All Because Of You

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Note: This is an original one-shot, and it's kinda angsty. I hope you enjoy it though!

Pairing: Daithi de Wildcat

From afar, you wouldn't believe that Tyler and Daithi were actually friends. Mainly because Tyler yelled at Daithi most of the time whenever Daithi did something stupid. But believe it or not, they were actually kind of close.

Daithi was one of the only ones that could make Tyler laugh so hard that he would start wheezing (usually caused by the fact that sometimes Nogla went back to his mother language of gibberish). He was also the one that always laughed through an apology whenever he fucked something up and got Tyler mad. Tyler was silently fearful for that.

Normally when someone pissed him off they'd sound all sorry, and it would make Tyler feel bad for yelling at them. But not Daithi. No, Daithi would laugh through his apology, enjoying Tyler's rage very much. Tyler didn't know why, but it made him feel better about himself.

Currently Daithi was trying to say something, but kept fucking up his words. Tyler was in another wheezing fit. Daithi managed to say it eventually, but Tyler didn't hear it because he was wheezing so much. Daithi frowned and pat his back. "Jesus Tyler, calm down will ya? I'm tryin' to talk here," he grumbled.

Tyler eventually did calm down, and he sighed as he wiped the tears that formed in his eyes from laughing so hard. "Shit dude, that was fucking hilarious. What were you saying?"

"I said, I got a special project going on, and I was telling you not to go through my stuff till its finished, alright?"

Tyler snorted, "What kind of gay ass project is it?"

Daithi frowned even more. "It's not gay, it's fun."

"Then why can't you tell me what it is?"

"Because it's a special secret, Tyler. I can't tell you."

"Then it's gay."

"It's not fuckin' gay Tyler!" Daithi was beginning to raise his voice, obviously getting irritated with Tyler's obnoxious attitude. Tyler knew exactly what he was doing, and didn't care. He thought it was funny when Daithi got pissed, and he wasn't going to stop now.

"Ate you sure? Because I think it's pretty gay."

"You don't even know what it is!"

"Exactly. That's why it's gay."

"That doesn't make any sense!"

"No, it makes perfect sense. You just can't understand with that small Irish brain of yours."

"My brain isn't small, you cunt."

"Yeah, whatever."

Daithi sighed and decided to give up. The "special project" was supposed to be for Tyler, but if Tyler was gonna be a bitch about it, then he wasn't going to get it. Serves him right for being a dick about it.

Tyler was in mid-sentence when Daithi stomped off. Tyler blinked in surprise at the spot where Nogla just was. Jeez, I wonder why he's all upset, Tyler wondered, but didn't pay much attention to it. If he was gonna get pissy about it, let him get pissy about it.


Tyler didn't see Daithi for the rest of the day, and he was beginning to feel bad about it. He could have at least taken what Daithi said into consideration, instead of immediately calling it gay and practically pointless. He'd never seen Daithi get so upset over something, so it must have been really important.

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