Chapter 43

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I woke up to Ivan laying on my chest. We I had my arms wrapped around his neck and Jake was screaming.
I groaned and tried to cover my ears but failed.
All of a sudden our door burst open.
Jake: BOO
I didn't even jump because now I'm fearless
Jess: go away
Jess: nope
Jake: ugh but I need you two to get up because I have a surprise for the couples.
So be ready in 30 minutes and meet me in the team ten van
Jake: Okay
He left and I gently shook Ivan awake
Ivan: good morning princess
Jess: morning babe. We have to leave to go somewhere with Jake
Ivan: ugh fine.
We got up and I went to the closet.
I got dressed into this

I walked downstairs and Ivan was waiting by the door

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I walked downstairs and Ivan was waiting by the door.
Ivan: damn flames look good on you
Jess: thanks babe now let's go to the van.
He picked me up bridal style and I was laughing like crazy.
He carried me to the van and we got into the back row. Chance and Tessa were in the middle with Jerika up front.
Ivan held my hand as Jake drove away from the house
Chance: Jake where are we going.
Jake: we are going to a lie detector test. It's for the couples
All of a sudden my heart started race. I gripped on Ivan's hand even harder than before. I still had not said one word to Chance since the whole situation happened with his "bad" day.
Tessa: why did you choose to do this today
Jake: because I need content
Erika: ugh
We drove in silence for about an hour before we got there. I fell asleep on Ivan's shoulder.
He shook me awake and we walked into the building.
Jake: Okay so Javan is going first
Jess: really what the hell jake
Jake: sorry
I rolled my eyes and hugged Ivan.
We went back into a room and the guy put wires on me and Ivan's pointer finger and Jake asked started asking questions
Jake: Okay so do you love each other
Jess: yes
Ivan: yes
Guy: they both said the truth
Tessa: aww goals
Chance kind of lightly glared at her.
Jake: next do you want to get married
Jess: um that's kind of nevermind
Ivan: yes
Jess: yes
Guy: they both said the truth
Erika: Awww
Jake: Jess is Ivan good in bed and Ivan is Jess good in bed
Jess: we haven't done anything like that at all
Jake: fine then are each other good at making out
Jess: yes
Ivan: yeah
Guy: both are telling the truth
Jake: last one Okay the question is are you okay
Jess: yes
Ivan: yes
Guy: Jessica is lying but Ivan is telling the truth
I took the finger thing off and walked outside. I sat on a bench and just calmed down
Ivan walked out and was standing next to where I was sitting but I ignored him
Ivan: Jess. He said so softly like every word he said would hurt me
Jess: I'm fine
Ivan: Jess please tell me what's wrong
Jess: that's the thing. I don't know what's wrong. I have everything in the world that I could ever dream of. I can box and drive. My dad is dead. I just don't know what is wrong.
Ivan came over and pulled me into a hug on the bench. The tears that were threatening to spill now poured out of my eyes
Ivan: princess please don't cry
Jess: I just don't know
Ivan: did you ever think it is about your mom
I completely forgot  about the fight we had and I called her a whore.
Jess: oh god what if it is
Ivan: hey it's okay we can go talks to her or you can.
Jess: I want you with me
Ivan: of course princess
Jess: oh god.
Ivan: what babe
Jess: I never told her about my dad
Ivan: oh shit
Jess: fuck
I put my head into my hands
Ivan: hey it's gonna be okay.
Jess: I'm gonna go see her tomorrow.
We stayed there on that bench for about an hour before Jake came out and told us we were ready to go home.
Ivan picked me up and carried me into the back seat of the van. I sat on his lap with my head on his shoulder. Jake drove home. By the time we got home it was dark. We all walked in and sat in the living room on our phones.
Jake was in he office with nick. We turned on Moana and all started watching it having a lot of fun until Jake said he needed to talk to me. My heart stopped. I nodded my head and got up off the couch walking up to the office. He sat on nicks side of the desk with nick. I sat across from him looking at my fingers and playing with them.
Jake: we wanted to ask you are you okay
Jess: I don't know. I thought everything was fine but I just. I don't know
Nick: okay we'll have you thought about therapy to help cope with all of this stress
Jess: yeah I have. I just haven't had time to go make an appointment
Jake: Okay well we just want you to be okay.
Jess: me too
Jake: Okay and also what's going on with Chance and you
Jess: I don't know. Ever since he snapped at me that day I have been kind of scared of him to be honest.
Jake: well can you and him please try to make up.
Jess: whatever
Jake: and also what is going on with your dad.
Jess: he killed five people and I went into the jail and watched then stick a needle into him and kill him and you know what. I loved it. I enjoyed watching it flow through his blood stream and kill that bastard.
Jake: Okay thanks for telling us you can go now.
I stood up from the chair and left the room. I walked into my bedroom and changed into my black lacy bra set and fell asleep. Ivan was already in bed and he wrapped his arms around me laying his head on my boobs.

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