Fun Times With a Demon

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Note: This has smut in it. I hope you enjoy it!

Pairing: Krii7y

John sat in the corner of the bar, smirking at the guys twice his size who were talking calmly with each other. He finished the rest of his beer and took the bottle by the top before sitting up and walking over to them. He grabbed someone quickly and handed them the bottle.

Before the person could understand what was going on, John grabbed the guys arm and smashed the bottle against the man at the bar's head. John quickly dropped his arm and walked away.

The guy now holding the bottle dropped it in fear and tried to sputter out that it wasn't him, but the guy at the bar had already grabbed him by the front of his shirt and lifted him up. John walked out of the bar with a grin on his face as he heard yells and crashes from inside. He pulled out his vape and blew a cloud before stuffing it back in his pocket and walking. He didn't have any specific place he was going; all he wanted to do was cause mischief, so he was hoping he'd find something along the way.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, but he was on the other side of town at this point. He pulled out his vape once more and took a hit.

Once the smoke cleared, he saw a bus station. And sitting at that station was a man. John smiled to himself and thought, I wonder what kind of sins are stored in a sweet kid like that?

When he looked, he actually found quite a bit, which surprised him. A sweet-looking kid like that, with wrath as his main sin? That wasn't something he saw very often, but he sure as hell wasn't complaining. This kid was going to be fun to mess with.

He walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. The kid turned to him, and stopped. John smirked at him and began vaping, "Whatcha waiting for?"


"Huh. Sorry, I'm a bit new in town. I'm John, you?"

"... Smitty, my name's Smitty."

"Nice to meet ya, Smit. Mind if I call you that?"

"I- sure?"

John grinned at him, and held his hand out. Smitty hesitated before he grabbed John's hand.

As soon as he did, he froze.

His skin was starting to feel hot, but not from what you'd expect. An emotion washed over him, one that took over his thoughts.


He wanted to destroy something, to just fucking ruin something. His hand clenched in John's, and John smirked. "Glad to have you on board, Smit. Wanna go destroy something?"

"Wanna go destroy something?" He repeated back, his words not reflecting his feelings at all and instead sounding lazy.

"I'll take that as a yes. Come on, Smit."

"Come on, Smit," Smitty repeated, following John further down the street.

John continued to talk to Smitty, asking questions until he stopped repeating them back and started answering.

"So what's the cause of all your anger, hm?" John asked out of curiosity (and to see if he could answer).


John nearly stopped, but instead grinned. "Ah, what'd they do, disown you? Beat you? All of the above?"


"I see, I see. Well, tonight we'll be helping with that anger, yeah?" He looked around and grabbed a pipe off of the ground. "Catch." Smitty did, catching it with one hand and a deadpan expression on his face. He looked at it, and then back at John. John looked around some more and picked up another piece of pipe. "See that gas station over there?" He pointed to the gas station, who's lights were bright in the night. Smitty nodded.


"We're gonna go fuck that up. Come on."

They made it there, and walked inside. The guy behind the counter barely looked up from his phone and sighed. John just focused on him for a second, and the man went unconscious.

John turned to Smitty with a grin. "Alright, start fucking shit up."

Smitty grinned back, and the two went at it.

The small shelves were knocked over, food was thrown everywhere, drinks were uncapped and spilled on the ground, and the whole place was just wrecked.

Smitty threw his piece of pipe and smashed the glass at the door. It went through and landed outside. He walked outside to pick it up, and then heard a voice.

"Hey, Smitty!" He looked up to see three people walking towards him. Smitty narrowed his eyes and took a step back, pipe clenched in hand.

"What's with the pipe?" One of them quipped. The shortest looked into the station and gasped. "Holy fucking hell, Smitty, what the fuck?" The other two looked into the station and their eyes widened.

"Smitty, what the hell?" The tallest asked. He took a step forward, and Smitty took a step back.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Smitty spat at them. The three looked shocked.

"Smitty, it's us, your friends... Cam, Swagger and Mason? Are you feeling alright? What's wrong with you?"

Smitty didn't respond, only gripping the pipe tighter.

"Having trouble, Smit?" John asked from behind, coming out.

Cam frowned, "Who the fuck are you and what did you do to Smitty?" He tried to walk forward, but Swagger pulled him back.

"Cam, he might be dangerous, don't fuck with him too much," he mumbled. John smirked at him and wrapped an arm around Smitty.

"Why don't you boys just head the other way, yeah?"

"We're not leaving without our friend," Mason stated, crossing his arms.

"Oh, is that so?" Johnny smirked at them. "Well, I hate to break it to you, but that's not going to happen. So sorry. Maybe next time, though."

They all began to try and get to Smitty, but they all began to fall unconscious, one by one. Cam was the last to fall, the last thing he saw being Smitty beginning to laugh hysterically as he waved at them.

Once he was done laughing, John pulled him behind the building. "I have something else in store to help blow off your anger," he said with a wink.

Smitty blinked in surprise, and then his anger disappeared, only for another emotion to take over.


Before he could even think about what was happening, John pulled him into a kiss. Smitty instantly kissed back, pulling John closer. John pulled back, still grinning, and slowly pushed Smitty down onto his knees.

Smitty undid the button on John's jeans, sliding them down before sliding down John's boxers.

He was quick to start with the tip, and when he went further, John gasped.

John gripped his hair tightly, groaning when Smitty started to suck. It was slow and tortuous for John, but fuck did that feel good. Smitty's head bobbed, and when he moaned, it took all of John's strength to not push his head further.

"Fuck..." John groaned when he was close. Smitty looked up at him with half-lidded eyes, and that was it for John, who cursed loudly and accidentally shoved Smitty forward, nearly making the boy choke.

He pulled Smitty off, and Smitty just looked up at him expectantly. John pulled up his underwear and pants before he pulled Smitty up and kissed him again.

He held him there, even when Smitty tried to pull back for air. The list was beginning to fade and he was losing air. John was unaffected and continued until he saw Smitty's eyes fluttered shut and felt his body become limp. John dropped him instantly, Smitty's body falling effortlessly to the ground.

John wondered if he should do something with the three in the front, but decided he would get them later.

Now, he just needed to get back to hell to put this soul somewhere...

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