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Tumblr prompt: He was drowning in the middle of his kitchen

Note: Kinda angsty one-shot. I hope you enjoy it though!

Pairing: H2OWildcat

One minute Jonathan was sitting on his kitchen floor, the next he was under the ocean.

It was beautiful down there. All the different, colorful fish, floating past him. He reached out to touch one, but it swam away. He frowned. He couldn't move for some reason, but he didn't care. A shark came by, and Jonathan held his breath. It swam up to him, nudging his with it's nose. Jonathan smiled brightly and rubbed it. The shark reminded him of a cat, and that made him laugh.

As soon as he laughed, though, water rushed into his lungs. The shark swam away, and Jonathan was left choking on seawater. He coughed and tried to breathe, but the water kept rushing in. He looked up and saw that the surface if the water was right there. He tried swimming up, but his foot was caught on something. He swam desperately, trying to get to air.

When he realized that he couldn't do it, he looked around frantically. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.

That's when he saw it. The shark was coming back from him, it's jaws open and snapping. Jonathan's eyes widened, but soon after his vision was going black. With one final gasp that just pulled more water into his lungs, he fell unconscious.


When Jonathan woke up, he was in the hospital. Everything hurt, but his head hurt the most. Everytime he tried to open his eyes, the light would pierce his vision, causing him to close them again.

A snore from beside him rang in his ears. He winced, pulling away from the sound. That's when he felt a hand holding onto his. He moved back, still wincing at the snores from the person beside him. He turned his head and cracked an eye open.

From the split second he could see before he had to shut his eye again, he saw Tyler. He relaxed, almost smiling a little. He forced himself to keep his eyes open, even if it did hurt and make his headache worse. They got used to the light, and Jonathan was glad he didn't have to force them open now.

Even though Tyler was sleeping, he looked extremely tired. Like he hadn't slept in a week. Jonathan frowned slightly. He squeezed Tyler's hand as much as possible, and kept squeezing it until Tyler squeezed back. Jonathan smiled, and kept squeezing until Tyler's eyes opened.

Tyler yawned and rubbed his eyes with his free hand. He looked over at Jonathan, who was looking over at him. It took him a few seconds to process it, but when he did, he practically jumped out of his seat and hugged Jonathan tightly.

Jonathan winced at the tight hug, but hugged back as much as he could. He heard something from Tyler that took him a second to realize what it was.

Tyler was... Tyler was crying.

This caused Jonathan to shed a few tears himself, and he hugged Tyler even harder.

Tyler pulled back and wiped his eyes. He cupped Jonathan's cheeks and rested his forehead against Jonathan's. "Jonathan," he croaked, "don't ever do something like that again, you hear me?" Jonathan nodded.

"I'm so sorry Tyler. I - I tried so hard to fight it, but - but I couldn't. I'm sorry, Tyler."

"I just don't want to lose you," Tyler whispered. He pressed his lips against Jonathan's.

When Jonathan pulled back, he looked into Tyler's eyes, finding himself lost in the ocean blue iris' of the man he loved.

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