Chapter 3

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It was Monday morning at 8 am and I decided to get ready because we would be on the road by 12. I put on light makeup and did loose curls.

 I put on light makeup and did loose curls

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I hen walked downstairs told my mom we were leaving and that I Would be home soon and hat I loved her and then walked out the door

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I hen walked downstairs told my mom we were leaving and that I Would be home soon and hat I loved her and then walked out the door. I can never get used tot hat perfect autumn air. I continued to my car and then drove to Alison's house and she came out and got in my car
Alison's look————————-

 I continued to my car and then drove to Alison's house and she came out and got in my carAlison's look————————-

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Once we were on the road we drove for about an hour till we were in zanesville, Ohio we had about an hour left but we decided to stop and go to a Starbucks and get something to drink and go to the bathroom

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Once we were on the road we drove for about an hour till we were in zanesville, Ohio we had about an hour left but we decided to stop and go to a Starbucks and get something to drink and go to the bathroom. Before we left I called the Airbnb and told them about us needing the house for he week and they said okay and texted me the code. We were there for about a half an hour and then I got a notification hat jake uploaded his blog and I clicked on it to watch it and my mouth dropped.... I kept watching and HE WAS GOING TO OHIO WITH THE MARTINEZ TWINS AND CHANTHONY. I tried to stay calm but failed I was glowing. Alison walked out of the bathroom and asked what I was so happy about. I practically screamed THE MARTINEZ TWINS ARE COMING TO OHIO. I was so happy I actually had a chance at meeting my idols and my crush at the same time. This week could not get better.
Alison: I hope we meet them
Jessica: same I REALLY wanna meet Ivan
Alison just laughed at me. We got back on the road and I could not stop smiling. I started thinking which was where I realized I messed up because it just made me sad Alison was asleep I'm the passenger seat I just laughed at her. Even if I did meet Ivan he wouldn't like me I'm just another fan yes I am a fan with 2.9 million subscribers but that doesn't change the fact that I am a no body to them. We finally get to the air bnb and I wake up Alison.
Alison: YAY WE ARE HERE. Omg this place is huge how much did you pay for this
Jessica: that doesn't matter the code is 6492
Alison: Okay. She put the code in and we went inside. I walked in and flopped on my bed to scroll through Twitter. Jake posted that they were haveing a meet and greet at this theater and tickets were sold at the doors it was tonight at 5pm I NEARLY SCREAMED. I changed into this.   

Then I ran to get Alison and told her to get in my car and she did and we went to the theater

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Then I ran to get Alison and told her to get in my car and she did and we went to the theater. On the ride she asked where we were going and I said a meet and greet she replied with okay. We got there three hours early so the line wasn't that long. I bought us two tickets and entered we walked in and went to the  front row  of seats and the MARTINEZ TWINS CAME OUT TO MEET EVERYONE WHO WAS THERE ALREADY THEY came to ME AND ALISON FIRST. They walked over and I freaked out but stayed calm and said hi I'm Jessica. They said no way really. I was so confused.
Twins: Ivan watches your videos all the time.
Jessica No way really.
Ivan stayed silent almost the whole time and just was staring at me. I looked at him and smiled and he snapped out of his phase and said why don't you two come backstage and meet everyone I said NO WAY SERIOUSLY I WOULD LOVE TOO. He said yeah follow us and we did I was freaking out.i whispered to Alison
Jessica: I can't believe this is happening this is the best trip of my life
Alison: I know right and Ivan was totally checking you out.
I just blushed because I knew he was checking me out. We walked backstage and Emilio introduced us because Ivan was once again silent. We hung out backstage with everyone for a few hours then they had to go onstage so we went back to our seats but they told us to come back again after the show. The show was over after about 2 hours and we went backstage.

Before our show Emilio and I went out to the crowd to meet some people and we first went to this gorgeous girl and her friend she introduced her self as Jessica and I went silent she was my favorite youtuber she makes prank videos and funny content I have always had a crush on her and now I am meeting her I can't believe it. She realized I was staring and looked at me and half smile/smirked and I snapped out of my zone and invited her backstage and she came with her friend I was just staring that whole time then we had to go to stage and Jake told her to come back after the show and she did. I told Jake about her Chanel And he said oh my gosh that is her and I said yes
Jake: we should give her our numbers.
Ivan: yes to be honest though I have always had a crush on her and she is even more beautiful in person
Jake: ooh is another ship coming
Ivan: I hope
I handed her apiece of paper with mine and jakes number on it and then left the theater

when we went back again Ivan and Jake were talking very secretively so I just brushed it off and we went to talk to Emilio we talked for a few minutes then Jake and Ivan joined us. After that Ivan handed me an price of paper with his and jakes number on it and told me to call him. I smiled to myself when I looked at it and said I will. I can't believe I just got Ivan Martinez number I am so happy. Alison and I then headed home and went to bed I fell asleep thinking about Ivan and I'm sure he did the same.

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