We Can Save Him, Right?

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Note: Pretty angsty. I hope you enjoy it, though!

Warning: Death

Pairings: Past Kradio, Implied One-Sided Swadio

Toby gaped at the figure in front of him. His eyes looked over him so many times, and his eyes were starting to tear up, but he couldn't close his eyes. He feared that if he did, the figure would disappear.

"Heya, Toby," the figure smiled. He was sitting on Toby's desk, and god, he looked beautiful as ever. The moonlight shone onto his face, his bright blue eyes being illuminated. His hair was still as wavy as ever, and he still smiled in a way that Toby loved.

"John? Is that really you?" Toby asked, his lip quivering.

"Of course it is, why wouldn't it be me?" he hummed.

He sounded like John.

He looked like John.

He acted like John.

It had to have been him, right?


"John," Toby sobbed out, rushing to him and engulfing him in a hug. "I missed you so fucking much."

John hugged back, humming and running his hand up and down Toby's back, soothing him. "I missed you too," he whispered. Toby pulled back, and John wiped at his eyes. "Now, you know I don't like it when you cry," he said softly.

Toby managed to smile at him. "I'm sorry, I just - I'm just so happy," he laughed breathlessly, taking off his glasses and wiping the tears off of them.

When he put them back on, John had backed away from him, and was standing right at the window. Toby instantly walked over to him, and John took him in his arms again. "I miss you," John whispered, placing a kiss on Toby's head. "And I don't want to leave you ever again. So... I want you to come with me."

Toby looked up in surprise. "Where?"

"A place you can only find in your dreams," John replied. "I'll be with you at every step."

Toby sniffled. "Promise?"


Toby smiled brightly. "Oh, John, I can't wait! When are we going?"

"Now." John stepped out of the window, and walked backwards. He held out his hand. "Come on, Toby."

Toby was just about to step out when he heard a voice from the door.

"Toby, what are you doing?"

Toby looked back to see Swagger standing at the door, a concerned look plastered on his face. Toby looked out at John, who was still waiting.

"I...I'm going somewhere," Toby said quickly, wanting to go with John as soon as possible.

"Out the window?"

Toby swallowed, and straightened up. "I'm going somewhere with John."

Swagger's eyes widened, and he instantly knew what was going on. "Toby, step away from the window right now."

Toby's face dropped. "But - but I'm going with John. He wants me to go."

When Toby looked, John was starting to fade. "Toby, please, come with me," he said urgently. "There's something wrong, and I don't want to lose you. Please."

"I'm coming John, don't worry," Toby called, eyes tearing up at how scared John sounded. He looked back at Swagger. "Please, let me help him. He can come back. Please, Swagger, please."

"Toby, no," Swagger said, beginning to walk over to him. "Step away from the window right fucking now."

"Why don't you want to help him?! You've never wanted to help him! Why do you hate someone who's done nothing to you! Why won't you help him?!" Toby suddenly snapped, tears streaming down his face. "You-you wanna be selfish, and keep me all to yourself, b-but that's not gonna happen tonight! I'm gonna go with John, and-and we're gonna be happy! And I'm going to help him! And there's nothing you can do about it!"

Swagger quickly yanked him away from the window, and Toby instantly started thrashing, sobbing and crying and reaching out for John, calling his name. He could hear John calling for him, crying out in pain.

Swagger dragged Toby into the bathroom, locking the door behind them. Toby tried to make it past him, but Swagger pushed him back, making him fall back onto the wall. He quickly grabbed some medicine from the counter, taking two pills from the bottle. Toby almost got up, but Swagger pushed him down again. Swagger first had to force him to open his mouth before shoving the pills in, then forcing his mouth shut and holding it shut. "Swallow," Swagger breathed.

A few moments later, Toby did. Swagger dropped his hands, and sat back. Toby was still crying, mumbling out John's name. Swagger sighed. He felt bad, he really did.

After they were somewhat calmed down, Swagger helped Toby up, and they walked to the kitchen, where Toby sat down at the table while Swagger got them drinks.

Swagger gave the drink to Toby before sitting down in front of him. It was silent for a bit, except for the occasional sob from Toby and their sips of their drinks.

"How long have you been not taking your medicine?" Swagger quietly asked after a while.

Toby shrugged, not looking Swagger in the eye.

"Why did you stop taking your medicine?"

Toby didn't answer at first. He kept his eyes trained on the table. Swagger sighed, and was about to get up.

"... He told me not to."

Swagger paused. "Who told you?"


"Why did he tell you to not take your medicine?"

"He said... He said that it would help him." Toby swallowed and let out a shaky breath before cautiously looking up at Swagger. "I just wanted to help him, Swagger. And-and we probably still can, if we just-"

"We can't help him," Swagger interrupted coldly. "He's dead, Toby. We all saw him die in the car crash. His fucking car went up in flames, and we all saw it. What about that don't you understand?" His hand was gripping his glass so tightly that his knuckles were turning white.

"Why are you so fucking intent on making me relive that?" Toby said, his voice wavering but growing louder. "Why can't you let me find some peace with it, why can't you let me grieve?"

"Because you're not fucking grieving, Toby!" Swagger yelled, slamming his glass down. "You're just fucking holding on to it, and it's not healthy! God, don't you know that I fucking care about you? I don't want to see you destroy yourself over something that's from three years ago. Three. Fucking. Years. John has been dead for three fucking years, Toby, and there's nothing that anyone can do about it."

Toby glared up at him. "John wouldn't have been such a fucking stuck-up cunt about it." He got up and went back to his room, not letting Swagger say another word. Swagger sighed, and got up, only to pour himself a glass of whiskey and try to drink himself to sleep.

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