Chapter 36

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I woke up super happy knowing that today is the day that I was getting the car. I jumped up out of bed and got dressed into this

I brushed my now long brown hair and put on some mascara and lip balm walking out of my room

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I brushed my now long brown hair and put on some mascara and lip balm walking out of my room. I ran into Tessa's room. Her and Chance were laying down sleeping. I jumped on my knees in between them yelling.
she instantly bolted up and got ready. We ran downstairs and I got a pop tart and we were almost ready to leave. I grabbed my vlog camera and Louis Vuitton cross body bag because I needed to put my phone. I ordered us an Uber before I woke Tessa up so it would be here when we were ready. I walked out into the driveway and the uber was already there waiting for us. We ran out and got in.
Tessa: oh my god I can't believe this is happening
Jess: *squeals* I KNOW.
Driver: why are you girls so happy.
Our driver was an older woman probably in her late 40's.
Jess: I am on my way to buy my dream car
Driver: what is it
Jess: a matte black Ferrari
Driver: well congratulations
Jess: thank you so much. I grabbed my camera and turned it on
WHATS UP JESTERS. Okay so you are probably wondering why I am so happy today. Tessa and I are on our way to buy my dream car. Nobody in team ten knows about this except Tessa. Ivan doesn't even know. I am gonna make you guys wait to see what it is until later in the vlog. But we are almost here so I will update when we get there
Tessa: ahah we are here
Jess: okay now I'm a little nervous
Tessa: it's okay let's go
Driver: good luck
Jess: thank you
We got out of the Uber and I handed Tessa my vlog camera and she recorded it all for me. We walked in and the lady at the desk said hello
Desk lady: hello I'm Linda how can I help you two lovely ladies
Jess: I would like to buy a Ferrari
Linda: do you know what specific color
Jess: um yes actually. I would like matte black with gold logos and rims
Linda: yes ma'am take a seat over there and I will have someone come out to help you
Jess: okay thank you very much.
I walked over to the seats and sat down. Tessa sat down next to me and handed me the camera

Jess: what's up jesters we are here now and the lady said that she will be sending someone out to pull us back. Also shoutout to Tessa to being my videographer for the day follow her socials @ imtessabrooks and I will link all of them below
I turned it off and handed it back to Tessa and she was ready to record. We were sitting there talking for about 10 minutes till a worker came out
Worker: Jessica
I stood up with Tessa and she started recording
Jess: that is me
Worker: are you ready to pick your car
Jess: yes sir
He led us back to a room that hands about a thousand cars in it. My jaw dropped. Ever sisnce I was little I loved cars. I love racing car. I love speed. He took us to a line of matte black ones. We walked down the aisle then I stopped. I found the one. My dream car. Here is what it looks like.

It has everything I look for In a car

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It has everything I look for In a car. It was amazing.
Jess: sir this is the one
Worker: very nice choice. I will have someone drive it outside and you will do some paperwork
Jess: okay thank you
Worker: follow me I already called it's paperwork in
Jess: thank you
He took us to the front desk and the same lady handed me papers. I walked over and signed them and then it was mine. I paid for it and we walked outside. Tessa took a couple picture of me with it and then she got in my audi and we drove back to the team ten house. During the drive I thought a lot.
What is Jake gonna say? How will Ivan react? Was this a good idea? I haven't been in a car like this since.... well that's another story for another time. We drove for about 10 minutes then we were there. I am freaking out but it's all gonna be okay. I stopped at the gate and called Tessa
Tess: hey what's up
Jess: I'm gonna call Jake and tell everyone to come out I need you to go In first and record.
Tess: Okay I'm going in
Jess: okay bye
I hung up and called Jake
Jake: what's up jesssssss
Jess: I need you to take everyone outside into the driveway.
Jake: okay we are all on our way I was parked at a point where I could see all of them but they could not see me. I slowly opened the gate and drove in revving my engine so it was really loud. I parked in front of all of them and got out
Jess: hello
Everyone jaw was practically on the floor
Ivan: was this the secret
Jess: yup
Jake: wowwww
Jess: and just telling all of you now. no you can't drive it. Maybe I will let some of you but don't ask
Chance: bro this is sick
Jess: yeah it was also really expensive haha
Jess: but anyways that's a topic for another time gotta blast.
I ran inside and into my room. I'm so tired from today. It's like 7:00pm and I am gonna lay down and watch Netflix for an hour or two. I turned on mean girls when Ivan walked in
Ivan: hi beautiful
Jess: hi handsome
Ivan: can we cuddle. We haven't been as close lately
Jess: yes babe come here. I opened my arms and let him come lay his head on my chest while he movie started. I fell asleep halfway through.

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