Stage Fucking

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Note: This is a short one-shot. It's also kinda spicy. I hope you enjoy it though!

Pairing: McFitz

The curtain raised, and the fans were cheering like hell, screaming so many different things that no one could tell what word was what. The band looked out at the crowd with smiles on their face. They knew it was going to be another great show.

Jay grabbed the microphone, waited a couple of second, and then began to sing. The band played behind him, and the crowd went wild again.

He loved doing this. He loved being up in front of thousands of people who loved him, doing something he loved.

He felt a familiar person come up behind him, pressing up against his ass.

And he loved this.

Jay grinded back against Cam, still focusing on the words of his song. Cam's fingers had hooked into the back of his jeans and were pulling him back, holding Jay against him and pressing up against him harshly. Jay moved the mic away from his face to moan quietly before pulling it back and continuing to sing. He pressed back into Cam again, almost pushing him back.

Cam stuck his hand under Jay's shirt, his fingers barely ghosting Jay's back as he slid them down. Jay silently gasped, glad it wasn't a part he was supposed to sing in. Cam pulled Jay back again, pressing into Jay more, practically humping him at this point. Jay pulled the mic away again to whine before pulling it back, trying to focus on two things at once.

The song was coming to an end, and Jay was pushing back against Cam as much as possible, smirking slightly because he knew it riled Cam up. For the finale - Jay's favorite part - Cam yanked on Jay's hair, pulling his head back and making sure that Jay moaned before he could pull the mic away.

Jay wouldn't admit it, but he loved it when Cam did that. It sent a shiver down his spine, standing in front of thousands of people and practically getting fucked on stage. Cam ran his hands up and down Jay's sides, ghosting them just as he did with Jay's back. Jay shivered, and the band finally finished. The crowd cheered loudly, and Cam stepped back, but not before grabbing Jay's ass. The next song was going to start in a minute, and Jay absolutely could not wait.

He loved doing this.

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