Chapter 4

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I woke up and walked down stairs and Jessica was still sleeping so I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I made eggs and coffee and sat down at the table eating. I really home Ivan and Jessica work out they are so cute together, Ivan could not stop staring at her yesterday. All of a sudden I heard footsteps walking down the steps it startled me at first then I snapped out of my thoughts and saw that Jessica was awake
Jessica: ooh did you make me breakfast she said with a look on her face
Alison: haha yes I did good morning
Jessica: good morning to you too
Alison: come sit and eat
Jessica: Okay
I'm gonna go change I said and walked up to my room. This was my look for today

When I came back downstairs I realized Jessica had changed too then she came over to me and said she had to go somewhere and that she would be back soon so I said okay and sat down and watched tv

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When I came back downstairs I realized Jessica had changed too then she came over to me and said she had to go somewhere and that she would be back soon so I said okay and sat down and watched tv


I walked down stairs and Alison had made me eggs and coffee so I got my self a cup of coffee and a plate of eggs and sat down at the table to eat. Alison said she was gonna go get ready so I finished eating and did the same here is my look for today——————

  Alison said she was gonna go get ready so I finished eating and did the same here is my look for today——————

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I wanted to look extra good Incase I saw Ivan today

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I wanted to look extra good Incase I saw Ivan today. I texted him and said it was me and we texted for a while then he said Jake wanted to talk to me and to meet Jake at the park in 15 minutes so I walked downstairs and sat down to wait for Alison to come downstairs when she came down I said I had to go some where and I will be back soon and she sat down to watch tv. I walked down to the garage and got in my car and drove to the park where Jake was waiting. I walked over to him and we started talking
Jake: hey Jessica
Jessica: hey what's up why did you wanna talk to me
Jake: I wanted to ask you something.
Jessica: what
Jake: do you like Ivan
Jessica: yeah actually I really like him a lot and I swear I'm not using him for fame and you should know that cause I almost have more subscribers that them
Jake: I know that and he really likes you too
Jessica: so is that all you need
Jake: no what I really wanted to ask you is...
Jessica: is what.....
Jake: will you join team 10
Jessica: .... I don't know what to say
Jake: you don't have to say anything right now you can think about it I would like an answer by tomorrow
Jessica: wow okay um I can't believe it pinch me
Jake: believe it *pinches me*
Jessica: OWW I did not mean literally
Jake: whoops I'm sorry haha
Jessica: it's okay hah
Jake: well you have my number call me when you have an answer
Jessica: trust me I will
Jake walked off and I sat there shocked I don't know what I'm gonna do call I leave Pennsylvania and move to California. I have to call my mom

Jessica: Hey Mom do you know that youtuber that I always watch Jake Paul well he runs this thing called team 10 and he just invited me to join and move into the team 10 house.
Carol: where is this team 10 house at and yes o know about Jake Paul.
Jessica: that's the thing it's in West Hollywood
Carol: sweetie that's really far away are you sure you are ready for that to move out and go there.
Jessica. I don't know I really want to and it would help my YouTube channel a lot but I don't know what to do
Carol: I'm okay with it if that is what will make you happy.
Jessica: Okay thanks Mom I love you I will tell Jake my answer is yes.
Oh my god I am really doing this I can't believe it i just have to break the news to Alison now. I got in my car and drove back to the house. Alison was sleeping so I decided to make reservations for a really fancy restaurant to tell her there. I texted Jake while I was waiting for her to wake up
Jessica: hey Jake
Jake: hey do you have your answer
Jessica: yes I do actually I am gonna move to la and join team 10
Jessica: yea I can't wait either
I looked over at Alison and saw that she was awake. I said good morning jokingly and said we are going to dinner tonight
Jessica: be ready in 2 hours
Alison: Okay
Jessica: dress nice
Alison: Okay I will let me go get ready
Jessica: Okay me too
I walked to my room to change into my fancy clothes
Jessica's outfit—————————

 I said good morning jokingly and said we are going to dinner tonightJessica: be ready in 2 hoursAlison: Okay Jessica: dress niceAlison: Okay I will let me go get readyJessica: Okay me tooI walked to my room to change into my fancy clothesJessica'...

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I walked downstairs and saw that Alison was ready to go here is her look———————

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I walked downstairs and saw that Alison was ready to go here is her look———————

I walked downstairs and saw that Alison was ready to go here is her look———————

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We were now ready so we walked down the drive way to get in my car. We drove to the restaurant and walked to our table. Alison asked why did we come here
Jessica: because I have to tell you something
Alison: what is it
Jessica: I'm moving to La to join team 10 I said slowly
Alison: um wow
She said that very disappointed and sad
Jessica: I decided to tell you last because I knew it would affect you the most.
Alison: well um does Ivan know yet
Jessica: I don't know Jake just told me
Alison: he is gonna be so excited
Jessica. I doubt it but you never know
Alison: stop being so NEGATIVE
Jessica: Okay Okay I laughed Alison just laughed too Our food had arrived so we ate then went home for the night. I changed into my pjs as soon as I got home ———————

I jumped onto my bed and texted IvanJessica: hey what's upIvan: nothing much Jessica: sameIvan: do you maybe wanna hang out tomorrow Jessica: of course I do where are we gonna go I blushed as I typed thisIvan: um go to the parkJessica: sure I can'...

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I jumped onto my bed and texted Ivan
Jessica: hey what's up
Ivan: nothing much
Jessica: same
Ivan: do you maybe wanna hang out tomorrow
Jessica: of course I do where are we gonna go I blushed as I typed this
Ivan: um go to the park
Jessica: sure I can't wait
Ivan: same meet me there at 12:00 pm
Jessica: Okay I will be there
Ivan: goodnight Jessica
Jessica: Goodnight Ivan
I laid in my bed just thinking about him I can't wait for tomorrow I have to look really good.

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