Chapter 5

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I woke up with a smile on my face. I had a dream about our date and it was perfect. I got up and walked into the kitchen when Alison was sitting.
Jessica: Hey best friend what's up
Alison: nothing much I made you a chocolate smoothie.
Alison: haha I love you too
Jessica: I have a date with Ivan today
Alison: ooooooooh
Jessica: STOPP I blushed
Alison: ooh are you blushing
Jessica: no you are weird and thanks for the smoothie
Alison: no problem
Jessica: I'm gonna go get ready
Alison: Okay look hot
I walked away and yelled I will laughing. I went to my room and got the perfect outfit and hair and makeup.

 I went to my room and got the perfect outfit and hair and makeup

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I walked out to the living room and Alison yelled DAMN BESTFRIEND

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I walked out to the living room and Alison yelled DAMN BESTFRIEND. I walked towards her and just laughed and said I don't look that good what do you mean.
Alison: WHAT do you mean
Jessica: I mean I don't look hot like you do
Alison: SHUTUP and go to your date before I punch you
Jessica: Okay Okay. I'm going
I walked out of the house and got into my Audi thinking how amazing this date will be. I arrived at the park and saw a note sitting on a tree so I walked over to it. The note said hey Jessica go to the closest Starbucks. I got back in my car and drove to the Starbucks thinking about the notes and what he is making me do. I arrived at Starbucks and there was a Venti vanilla bean creme frappuccino waiting for me so I got it and the barista said it was already paid for and handed me a note. I walked back out to my car and read the note. It said go to the local flower shop on 10th street. I put the note away and took a sip of my drink and then drove to the flower shop. The worker said are you Jessica?
Jessica: yes I am
Florist: Okay here you go
He handed me a dozen red and white roses and a note that says go to the office at 15 Main Street. The florist said...
Florist: you found a keeper
Jessica: aww thanks this is actually our first date and he has me on a scavenger hunt for these pieces of paper
Florist: how cute we'll have a good day mam I hope it goes well for you
Jessica: thank you sir goodbye
I walked out and drove to Main Street. I pulled up and someone was waiting for me
Person: hello are you Jessica
Jessica: yes
Person: Okay I will be your escort follow me
Jessica: Okay thank you
I followed him to he employee only elevator and we took  it up to what seemed like heaven. He blindfolded me and said we are almost there. I replied with okay. When we got there I heard a ding and I walked out and he took the elevator back down. A second later Ivan came and said finally you found me. I laughed at his comment. I still had the roses and frappe in my hand he took them and them came back and Un-blindfolded me. We were standing alone on a roof with a cute little dinner table with fairy lights and everything and we could see all of Columbus below us. I was speechless.
Ivan: do you like it
Jessica: I love it nobody has ever done something like this for me before.
I walked over to Ivan and hugged him and said thank you I love it. He hugged back and said I'm glad you do. We then sat down and ate dinner. When we were done we walked about to this bench that overlooked the city. And before you know it we leaned in and kissed I immediately felt sparks fly all over my body. It was more like explosions. I loved every second of it. We broke apart after like thirty second and we were out of breath we stayed close and I said you felt that too right. He replied with yeah I did. I think I am falling head over heels for this kid. The rest of the night was pretty much a blur. We walked hand in hand to the elevator. On the way over Ivan stopped and said Jessica will you be my girlfriend. I smiled from ear to ear and said yes I will. We continued walking and I checked my phone and it said 10:00 pm. I laughed and said Alison is gonna kill me.
Ivan: why
Jessica: it's 10 pm I left at like 11 am
Ivan: i can come back with you to explain why you were late if you want
Jessica: only that is if you want to I kind of smirked when I said this
Ivan: well maybe I do.
Jessica: then come
Ivan. Okay I will
We arrived downstairs and got into my car.
Ivan: nice car
Jessica: thanks
We arrived at the air bnb and we walked in. Alison was sitting on the couch waiting for me
Alison: where the hell were you all day
Jessica: well I was at the park, Starbucks, a flower shop ,and a rooftop
Alison: Okay well next time can you at least tell me you are going to be late I was really worried about you.
Ivan: I'm sorry I kept her out so late we lost track of time my apologies
Alison: it's okay but Can I talk to you Ivan.
He looked at me and I nodded my head yes
Ivan: yeah sure
I said I will go change while you two talk
Alison: Okay take your time
Jessica: Okay I released Ivan's hand and walked to my room and changed into this

He looked at me and I nodded my head yesIvan: yeah sure I said I will go change while you two talk Alison: Okay take your timeJessica: Okay I released Ivan's hand and walked to my room and changed into this

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When I finished changing I sat down on my bed and scrolled through twitter while I waited for them to finish.
i asked if I could talk to Ivan because I need to give him the talk about Jessica. He followed me into the kitchen and we started talking
Ivan: so what did you want to talk to me about
Alison: I am very protective of Jessica because nobody in her family gives a shit about her.
Ivan: ... ok
Alison: is if you hurt her I will kill you because she is my everything and has been there for me forever.
Ivan: Okay
Alison: seriously. Also you should know she was sexually assaulted and had a post traumatic stress disorder and can be triggered by some stuff and she will just start balling her eyes out and won't stop no matter what but you just need to make her feel safe.
Ivan: Okay I will take really good care of her. But she lives in Pennsylvania and I live in la so I don't know how we will work.
Alison:I don't know either but please love her and care for her.
Ivan. Okay I'm gonna go talk to her then go home.
Alison: also don't tell her that you know about her being raped please she will kill me. Okay I'm going to bed
Ivan: Okay
I heard a knock on the door and yelled come in. It was Ivan
Jessica: hey what's up I said getting off my bed.
Ivan: I came in to say goodnight and goodbye
Jessica: Okay goodnight and bye I ran over and hugged him. He muffled something in my ear but I didn't hear it.
Jessica: what did you say.
Ivan: nothing
Jessica: yes you did what was it
Ivan: fine I said I love you Jessica.
I stood there speechless and he said I knew it was too soon to say that I'm sorry
Jessica: no no no don't apologize it's okay it's just no body has ever loved me before I love you too. He hugged me tighter and said goodbye and kissed me on top of my head and left. I said goodbye and went to lay down thinking about how I'm dating Ivan Martinez god I love him.

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