They Can Wait

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Note: This is short, but I hope you enjoy it!

Pairing: Swuckles

The car was pulled off to the side of the road. The two people in the car were unbuckled from their seats, and the passenger was leaned over to the driver's side. The driver had his hands in the passengers hair, and the passenger had his arms around the driver's neck. Their lips were locked together, moving with each other. Their eyes were closed in the blissful moment, and nothing could pull each other apart.

Except for a phone going off and blasting out nightcore. It was the passenger's phone, and he groaned loudly, pulling back and answering it. "What, cunt?" he asked, exasperated. The driver snickered slightly at the other's annoyance.

"Mason, where the fuck are you and Swagger? You were supposed to be here like, ten minutes ago!"

"We're busy, can't you wait a second until we're done?"

"Busy? Mason, what could you two possibly be busy with? Coming here is literally the only thing you're doing today."

"Something came up. Now leave us alone, we'll be there when we get there."


Mason ended the call when looked back over at Eric. He leaned over with a cheeky grin on his face. "So where were we before we got so rudely interrupted?"

Eric hummed before putting on his seatbelt and putting the car out of park. "I think we were going to finish our drive. Put your seatbelt on."

Mason's smile dropped instantly to a frown. "What do you mean, cunt?! You can't just leave me there!"

"Mason, we made out for like, twenty minutes. I'm pretty sure that's a good amount."

"It isn't! Come on, Eric, don't do this to me!" Mason groaned.

"As much as I love you, we do gotta get to Cam's before he kicks our ass."

"They can wait! This is more important!"

Eric laughed and leaned over to give Mason a kiss on the cheek. "Quit being a baby and put your seatbelt on. You can kiss me when we get there."

Mason huffed and put it on before sliding down in his seat and pouting, crossing his arms and looking away. Eric rolled his eyes and pulled the car onto the road before continuing their trip.

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