Chapter 25

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I woke up and remembered tonight was a huge meet and greet concert jake had planned because my brother was in town. He has to leave in a few days and I'm really gonna miss him but there is nothing I can do about it. I was really excited about this concert. The girls and I went shopping this week to get our outfits for tonight so we were ready. Here is my dress

Erika had a plain red dress and Tessa's was the like mine but had different neck lines and it was blueI sat up and put my hand on Ivan's abs and started rubbing up and downIvan: babe what are you doingJess: I don't know waking you up

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Erika had a plain red dress and Tessa's was the like mine but had different neck lines and it was blue
I sat up and put my hand on Ivan's abs and started rubbing up and down
Ivan: babe what are you doing
Jess: I don't know waking you up... turning you on.
Ivan: I get turned on just thinking of you princess I blushed then got up out of his grasp and started getting ready. It was 11:30 am but the concert started at 3 so we had to be there by two. I went into the bathroom and put on my makeup look along with my hair

 I went into the bathroom and put on my makeup look along with my hair

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I looked at the clock and it was one thirty so I put on my dress and walked down into the living room where all of the boys were sitting in their tuxedos Jess: DAMN you boys can clean up nice I jokedIvan:

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I looked at the clock and it was one thirty so I put on my dress and walked down into the living room where all of the boys were sitting in their tuxedos
Jess: DAMN you boys can clean up nice I joked
Ivan: you look amazing
Jess: are you sure it's me that looks amazing or this dress that is way too high
Ivan: you but the dress adds to that
I hit him on the shoulder then said we gotta go like now guys. We all piled into the team ten van Erika and Tessa got in with us and we starting driving to the venue. This is the seating arrangement

Jake Kade
Erika Anthony Chance Austin
Emilio Ivan me and Tessa

In the other car chad Justin nick and a few other people were coming.
On the way we blasted it's everyday bro and that ain't on the news along with other songs. We got there surprisingly early. We hung out until it was time for the concert. We all went out and sung it's everyday bro. We sung a couple more songs and played a game or two. Then it was time for the meet and greet. We went backstage then to our backdrop for pictures. We were there taking pictures with a ton of fans and talking to them for about an hour until I saw a face I never ever wanted to see again. A face I thought I left. I walked over to Ivan and strongly gripped his arm causing him to look down at me confused. I looked up at him terrified for everyone's lives. He obviously realized something was wrong and he told Jake we would be back and started to pull me backstage but I grabbed my brothers arm and pulled him with us. he pulled me backstage to talk
Ivan: princess what's wrong
Jess: m my d d d dad is here
Austin: what the fuck do you mean
Jess: dads here I was about to cry but I was too scared to cry.
Ivan: I will get a security
Jess: okay get Jake too
Ivan: Okay please stay here with Austin I can't have either of you getting hurt
Ivan walked away and came wack with like five security and Jake. He told Jake everything then we went back out to meet more people. My dad was next in line. I told the guys not to get security unless I tell them. I want to talk to him
Ivan stood next to me with his arm wrapped around my waist and austin was standing behind Jake who was on my other side. My dad walked right up to me.
Dad: hey Jessica I see you are a whore still. Ivan tensed up on my waist
Jess: hi dad
Dad: what number guy is this
Jess: 1
Dad: did you really think I would not find you
Jess: no
Dad: I also know austin is here.
I pulled Austin out from behind Jake and pulled him to my side.
Jess: yes he is right here
Before I knew it my dad punched me right in the nose and security came and pulled jake who was then beating the shit out of my dad off of him and then put him in handcuffs to arrest him. Ivan pulled me and austin backstage. Ivan was silent the whole time but I knew he was pissed. Because he had a harsh expression on his face. I was kind of scared to be honest he pulled me into the bathroom and got the emergency kit out and cleansed my nose up
I winced in pain
Ivan: I'm sorry princess but this is gonna hurt no matter what babe
Jess: I know this is not the first time this has happened. It might be broken but technically my nose was already broken. I am used to it don't worry about me
Ivan: no it is not okay none of this is Okay Jessica
Jess: calm down you are scaring me.
Ivan: oh my gosh baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I'm just so mad at him
Jess: I know baby it's okay he is going to jail now.
Austin: Jess the police want to question us
I hopped off the counter and kissed Ivan then went to the cops
Officer 1: Hi I'm Lexi are you Jessica
Jess: yes I am
Lexi: has your dad ever done this before
I looked down and asked if I could have Ivan she said sure so he came over to me
Jess: the answer to that is yes
Lexi: how many times
Jess: everyday in Pennsylvania he would abuse me and my brother but we never wanted to do anything about it because he would just hurt us more. He hurt our mom too
Lexi: can you call your mother so I can talk to her
Jess: of course
I pulled my phone out and put it on speaker once I called her.
Carol: hey sweetie how's la
Jess: great but that isn't why I'm calling.
Carol: what happened
Jess: can you talk to this officer please
carol: of course are you in trouble
Jess: no but just talk to her
Lexi: hi carol I am officer lexi of the LAPD
carol: I am Jessica and Austin's Mom
Lexi: Okay has your husband ever abused you or your kids
I looked up at Ivan and gave him a reassuring smile while I squeezed his hand a little harder. The rest of team ten was sitting on a couch across the room
Carol: yes he has. I have tried to stop him from beating the kids but he would just beat me harder
My mom was obviously crying
Lexi: well your husband is in jail now and will be there for a very long time maybe even life. Would you life to divorce him
Carol: ....... yes I would
Lexi: Okay I can have paperwork sent to you.
Carol: thank you
Lexi: have a nice day. I hung up my phone and Lexi asked me and my brother a few more questions. She left  and I pulled Ivan and Austin into a big hug because of everything that just happened. I finally let my tears out into Ivan's chest while he tried to comfort me. Then we walked over to team ten. The officers already told them what is going on. I sat on Ivan's lap in a chair in front of them.
Jess: I'm sorry I ruined everyone night I looked down
Jake walked over to me and pulled my head up to look at him
Jake: you did not ruin our night Jess.
Jess: yes I did my baggage and STUPID DAD ruined it so it's my fault
Jake: JESSICA listen to me
I looked over at him to listen
Jake: your dad is gone for good all that matters to us is that you are safe and now you are for possibly forever.
I pulled Jake into a hug and we all decided to go home. Austin is flying home tomorrow so as soon as we got home he started packing. Everyone else changed and went to bed but I just came in and sat down on the couch with my knees pulled into my chest and my arms wrapped around them with my head looking down on my knees. Ivan walked over to me and sat next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead
Ivan: Jess you don't have to worry anymore he is gone baby
Jess: let's just go to bed. He picked my up and we walked up to bed where I changed and snuggled into his chest.

AUTHORS NOTE•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
HI Okay so vote for every chapter because at 50 votes or 1000 reads I am doing a face reveal one q/a
Also comment questions for the q/a. I have a ton of huge updates coming and this chapter got well interesting to say the least

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