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Tumblr prompt: "Oooo, we're under the mistletoe!"
"No no no no- mphh!"

Note: Merry Christmas everyone, and Happy Holidays!

Pairing: Inutt x Toby

When Christmas came around, it was hell for the misfits.

It wasn't because of the presents, it wasn't because of the tree, it wasn't because of the decorations.

It was because of the mistletoe. More specifically, what Toby did with it. Every year, Toby made it his goal to put mistletoe up around the house so he could snatch a kiss from someone.

Everyone tried to avoid them at all costs, and so far no one had gotten caught. But it was only a matter of time before someone was the "unlucky" winner of the smooch.

It was Christmas day, and so far no one had gotten caught under the mistletoe. The rest of the guys were all glancing at each other, silently betting on who would get it, if anyone did. So far the bet was mainly on Matt, who's own bet was on Eric.

Toby wanted Matt's opinion on some decorations, so they were walking and talking while Matt held one of the decorations. He dropped it at one point, so he stopped to pick it up. When he did and got back up, Toby was grinning at him. "Oooo, we're under the mistletoe!"

Matt looked up, and his eyes widened. He tried backing up, "No no no no- mphh!" He was cut off by Toby pulling him down, kissing him right on the lips. Matt's eyes widened even more and his face turned to a bright shade of red. Toby pulled back, still smiling. He giggled cheerfully before going off to grab something.

He looked around at all of his friends, and they were all snickering at him. He glared at them, and Toby came back, only to give him another kiss. "You're still under the mistletoe, silly," he giggled before pulling him along and telling him where to put the decoration that was still in his hand.

Later that night, Matt was determined to get Toby back somehow. He wasn't exactly sure what the plan was, but he'd figure it out eventually.

It was dark, and the guy were putting on a Christmas movie. Swagger and Jay were arguing about whether or not Die Hard was a Christmas movie or not, Cam was trying to put on a traditional movie like Frosty the Snowman or Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Mason was just doing jackshit, and Toby was getting popcorn.

Matt stood in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. He was watching the mess in the living room, smiling to himself. They were idiots, but they were his friends.

"Oh, what are they arguing about now?" Toby asked, coming from behind him, popcorn in hand.

"Whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie."

"Well, it is set during Christmas."

"I know, but let them figure it out."

Toby laughed and shook his head. Matt glanced up, and realized they were under the mistletoe. A dumb idea popped up into his head, but it made perfect sense in the moment.

"Hey, Toby?"


Matt quickly leaned forward and grabbed Toby's face, connecting their lips together. Toby nearly dropped the popcorn in surprise, making a noise. He blinked, and then closed his eyes, kissing back only slightly before Matt pulled back. He pointed up. "Mistletoe."

Toby was the one blushing red this time. He looked up, giggling slightly. "Well, would you look at that," he mumbled.

Matt felt proud of himself. It was a win in his book.

"Hey, lovebirds! Movies gonna start, so get your asses on the couch," Cam called in a teasing manner, unknowing of what had just happened.

Matt and Toby blushed, but made it to the couch. They sat next to each other, and before the movie started, when nobody was paying attention to them, Toby kissed Matt's cheek. "Merry Christmas, Matt."

Matt blushed, but smiled back. "Merry Christmas, Toby."

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