Chapter 42

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I woke up confused because I wasn't in my room. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. Emilio was in his bed but Ivan was not with me. I got up and went downstairs. I made it down into the living room. Everyone was staring at me.
Jess: what why are you staring
Erika cleared her throat and I looked down. I was in my lacy underwear and bra. I fell to the floor trying to cover myself.
Erika threw me a hoodie. I quickly put it on.
Anthony: damn now I know why Ivan likes you
Jess: what the hell tony
Anthony: sorry
Jess: where is Ivan anyway.
Jake: in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen. I still didn't have pants on but the hoodie was long.
Ivan was sitting at the counter on his phone
Ivan: oh hi beautiful
Jess: hi handsome
I walked over to the stool next to him and sat down. I put my head in my hands and sighed.
Ivan: babe what's wrong
Jess: I don't know everyone in team ten just saw me in my red lacy underwear and I didn't even know. I laughed
Ivan laughed before he replied
Ivan: damn I missed that.
Jess: shut up you get to see me like that every night. I walked away from him and went upstairs. I walked into my room to check on Kaylee.
She was sitting in bed staring at the ceiling.
Jess: hey how's your morning
Kaylee: ehh good I guess
Jess: I assure you that your morning was better than mine
Kaylee: what happened to you.
Jess: oh nothing I just walked downstairs with everyone in the living room in my lacy underwear set. And the best part of it all was I didn't even know I was only in that until Erika made me look down.
Kaylee: ahah that's great
Jess: you are telling me.
Kaylee: I'm gonna go home today
Jess: Okay I have to get dressed.
Kaylee: Okay
Kaylee left the room and I got dressed into this

I walked downstairs and into the living roomJake: wow you have clothes on this time

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I walked downstairs and into the living room
Jake: wow you have clothes on this time.
Jess: haha funny
Jake: but seriously how long have you been sleeping in that next to Ivan
Jess: um probably like 8 months
Jake: damn it doesn't feel like you have been here for almost a year already
Jess: oh yeah I have been here for about 11 months now
Jess: well anyway I am gonna take Kaylee to her house
Ivan: can I come
I looked at Kaylee and she said yes.
I walked towards the door and grabbed my keys. We walked out and got into the Audi
We drove to Kaylee's house and dropped her off. She got out of the car and I watched her walk into her house before driving away. I drove to an empty parking lot and stopped the car turning to look at Ivan.
Ivan: Jess what are you doing
Jess: I wanna talk.
Ivan: um okay about what. He looked scared
Jess: i think I'm ready for sex.
Ivan: um uh okay I guess
Jess: so I wanna be put on birth control.
Ivan: Okay what made you decide you were ready.
Jess: my dad died, I can box, I'm not scared to go fast. This is the only fear I have left.
Ivan: are you sure though cause I don't wanna hurt you
Jess: you won't. You are the one. I love you. We have been together for almost a year now and haven't passed the making out stage.
Ivan: yeah but I was waiting for you to be ready
Jess: I am ready.
Ivan: Okay then we'll what else do you wanna do today.
Jess: I actually have a doctors appointment scheduled.
Ivan: Okay
Jess: I was wondering would you come with me
Ivan: of course babe
I drove out of the lot and drove home. I grabbed my Ferrari key just in case. We hopped out of the Audi and into the Ferrari. I drove away to the race track.
Ivan: um this doesn't look like a doctors office.
Jess: the appointment is later. But for now I am gonna show you what real fun is. I paid the guy at the gate and he let me into the track. I drove up to the line and waited for the light to turn green.
It changed and I floored it. I glanced at my speedometer and I was going 220.
I ignored him and focused on the road. We ended the lap and I slowed down looking over at him.
We stopped at the line again
Jess: did you like that
Ivan: hell yeah
Jess: I have a lot more stunts up my sleeve but I can't do them on this track.
Ivan: Okay I can't wait
We did a few more laps before we left to go to the doctors office. We were sitting in the office and I got scared. Ivan sensed that and grabbed my hand rubbing circles on it. I relaxed and then all of a sudden a lady came out
I got up and said that's me and she led us to a room.
Lady: a doctor will be in any minute
Jess: okay thank you
She left and I cuddled up to Ivan's side.
Eventually a doctor came in and sat down
Doctor: hello I am doctor Kelly
Jess: hi I am Jess and this is my boyfriend Ivan.
Doctor: actually I'm gonna ask him to leave the room
I looked at Ivan scared and he kissed my cheek and left
Kelly: so what brings you into the office today
Jess: I want to be put on birth control
Kelly: do you have cramps and stuff like that
Jess: yes it can get really bad too
Kelly: Okay well here is your pills. Take two a day.
Jess: okay thank you
I got up and walked out of the room. Ivan was sitting in the lobby. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand
Ivan: ready to go princess
Jess: yes my prince.
We walked out and got into the car.
Ivan: did you get the pills
Jess: yeah I have to take one every morning and one every night.
Ivan: that's great
Jess: yep
We drove home and walked in
Jake: where the hell were you
Jess: doctors office
Jake: I thought you were just dropping Kaylee off
Jess: well we changed our plans
Jake: that's fine but please tell me next time.
Jess: fine. I walked upstairs and sat the bag of pills in my bathroom cabinet. I went to bed and laid down instantly falling asleep

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