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Tumblr prompt: You always flirt with me and I usually just ignore it, but I decided to try and flirt back to mess with you except oops I think I just broke you.

Pairing: Terrornuckel

When Brian met the new kid for the first time, his first instinct was to flirt with him. Why? Because 1. that's what he normally did, just to rile them up and 2. because the kid was very cute in his opinion.

Luckily, he was in Brian's first period. Great way to start the day if you asked Brian.

The teacher introduced the kid as Brock, and then told him to sit next to Brian because there was an empty seat next to him. Double score, hell yeah! Brian thought.

Brock sat down next to him quietly, and Brian grinned at him. "Hey, I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?" Brock looked at him and blinked before he smiled widely and giggled.

"Is that how you normally greet new people?" he asked.

Brian shrugged, "Eh, more or less. I'm Brian."

"I'm Brock, nice to meet you, Mr. Pick-Up-Line."

Brian smiled at the silly nickname and laughed, "Nice to meet you too. And don't worry, you're gonna hear a lot more from me." Brock giggled again, and Brian could tell he was gonna like him a lot.


Soon after (almost right after if we're being honest), they became best friends. And every time Brian had the chance, he'd use one of his "top-quality" pick up lines on Brock. Just to see him smile (and hopefully see him flustered, although that never seemed to work).

"Hey Brock, do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot?"

"You look cold, want to use me as a blanket?"

"I seem to have lost my phone number, can I have yours?"

"I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by you."

He seemed to have never ending pick up lines, and each one always made him smile. But what Brian didn't know was that Brock was the king of puns. He had heard all of these pick up lines before, but telling Brian that would just ruin the fun. So one day he decided to pull the pick up line trick on Brian, just to see how he would react.

The next time he saw Brian, he made a beeline towards him and stopped. "Hey, Brian?"

"Wha- oh, hey, Brock. What's up?"

"I was feeling a little off today, but seeing you definitely turned me on." He ended the pick up line with a smirk and a wink, just for added a effect.

What Brock wasn't expecting was for the response to be instant. And he wasn't expecting this response at all.

Brian's face instantly became red. He tried to sputter out something, but it didn't work, and he ended up just shutting his mouth, and Brock could practically see him melt.

Brock couldn't help but to laugh; he'd never seen Brian so flustered before, and in all honesty, it was adorable.

Brian tried his best to glare at Brock, but that just made him look even cuter and made him laugh even more. "Oh my god, Brian, you're the absolute cutest when you're flustered," he said, wiping his eyes. Brian's eyes widened, and he pushed his jacket up to try and hide his flustered face.

"Hey, Brian?" Brock asked with a grin.

"... What?"

"Are you a campfire? Because you're hot and I want s'more."

At this point his face was completely red and he covered his face with his hands. "Brooooock," he whined.

"If I told you that you had a great body, would you hold it against me?"


"Your lips look so lonely... Would they like to meet mine?"

"I-... A-are you actually asking?"

"Depends, do you wanna kiss me or not?"

There was a pause, and he uncovered his face. He still looked as flustered as ever, and it made Brock's heart swell.


Brock rolled his eyes and leaned in, kissing Brian himself. He could practically feel the heat radiate off of Brian, and he was almost surprised he hadn't fainted yet. It took a second for Brian to kiss back, and even then you could tell he was flustered.

Brock pulled back, and Brian could barely look him in the eyes. "Hey, Brian, look at me," he said softly. Brian looked up at him, and forced himself to not avert his eyes. "If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?" Brian blinked at him for a second before he buried his face into Brock's neck and began complaining about how it was unfair that Brock was using his own trick against him, his words muffled to the point where Brock couldn't understand him. Brock laughed and kissed his head, "Don't worry Brian, I love you too."

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