asked as he walked to his dorm with his best friend.

"This one, apparently. Maybe it's so he can't be found at easily?"

"Maybe, but then why have that dumb symbol on all your victims? Why not make it easy and don't mark them so they think it's different people? Why make it known that it's the same person? Like, what's the significance of a W?"

"It's not a W Tyler, it's a-"

"It's the Greek letter for the letter W, Brock. I know what I'm talking about. But what's the reason for it?"

Brock shrugged, "I don't know, Tyler. Why are you so interested in them anyways?"

"Because I don't like their style. If you're gonna be a serial killer, don't be extra about it."

Brock rolled his eyes and sighed. Tyler always found the stupidest things to get aggravated about, but what could he do? Sit through his rants and suffer. And that's what he did everyday. Tyler should be glad that they were best friends, because if they weren't, Brock would have smacked him. Or at least, that's what Brock thought.

They entered their dorm, and the first thing Tyler did was flop down onto his bed. Brock rolled his eyes and playfully slapped Tyler's ass. Tyler yelped and glared up at Brock, who was getting a beer out of the fridge. "Don't touch me, you gay bitch."

"Shut up and take the beer," Brock said, opening Tyler's hand and placing the bottle into his palm (he had already taken the bottle cap off). Tyler took a swig of his drink and wiped his mouth.

"Do you think they'll ever catch that fucker?" Tyler asked.

"Who? The serial killer?"

"No, your mom. Yes, the serial killer!"

"Aren't you a little old to be using 'your mom' jokes?"

"Shut up and answer my question."

Brock sat down on the bed next to Tyler and thought about it. He shrugged. "I don't know. Do you think he's gonna be caught?"

"Do I think he's gonna get caught? No. Do I want him to get caught? Yes."

"Are you implying that there are serial killers that you wouldn't want to get caught?"

"No, I'm just saying I want him to get caught even more cause he's a weird fucker."

"You're a weird fucker."

Tyler gasped and rolled over onto his back, putting a hand over his heart. "Did you just curse? I thought you were supposed to be innocent!"

"Don't you dare play that card on me," Brock groaned. The last thing he needed was Tyler to ruin his reputation as being the kid who is so nice that it's impossible for you to not be nice to him.

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