Chapter 19

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I woke up in Ivan's arms like I do everyday  I rolled ovary so I was facing him and I slid myself up so that I was staring into his eyes and leaned in and kissed him to wake him up
Ivan: goodmorning babygirl
Jess: good morning babe
Ivan: I could wake up to that anyday
Jess: what me in spandex and a sports bra or me kissing you
Ivan: both he said smirking
I lightly hit his strong chest then leaned up and kissed him
Jess: come on let's get ready
Ivan said nooo and pulled me back down to him as I tried to sit up.
All of a sudden my phone rings so I reached over to the nightstand to grab it. I looked at who was calling and got a weird feeling. It was my brother I quickly hit answer and said hey bro
Austin: hey are you still in bed?
Jess: yeah it's a three hour time change remember
Austin: ohh if your busy I can go but
Jess: I'm not so what's up I said rolling over onto my stomach and he saw Ivan
Austin: nothing much and is there a guy in your bed
Jess: I looked over at Ivan and smiled yeah actually there is. Austin this is Ivan I said turning the camera to face him
Ivan: hi Austin
Austin: hi Ivan Jess used to drool over you
Jess: SHUTUP I did not
All of a sudden emilio burst into he room
Jess: jeez em calm down
Emilio: who are you on the phone with
Jess: my brother Austin this is Emilio, Ivan's twin
Austin: yeah I know I watch jakes vlogs
Emilio: Ivan used to drool over Jess too
Ivan: SHUTUP and get out
Emilio: no he said while plopping down on the other side of me.
Austin: I think I will like Emilio
Ivan: hey what about me
Austin: I guess I can like you too
Jess: HE IS MINE Austin you can't take him I said putting my arms around ivans neck and kissing his cheek.
Austin: always princess
Jess: Okay well I'm gonna get dressed you guys can talk I said getting up out of bed and running to my closet. I put on this outfit

And then ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face after that I ran back and plopped in between the guysAustin: wow la turned you into a hoeJess: haha funny player Austin: I am not Ivan: I like your brotherJess: asshole Ivan: what h...

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And then ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face after that I ran back and plopped in between the guys
Austin: wow la turned you into a hoe
Jess: haha funny player
Austin: I am not
Ivan: I like your brother
Jess: asshole
Ivan: what he said confused
Jess: he just called me a whore I said laughing
Ivan: I'm sorry baby
Jess: I was joking I'm glad you like each other and I love both of you but can you get out so I can talk to him
Emilio: fine Mom he said while sassily stomping his feet as he left I just laughed then kissed Ivan and said you too.
He got up and did the same thing as Emilio
Jess: so how is pa
Austin: the same I guess
Jess: are you okay? I asked worried
Austin: yeah I guess I miss you. Dad has been angry as usual and Mom has been crying a lot more but we are all okay
Jess: I have an idea
Austin: what is it.
Jess: what if I asked Jake if you could come visit for a week or so I would buy your tickets.
Austin: REALLY
Jess: yeah you should also thing of starting a channel for gaming or vlogging or whatever
Austin: yeah I could when are you gonna ask Jake
Jess: right now actually I'm taking my phone with me but I'm gonna nite myself and you mute yourself
Austin: Okay I will
Jess: Okay 
I got up from my bed and walked into jakes room where he was cuddling with Erika
Jess: woah did I interrupt something in here
Jake: no what did you need
Jess: I wanted to know if sometime this month I could fly my little brother out to hangout
Jake: yeah of course just tell me when his flight is so we can plan some fun stuff for us all to do
Jess: thanks Jake I would come hug you but I will just have Erika do that if you know what I mean I winked before I walked out. I ran downstairs and up to Ivan and jumped on his back and kissing him then I remembered my bro was on ft I un muted my self and said bro. YOU ARE COMING TO LA
Ivan: oww I'm deaf now
Jess: I'm sorry baby
Ivan: what did you say
Jess: stop it goof I said hitting his back
Ivan: fine princess
Austin: that's amazing when am I coming
Jess: I'm not sure yet I still have to find the flight
Austin: Okay I can't wait love you sis but I gtg.
Jess: love you too dork bye
I hung up and then kissed Ivan's neck which I then found out was his sweet spot and he moaned quietly. That made me keep sucking and him moan again then Jake and Erika walked downstairs while I was sucking Ivan's neck.
Jake: woah okay there
Jess: hey Jake
Erika: hey Jess
Jess: hey e
Jake: Ivan can you come upstairs with me
Ivan: yeah um sure he looked and me and I hopped off of his back
Jake took Ivan up to his room with chanthony and Emilio
IVANS POV•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Jake asked me to come upstairs with him and I got kind of scared but then he asked chanthony to come with us so I calmed down a little. We went up to his room and said he wanted me to jump off the roof into the pool. I said i would do it then we went up to the roof and I walked up to the edge and jumped. I soon realized it was a bad idea the second I hit the water. It stung so bad then all of sudden I saw Jessica running towards the pool and she pulled me out
Ivan: I'm fine I lied It knocked the wind out of me
Jess: bull shit
Ivan: it just knocked the wind out of me.
Erika was already close behind cause they were taking before I jumped
Jake came slowly outside
Jake: yeees
Jake: the views bro
Jess got really pissed and ran into the house and up the steps and you could feel the ground shake when she slammed the door
Jake: whoops are you okay bro
Ivan: yeah I should go talk to her
Jake: you might wanna give her some time to cool off
Ivan: no I need to be there with her I slowly got up off the ground and quietly walked upstairs to her door where I leaned against it to listen she was crying so I carefully burst through the door and pulled her into a hug
JESSICAS POV••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
I was talking to Erika in the kitchen when all of a sudden I heard a huge splash so I ran to the pool and quickly pulled Ivan out and yelled
Ivan: I'm fine but I knew he was lying.
Jess: bull shit
Ivan: it just knocked the wind out of me.
Jake then can out to the backyard with Erika
Jake: yeeeees
Jake: the views
At that moment I freaked and jumped up and ran into my room and slammed the door so hard the whole ground shook. I slid down my bed crying thinking how he just risked his life and Jake made him DO IT FOR THE FUCKING VIEWS. All of a sudden Ivan cam bursting into the room and pulled me into the worlds most reassuring caring hug in history. I cried on his arms for like an hour then got changed for bed I put this on

 I cried on his arms for like an hour then got changed for bed I put this on

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Then went on pulled him into a hug while laying in bed and we fell asleep

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