Chapter 22

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AUTHORS NOTE•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
IM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE I WAS SICK ALL DAY AND I STILL FEEL SICK BUT I AM TRYING TO GET THIS CHAPTER DONE. ALSO I AM GOING TO DO A Q/ A And face reveal at 1000 reads or 50 votes so comment some questions you want to know
I woke up and Ivan was already awake in the shower so I got up out of bed and slowly walked to my closet while rubbing my eyes and trying to wake up I chose this outfit for today

I walked out of the closet and carefully knocked Ivan: who is itJess: JessIvan: come inI slowly walked into the bathroom Jess: hey babe I just came into do my makeup but I can do it in the roomIvan: no princess you can stay in hereJess: oh-ohkay I...

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I walked out of the closet and carefully knocked
Ivan: who is it
Jess: Jess
Ivan: come in
I slowly walked into the bathroom
Jess: hey babe I just came into do my makeup but I can do it in the room
Ivan: no princess you can stay in here
Jess: oh-ohkay
I had a glass shower door so I could pretty much see him naked except for the fact that the shower door was really steamy. To be honest I was really uncomfortable but I just accepted it and did my makeup and hair

 To be honest I was really uncomfortable but I just accepted it and did my makeup and hair

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I was almost finished with my hair when Ivan opened the shower door to him with just a towel wrapped around his waist

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I was almost finished with my hair when Ivan opened the shower door to him with just a towel wrapped around his waist. He walked over to me and hugged me from behind resting his head on my shoulder while kissing my jawline. You look beautiful he said whispering in my ear sending chills up and down my spine.
Jess: god I love you Martinez
Ivan: god I love you Jess
Jess go get dressed today is your day with my brother
Ivan: yeah I can't wait
I pushed him out of the bathroom while smacking/grabbing his ass he looked back at me and smirked. I ran out of the bathroom out of my room then ran out of my room into the ratchet room jumping onto my brothers bed
Jess: come on get ready today is your day with Ivan.
Austin: oh yeah I can't wait
Jess: then get up nowwwww Ivan is already ready
Austin: Okay
I left the room and he got up and got dressed I ran downstairs and decided to text jack to see what he was doing today
Jess: hey bestfriend what's up
Jack: nothing much whats up with you
Jess: same are you busy today
Jack: no actually
Jess: come to the team ten house
Jack: Okay On my way!
Jess okay see you when you get here
Jack: yup bye
Jess: bye
I walked upstairs to our room where Ivan was ploppled on our bed on his stomach playing on his phone.
Jess: hey prince
Ivan: hey princess
Jess: where are you taking my brother today
Ivan: the carnival then to the grove to check out some hot chicks
Jess: woah woah woah really I said while crossing my arms
Ivan: yes baby but don't worry your are the only hot ass girl I have eyes for
Jess: I don't like you sometimes tbh I mean yeah he is fifteen but really
Ivan: sorry baby what are you doing today
Jess: actually I'm gonna hang out with jack
I looked over at Ivan and he looked tense
Jess: only if you are truly okay with it tell me the truth
Ivan: is he coming here
Jess: yes so you can meet him
Ivan: Okay I dont have to worry about you leaving me do I
Jess: of course not babe we have always been only friends I promise He should be here soon so come down with me
We made it to the bottom of the steps and the door bell rang
I ran to the door and opened it
JACK I screamed while running up to him to hug him
Jess: I MISSED YOU too wow we haven't seen each other in three years
Jack: yeah that's a long time
I opened the door and invited him in we walked into the kitchen where Ivan was
Jess: baby I would like you to meet someone I grabbed his hand and led him over to jack
Ivan: hi I'm Ivan her boyfriend
Jack: hi I'm jack her bestfriend
Ivan: please take care of her if you leave the house
I Yelled for my brother and he immediately ran down the steps
He ran over to jack and hugged him
Jack: Austin I missed you kid
Austin: I missed you more
Jess: Okay well are you guys ready to go out
Ivan: yeah he walked over to me and kissed me passionately saying I love you before him and my brother left
Jess: So jack let's go see a movie
Jack: Okay
We walked out of the house and went to the movies to see the fate of the furious.
IVANS POV•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Austin and I walked out of the house and got into our Uber we called a while ago
Austin: so where are we going
Ivan: the carnival then the grove if that's okay
Austin: yeah
Ivan: cool
Austin: so have you and my sister ya know yet
Ivan: wow that was personal and no I am gonna wait till she is ready cause of everything that has happened to her since she came a month ago
Austin: Okay good
Ivan: so do you have a girlfriend
Austin: well there is this girl that I like he looked down and blushed
Ivan: oooh who
Austin: Okay so um jack Avery's little sister Ava
Ivan: cool
Austin: so how did you and my sister meet
Ivan: actually her and Alison came to our meet and greet we had in Ohio and I had watched her videos for a long time and she went into the meet and greet really early so Emilio and I wanted to go meet some fans. We walked out and te here she was. I think it was actually love at first sight I could not stop staring then I invited her backstage and gave her my number. That's pretty much it
Austin: well I'm glad she finally found someone who gives a shit about her
Ivan: I do I really care about her
Our Uber arrived at the carnival and we went to the rollercoaster first cause that's the best part we then went on some other rides then decided to go to the grove. We got to the grove and it was about 8:00pm when my phone rang. It was Jess
Jess: hey babe how's everything going
Ivan: Amazing how was your day with jack
Jess: Okay I guess we went to see a movie then got Starbucks and parted ways and I'm at home alone now.
Ivan: well we just got to the grove I'll be home soon hopefully
Jess: okay bye baby love you
Ivan: bye princess I love you more
I hung up and we went into a few stores and Austin and I got some new clothes and shoes. I paid for all of Austin's stuff even though he told me not to I did
We were there till 9 then I said let's go home. We called an Uber and went home. Austin went straight up to my room with Jess and I followed he said goodnight to me and Jess and went to his own room I put on a pair of sweatpants and took off my shirt pulling Jessica into my chest and kissing her I said I love you babygirl
She said I love you back and we fell asleep

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