Chapter 27

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TIME SKIP 1 MONTH•••••••••••••••••••

I woke up to my phone beeping. I checked it and it was a text from my mom.
Carol: hey Jess FaceTime me as soon as you see this please
I carefully went into the closet and put this outfit on overtop of my red lacy underwear set.

Carol: hey Jess FaceTime me as soon as you see this pleaseI carefully went into the closet and put this outfit on overtop of my red lacy underwear set

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I crawled back In bed and laid on my stomach. I clicked on FaceTime and Ivan wrapped his arms around me. I still have not really talked to my mom about him. He pulled me closer
All of a sudden my mom answered FaceTime
Jess: hi Mom
Carol: morning sweetie
Jess: what's up. Why did you need to call
Carol: well I have to tell you something
Jess: what is it
All of a sudden Ivan tightened his grip. He was shirtless and his hair was all messy. He was lower so that his head was kind of buried my my armpit.
Ivan: morning beautiful I smiled and blushed looking down at him
Carol: well who is this
Jess: oh um well this is my boyfriend Ivan
He slid himself up so his head was by mine
Ivan: hello
Carol: hello I see Jessica has good taste
Jess: MOM
Ivan laughed and kissed me I blushed again and looked at my phone
Jess: what were you going to say before you realized I had a guy in my bed
Carol: oh yeah um well me and Austin have decided to MOVE TO LA
Carol: yes. Pa has nothing left for us. I already bought an AMAZING house. You will love it.
Jess: I can't wait that's amazing. I am looking forward for you to meet Ivan
Ivan: I can't wait to meet you. Jess talks about you a lot
Carol: you seem like a really good guy. Please love my daughter
Ivan: don't worry I love her with all my heart
I looked down at him and smiled.
Jess: hey Mom I loved talking to you but we have to go. There is a meeting
Carol: don't worry sweetie go to your meeting
Jess: bye Mom
I hung up and rolled my self over so I was Straddling Ivan's stomach. I leaned down and kissed him very passionately. He wrapped his arms around the small of my back pulling me down onto him. He pulled away and said you do know there is not a meeting today
Jess: yeah I know I just could not wait to do that any longer
Ivan: I like that but I think we should go back to what we were
I leaned back down and smashed my lips into Ivan's with lust and passion. We made out for about a half an hour till I had to breath. I crawled off of him and said we can continue this later. I winked then walked downstairs where Jake was vlogging and the girls were sitting on the couch
Tessa: hey Jess want to go to the mall with Erika and I
Jess: yeah when are we leaving
Erika: right now
I grabbed my Louis Vuitton purse and we walked out to Tessa's car. We got in and started playing music. We got to the mall and it was like 12:30pm
We first went to Victoria's Secret. I got a few new bro and underwear sets and then we left and went to Starbucks. I got a vanilla frappe and Tessa and Erika got Carmel. We went to Gucci and I got a new backpack even though I like Louis Vuitton a lot more. But I have so many of Louis backpacks. We went to a couple more stores then decided we should go see a movie. We went to the movies and started watching what ever movie was playing. We got got popcorn and candy then walked into the theater. We finished the movie and went home. The guys were in the backyard so we went out toward them. When we got out they were lighting the pool on fire
Jake: Jess lighten up its okay.
Ivan walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and carefully placed his head on my shoulder. He placed soft kisses on my neck whispering calm down beautiful.
Jake: it's okay nobody is gonna get hurt and if they do I will have it on camera
Him saying that blew me off the edge. I threw Ivan's arms off of me and clenched my jaw. I turned around and walked into the house grabbing my keys and walking out the door. I walked out to my car and got in. I had a bag of gym clothes in the trunk Incase I ever had a moment like this. I checked my phone and the time is 8:30. I started driving toward my gym that is 24 hour and my phone started blowing up. I turned it all the way off and grabbed my gym bag throwing my phone In it. I walked in and went to the changing room and immediately changed them threw my bag into a locker and locking it. I walked over to the boxing station and put my wraps on then I put gloves on and beat the shit out of that bag. I beat it viscously for about an hour then went over to the sit up station and did 300 sit ups ignoring the pain. After I did lifting and put it on 150. I did that till my arms hurt then went to the ropes. I hit them up and down till I was really sore. Then I went to the pull ups and did 50. I decided I was finally done and grabbed my bag and went into the sauna. I was in there for a while then I finished and went to get my bag and go to my car. I sat in my car and turned my phone on. It was 3 am. I texted Ivan saying I'm fine and on my way home. My knuckles were all cut and bloody even though I used gloves. I stared out my windshield and sighed. I put my bag of clothes in the backseat where they were before and I put my phone in my cup holder with my water bottle and drove home. I got home and everyone was in bed. I went into my bedroom where Ivan was peacefully sleeping. I walked into my closet and put this on

Yes I know I usually sleep in a bra and underwear but I'm still mad

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Yes I know I usually sleep in a bra and underwear but I'm still mad. Not at Ivan but I just don't want to be naked pretty much tonight. I'm not in that mood. I laid down on my side of the bed then Ivan wrapped his arms around me. He realized this is different and sat up looking down at me
Ivan: why are you sleeping in this
Jess: because I want to
Ivan: oh okay well where were you and what happened to your knuckles. He carefully grabbed my hand and caressed my bleeding knuckle
Jess: I went to the gym but down worry I'm fine. I gave him a reassuring smile but he didn't fall for it.
Ivan: you are not fine. You can cry if you want I'm here
Ivan pulled me into a hug but I threw his arms off of me and walked into my closet and changed into sweats and a Metallica shirt. I walked out and downstairs. I left Ivan in my room speechless. I got in my car and drove around the block. I finally pulled over on the side of the road and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I called jack
Jack: Jess what are you doing up and why did you call me. He sounded tired and yawned
Jess: I'm sorry I was just wondering if I could come over and stay the night
Jack: of course here's the address. Random address.
Jess: thanks I'll be there in like 10 bye jack
Jack: bye Jess
I hung up and drove to the address. I got there and knocked
Jack walked up to the door and I pulled him into a hug. He hugged back and said what happened
Jess: let's sit. He shut the door and we walked toward the couch and sat down.
Jess: Okay so the girls and I went to the mall and then came home and Jake lit the pool on fire so I freaked out and went to the gym for about for hours then went home and Ivan and I got into a fight because I kept saying I was fine and he said I wasn't. But the worst part is he was right I'm not fine. Ever since this shit with my dad went down I have not been fine but I just kept myself together for everyone else.
He pulled me into a hug and I started crying onto his chest. All of a sudden someone came downstairs
Jack: Zach what did you need
Zach: nothing I just heard crying.
I wiped my eyes and looked at the other guy.
Zach: well I will go back upstairs now
He walked away and I wiped my eyes again.
Jack: are you okay now
Jess: yes thank you
Jack: follow me I will take you to the guest room.
I followed him and he took me to a room then left to go to his room. I pulled my phone out and texted Ivan
Jess: hey I'm sorry I left I will be home in the morning I love you please try to go to sleep goodnight babe
Ivan: it's my fault and okay be safe I love you so fucking much Jess and I will now that I know you are safe goodnight beautiful. I put my phone on the charger and fell asleep.

AUTHORS NOTE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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