Chapter 47

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I woke up and I was alone. I sat up confused be cause Ivan is usually with me. All of a sudden the door opened revealing Ivan
Ivan: afternoon princess
Jess: what do you mean
Ivan: its 6pm
Jess: what how.
Ivan: you slept late.
I got up and threw this on

Ivan picked me up and carried me downstairs

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Ivan picked me up and carried me downstairs. He sat me on the couch next to Jake and Tessa
Jess: fuck
Ivan: what's wrong
Jess: I slept through my morning pill
Jake: wait what you take your pills at night
Ivan: I will go get you one.
Jess: thank youuu
Jake: Jess you don't take morning pills
Jess: I do now
Jake: for what
Jess: birth control
Jess: no not yet at least
Austin: Jess what the hell
He popped out of the kitchen and into the living room
Jess: Jesus Christ you scared me
Austin: sorry but if you aren't having sex then why take birth control
Jess: my period you moron
Tessa laughed with me because Austin looked like he saw a ghost
Austin: I didn't need to know that
Jess: well you do so grow up
The guys eventually separated through out the house and left me and Tessa on the couch watching Moana
Jess: Tessa can we talk
Tessa: of course any time Jess
Jess: I'm so sorry about Chance I tried to tell Jake to let him stay but Jake was insistent that he leaves
Tessa: hey it's okay Jess it wasn't your fault and anyway we had been fighting and we're gonna breakup.
Jess:oh gosh I'm sorry Tess
Tessa: it's okay what do you wanna do
Jess: I don't know
Ivan ran into the room panicking
Ivan: what happened who got hurt is everyone okay
I laughed at him
Jess: chill babe we are all fine
Ivan: then why the hell did Tessa scream
Jess: cause we wanted everyone in here cause we are bored
Everyone came in and sat down. I sat on Ivan's lap with my back against his warm chest
Jake: so what are we gonna do
Jess: asylum
Jake: JES YOU HAVE A BROKEN FUCKING NOSE WE are not going somewhere like that
Jake: yeah I am like your mom.
Austin sat next to Jake and Emilio
Austin: oh shit you don't wanna be Mom in our standpoint
I laughed
Jess: poor Jake I always knew you were a whore and congrats on the baby
Jake: wait what Erika are you
Erika: NO YOU didn't get the joke did you
Jake: no what was the joke
Jess: my mom fucks a different guy every night and is now pregnant
Jake: ohhh
Jess: can we pleeeeaaaaassssee go to the asylum or somewhere scary. So I can at least be entertained when most of you run like a little bitch
Jake: you will be running with them
Jess: not really I'm not scared of anything. I get jumped but it takes a lot to scare me
Jake: so are you scared of death
Jess: no because it's inevitable. Everyone is gonna die eventually. It's just like pain. I'm not scared to do something that could possibly hurt because eventually the pain will go away and everything will be fine again.
Jake: wow
Austin: that's all true. My whole childhood was me trying to scare her and I failed every time.
Jake: how about we just stay home tonight and play truth or dare.
Jess: deal
Everyone agreed and we started playing
Anthony: Jess truth or dare
Jess: dare
Anthony: I dare you to give Ivan a lap dance
Jess: okay but take Justin and Austin out of the room gotta keep it pg for them
Tessa took the boys out of the room and I gave Ivan a 30 second lap dance then Tessa came back in with the kids
Jess: Anthony I dare you to but on a speedo and walk to the neighbors house and ask for some lotion
Anthony: really Jess no
Jess: don't be a pussy Anthony
Ivan: oh shittt
Anthony: I'm not doing it end of story
Jess: fine be a little bitch
I laughed along with everyone else.
Okay I choose emi to go next Cause tony pussied out
Emilio: Jake truth or dare
Jake: truth
Emilio: is jerika real
Jake: yes
Jake: Okay Austin truth or dare
Austin: dare
Jake: I dare you to join team ten
My mouth dropped
Jess: jake what do you mean
Jake: I mean now that austin has a channel and it grew a lot and Chance has moved out we have another extra room and Austin should join team ten and move in
Jess: oh my god wow
My mouth was still hanging open as I looked at Austin
Austin: Mom won't let me probably
Jess: fuck mom say yes
Austin: yes I will join team ten
Jake: YAY
I laughed at their stupidity.
Austin: Jess truth or dare
Jess: dare
Austin: I dare you to go get your skateboard and show us a few of your tricks
Jess: Austin seriously you know what happened the last time
Austin: get over it Jess it was 5 years ago.everyone was watching silently as I went towards the front door.
Ivan hopped up and ran after me
Ivan: princess please don't leave
Jess: I'm not going anywhere I'm getting my board chill
Ivan stayed at the door waiting for me as I popped my trunk to grab my board. I walked back in and sat the board down. Everyone was crowded around the living room. I got on as my heart picked up speed. I did a few kick flips and Ollies hen I stopped and kicked it to the side. Everyone eventually went back to the couch and I sat on Ivan's lap again.
Ivan whispered in my ear
Ivan: is there anything you can't do
I laughed a little bit
Jess: a lot
Jake: it's really late we should probably get to bed.
Ivan picked me up and carried me into bed. I took a pill and changed them cuddled up to his chest.

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