The Best Things Come in Three's

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Pairing: McKrii7y

The best things come in three's.

It's stated in the rule of three's that anything in three's was automatically funnier, more satisfying, and/or more affective than if it wasn't in three's.

So it's no surprise that the best relationship was not two people, but three.

Although these individuals were...odd, to say the least.

John and Jay were walking down their man-made path, holding hands. At first glance, the two looked normal. John had an umbrella over his head, blocking out the sun. Jay could blend in with the trees if he wanted to, and was playfully threatening to do so if John kept poking him with his umbrella.

"Can you even blend in in the day?" John asked.

Jay shrugged, "I dunno, but I can try."

"Well now I wanna see if you can blend in or not."

"Yeah, but what about Smitty? I'm sure he wants to see both of us, not just you."

"Hey, it'll be an even better surprise then; I can say you couldn't make it, and then you show up like 'haha I did make it!', and then gayness ensues."

Jay rolled his eyes and laughed. "What am I going to do with you?"

John shrugged, smile tugging at his lips. "I'm sure you can figure it out. In the meantime, can you hold my umbrella over my head? My arms are getting tired."

"What, you can't stand the sun?"

"Jay, I will literally burn. You know this."

Jay rolled his eyes, and one of his many tendrils came out from his back and grabbed the umbrella, holding it up. "You're lucky that I love you."

"Love you too," John teased.

Soon they got to a lake, and John grabbed his umbrella again, sitting down and setting it behind him, blocking the sun. Jay grabbed a rock with one of his tendrils and threw it. The rock skipped a couple of times on the lake before sinking down. "You better with those things or your arms?" John asked.

"My arms have horrible aim," Jay admitted. John grabbed a rock himself and tried to skip it, although it failed, and just sunk.

There were bubbles that came up in the spot where John threw the rock, and then the rock shot up out of the water and back to where they were sitting, almost hitting John.

"I think you might've hit Smit," Jay said, looking out into the water.


The bubble got closer and closer until a head popped out of the water. "Which one of you fucks threw a rock into the water?"

Jay's tendrils all pointed to John, and John scoffed. "Wow, I can't believe you'd throw me under the bus like that. And Smitty, baby, I was trying to skip it across the lake, I'm sorry."

Smitty stuck his tongue out at them and crawled out of the water partially, most of his lower half still in the water. "Watch where you throw those things next time, it nearly hit me."

"Sorry," John apologized again, leaning forward and placing a kiss on Smitty's head.

Smitty hummed, and Jay leaned down to kiss Smitty as well. Smitty giggled, his tail splashing the water in glee. He then sighed. "I wish you guys could stay here all the time..."

Jay and John looked at each other, and their smiles widened.

"About that..."

"We managed to get a spot in the woods that's within walking distance of the lake."

Smitty's eyes widened and he gasped, covering his mouth. "No."

"It's gonna be a while before the house is built, but it's gonna be built and we'll be able to visit every day. How about that?"

Smitty pulled both of them down, giving them both a big kiss. "You guys, I can't fucking believe you managed to do that!"

"We're surprised too, if we're being honest," John hummed. "Jay somehow managed to convince them that in the forest was a good idea."

Jay just winked, smile still plastered on to his face.

"Oh my God you guys, I'm gonna cry, this is amazing!"

They all laughed, and Jay wiped the almost tears from Smitty's eyes. Smitty playfully slapped the tendril away, "Get that away from me, I don't know where it's been."

"What do you mean! What do you think I do with these things?"

"Shove them up my ass, probably," John said nonchalantly. Jay and Smitty both made a face.

"Ew, I don't even wanna think of doing that."

"John you're so disgusting," Smitty giggled, splashing some water at him.

John covered his face, "No! Don't splash it at me! I haven't even started burning yet!"

Smitty rolled his eyes, a big smile still plastered on to his face.

The three stayed there for a majority of the day, talking and having a good time.

Soon they would be together more often, but for now, this would have to do.

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