Happy New Year!

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Note: Original one-shot. I hope you enjoy it though!

Pairing: Wildtoonz

Luke thought parties were stupid. They were too loud, too obnoxious, and someone was bound to get sent to the emergency room one way or another.

But he couldn't refuse to go to Jonathan's party. If he did, Jonathan would have his ass for the rest of the year, and that was not something he had planned for the upcoming New Year.

He didn't know why Jonathan thought it was so important to hold a party this year (though he figured it was too get into a certain Brit's pants, but who was he to judge?). Normally Jon just had the two of them watching shitty movies (mainly horror movies because of Jon's rule of "It's my house, my rules, bitch! Therefore, we watch all the horror movies on every occasion!"). But this year, Jon invited everyone to come to his house, and it seemed like everyone was going (Luke silently groaned at this. He'd be okay if maybe a couple of people came, not all twenty-something).

Everyone had already arrived, and the house was packed. Thanks Jon, you fucking dumbass, Luke thought to himself. A disaster was bound to happen any second now, and he was just waiting for the show to start.

It's not like he didn't like being around these people; he was very good friends with him. But just the fact that they were all crowded here with really no room to go just didn't set well with him.

He sat near the bar, drinking up as he watched everyone talk. He saw Jonathan talking with Craig, wearing one of the biggest grins he could muster. Jonathan caught Luke's eye, and Luke winked at him while making a motion towards Craig. Jon instantly blushed and flipped him the bird when Craig wasn't looking and went back to conversing with him. Luke chuckled and rolled his eyes.

Luke had to admit, he was getting a little bored. But was he about to join the mess that was this party? Hell no. He'd stay in his little corner and like it.

Soon he heard someone move beside him. He glanced over to see Tyler.

"You pretty sick of this party too?" Tyler asked.

Luke chuckled, "Yeah, I was sick of it when Jon first brought up the idea. I mean, it's not like I don't like you guys, but New Year's has kinda been our own thing, y'know? And the only reason he had it this year was to finally ask Mini out which, thank god because I was getting sick of all his whining about it."

Tyler snorted, "Yeah, same on Mini's end. If those fucks don't get together by next year, we're shoving them in a closet and forcing them to get together, alright?"

Luke laughed. "Alright, deal." He held his drink out, and Tyler tapped his beer against Luke's in a mini toast.


When there was two minutes to midnight, Jonathan stood on a table and shouted "Everybody shut the fuck up and listen!" Everyone quieted down, and Jonathan grinned into the crowd. "We got two minutes left before the New Year starts, so I want you fucks to find someone! Don't care who it is, but the rule is, you gotta kiss then when the clock strikes 12, got it?"

Half of the room groaned while the other half cheered. "Alright, find your partners... Now!" He jumped down from the table and scurried into the crowd to find someone (most likely Craig). Luke scoffed and glanced over at Tyler again.

"Yeah, right. Like anyone would want to kiss this mess."

When Tyler didn't respond, Luke looked over at him. "Are you gonna find someone?" Tyler just glanced over at him and finished his beer, not saying anything. Luke figured that was a no, and waited for the stupid countdown they were probably gonna do.

Thirty seconds later, they started the countdown for the last minute if the year. Luke ignored everyone is they changed the countdown and threw away his beer before moving back to his spot next to Tyler. He scanned the crowd and saw Jonathan holding Craig is close as he possibly can, like Craig was gonna leave if he let go. Luke rolled his eyes and scanned the rest of the groups. It seemed as though everyone had someone to be with. Well, except him and Tyler.

There were twenty seconds left now. Almost everyone was anticipating the new New Year, and were trying to hold themselves together in time.

The seconds were going down fast, not that Luke cared. He felt a tap on his shoulder, and when he looked up, Tyler was there. "Hey, Luke?"

"Yeah?" Tyler glanced around before he pulled Luke closer. "Tyler?"


The crowd behind him continued to count down, yelling the numbers at the top of their lungs.


"You heard Delirious' rules, right?"


Luke realized what Tyler was going for. He smiled suddenly, which surprised him as this new feeling creeped up on him.


"Which rule was that? You're gonna have to remind me now."


Tyler seemed relieved by Luke's laid back answer. He smiled back.


"The rule where you have to kiss someone at midnight?"


"Oh yeah, that rule. You plannin' on kissing me or something?"


"I'm still planning, if you let me of course."


"Of course I'd let a handsome man like yourself sweep me off my feet. Now do me a favor and get ready, or you'll be kissing my ass instead of my lips."


"Of course, whatever you say, darling."


And then they kissed. It was a nice, passionate kiss that Luke didn't want to pull back from.

There was a moment of silence in the room before Jon screamed "HAPPY NEW YEAR BITCHES," followed by everyone cheering and laughing.

Tyler and Luke pulled apart with grins on their faces. "You know, I thought this party was complete bullshit at first."


"It still is. But, I think it went better than I expected it to be."

"Oh yeah? How so?"

Luke grinned. "I got to kiss you this year."

Tyler grinned, and leaned down for another kiss.

"Hey Toonz, I thought you said this party was stupid!" Jonathan yelled, causing everyone to laugh. Luke rolled his eyes and gave Jon the bird before pulling away.

"It is stupid, you jackass. By the way, you and Mini have better be together or me and hot stuff over here are gonna shove you in a closet together until you two fuck, you hear?"

Jonathan became red in an instant, and everyone else began laughing. "No worries!" Mini hiccuped. He gave Jonathan a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "I love this crazy son of a bitch too."

Everyone laughed, and they all settled down for a nice New Year.

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