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Note: Based off of the song Saintlike by Jakey. Also angsty. Hope you enjoy it!

Warning: Self harm (?), Blood

Pairing: Switz

The apartment was trashed.

The lights were off, a multitude of things were broken, and a body sat in the corner, shivering. He hasn't slept in days. He glanced everywhere, flinching at every sound, every shadow.

A wine glass was nearby. The glint of it finally caught his eye. He snatched it up off of the ground. He held it carefully for a moment before smashing it onto the ground, breaking it. He then took some of the pieces nearby and shoved them into his mouth, chewing.

His tongue then became a sponge. Blood seeped up as the sponge was squeezed, filling his entire mouth. He didn't feel the pain. He didn't taste the blood. He couldn't.

Suddenly a figure screeched out his name. He barely had time to react before he was smacked behind the head multiple times before he was forced to spit the glass out.

He scrambled for the glass, and he was pulled back, his shirt now choking him. He opened his mouth to breathe, and blood spilled out of his mouth, his teeth now stained with the morbid color.

He became face to face with the figure. His tongue, now swollen, stuck out of his mouth slightly as blood continued to run down his chin.

"Eric. What the fuck were you thinking?"

His name sounded foreign. He didn't respond, his mind still frazzled. His head only lolled to the side. He made a gurgled sound, the blood bubbling up out of the edges of his mouth.

The figure sighed. Eric couldn't register the sadness in the sigh or the tears out of their eyes. He was pulled into the bathroom. The light burned his eyes, and he dropped to the ground. The figure caught him, and helped him sit up. He heard water running. Then a wet wash cloth made contact with his face. He turned his head away from it. It felt weird. He didn't like that.

The figure grabbed his face and held it still. They continued to wipe until his face was clean enough. Then his mouth was forced open. Water was poured into his mouth. He didn't close it, letting the water spill out with blood traced into it. He let the water slide down his throat slowly. He jaw was slack. He was pulled down to let the rest of the water to spill out of his mouth. A cloth was then wrapped around his tongue, becoming bloodstained quickly. His swollen tongue couldn't fit back in his mouth, so it sat in between his lips. He was picked up and brought to a room where he was sat up on the bed.

Eric could recognize more of the figure now. Tall. Blond. Concerned.

He looked like an angel in his blurred vision.

Eric tried to talk. But all that came out was a gurgle from the little bit of water stuck in his mouth.

The angel sighed. "What happened?"

Eric stayed quiet. What had happened? He didn't have the slightest of clue.

The angel sighed again. It got up and got closer. It held Eric's face gently in it's hands. "Angel. What happened? What went wrong?"

Angel. That stuck with Eric. Was he the angel?

He looked up at the angel and blinked slowly.

The angel sighed again. "Stay here until you can actually think for once. Then come talk to me." He got up.

Eric reached out for him slightly, making a noise. He recognized the angel completely now.

Cam stopped. "What."

Eric dropped his arms, gurgling now that he had Cam's attention, hoping it was enough to get him to stay.

It wasn't. Cam only shook his head and left the room.

Eric couldn't get up. His legs didn't permit him to. He held his hands together in his lap and waited for Can to come back.

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