Chapter 33

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I woke up in my bed and checked my phone it was 2:00pm on saturday!?!?
I SLEPT FOR A WHOLE DAY. I got up out of bed and walked downstairs. Ivan was sitting at the counter. Running his hands through his hair. He looked really stressed out and I felt kind of bad. I walked up behind his and hugged him while rubbing up and down on his stomach. He lifted his head up and I kissed his cheek.
Ivan: hi my beautiful princess
Jess: hi my handsome prince.
Ivan: so how was your nap
He laughed a little and I smiled
Jess: really good actually. It felt amazing to sleep again.
Ivan: I was thinking how about we go to the doctors and see if we can switch your medication so you can box.
Jess: really.
Ivan: yeah go get ready and we can go now I made an appointment last night.
Jess: yay I love you.
I hugged him really tight and ran upstairs. I still have to wear long sleeves.
I ran into my closet and chose this outfit

I ran into my closet and quickly brushed my hair and teeth

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I ran into my closet and quickly brushed my hair and teeth. I threw on a light layer of waterproof mascara and ran downstairs
Ivan: wow that was fast and you look amazing
Jess: I know I do. I winked at him then we held hands while walking out to my car. He got in the drivers seat and I threw him my keys. We started driving and I started a conversation with him
Jess: I am so excited
Ivan: you do know that there is a chance they won't be able to do anything about this right.
Jess: I know but you have to focus on the positives.
Ivan: yes you do best case scenario you will get new medication and you will be able to box and sleep.
I smiled as he put his right hand on my thigh. I put my hands on top of his and played with his hand. The drive was really long so we played music and talked. Eventually we made it and I jumped out of the car and ran to the door while Ivan was slowly walking over. We walked in and Ivan told the lady my last name. She told us to sit down and wait for our name to be called. She handed me a clipboard with a ton of questions on it. I sat down on a chair next to Ivan and laid my head down on his shoulder while I started filling out the paperwork. I got to one question and started laughing and Ivan looked at me like I was crazy. I showed him the question and he started quietly laughing. The question was are you sexually active and if so what position do you use most. I quickly circled no and moved on to the next question. I finished the papers and sat them down. I stood up and moved over to Ivan's lap and sat bridal style curled up into his chest. We waited for about 20 minutes then a nurse came out.
Nurse: Jessica Smith
I slowly rolled off of Ivan's lap and grabbed the clipboard. Ivan stood up behind me and grabbed my hand. I walked over to the nurse and handed her the clipboard. She took it and sat it in the office then took us back to a room.
Nurse: a doctor will be in with you in a minute.
I sat down on the table. Ivan hopped up next to me and grabbed my hand. He squeezed it tight. We waited for about 5 minutes then a doctor came in
Doctor: hello I'm doctor Lexi sorry for the wait I had a call I had to take
Jess: no problem I'm Jessica and his is my boyfriend Ivan
I looked at his eyes and smiled. He kissed my cheek and I turned to Lexi
Lexi: Okay so if I am correct you are here because you would like to switch your medicine
Jess: yes
Lexi what pills do you take
Jess: I take a depression/stress pill and a anger pill.
Lexi: Okay why would you like to switch.
Jess: I only want to change my stress pill because I have a passion for boxing but I can't do it while I am on this pill. And I can't sleep when I am off of it.
Lexi: well Okay Jessica I can give you a new prescription that I think will help. You will have to be careful while boxing and not over work but you should be good.
Jess: thank you so so much. You have no idea how much this means.
Lexi: I will have I called in to a store and you can go pick it up
Jess: thank you
She left the room and Ivan and I hopped down off the bench and I pulled him into a huge hug and kissed him.
Jess: I love you so fucking much
Ivan: I love you so much fucking more
Jess: impossible now let's go.
We walked out of the doctors and went to the car. Ivan drove to the store and picked up my prescription. We  drove home and as soon as the car stopped  I jumped out and ran to the door waiting for Ivan. He was laughing at him for being so hyper. We opened the door and I grabbed his sleeve pulling him up the stairs into my room. I kicked the door shut and slammed him down on my bed straddling him. I leaned in and started making out with him. Everyone else in team ten is not here. They are all in Italy and Florida and at home. Emilio was out with some friends. I slowly started grinding on Ivan while we were still making out. I moved down to his neck and started sucking and he started moaning. I was about to take his shirt off when he pulled away and stopped me.
Ivan: baby I don't want to do this if you are not ready.
Jess: don't worry I'm ready because I know I am with the one
Ivan: Jess let's wait a little longer please
I got off of his lap and crawled under my white duvet and stared at the wall
Ivan: Jess please don't be mad I love you thats why I want to wait
I kept ignoring him. I stayed exactly how I was till I heard noises downstairs
I groaned and rolled my eyes. Ivan got up and went downstairs I'm guessing to talk to Jake

Jessica is mad at me so I figured I will just go down and hang out with Jake because it's obvious that she does not want me in that room with her. I walked out and downstairs I tried to put on a fake smile but failed. Jake realized and turned the camera off. I sat down on the couch and Jake came over to me.
Jake: hey buddy what's wrong
Ivan: it's nothing don't worry about it
Jake: Ivan tell me
Ivan: it's just Jessica is mad at me that's it
Jake: well what happened
Ivan: ugh okay so I got her prescription changed and she was super happy and we went home and she took me upstairs and wanted to have sex but I stopped her and said I think we should wait a little longer and she got mad and won't talk to me
Jake: oh okay just say sorry and that you really want to or something like that then go to sleep with her.
Ivan: Okay thanks Jake
I hugged Jake and ran back upstairs and pulled Jessica into a huge hug
Ivan: I love you so much baby and I just don't know if I'm ready to lose my virginity yet
Jess: I love you too and it's okay I get it.
I hopped into bed and cuddled up with her.
We fell asleep like that

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