Chapter 40

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I woke up and got dressed into this.

I didn't have anything planned today so I didn't really care what I wore

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I didn't have anything planned today so I didn't really care what I wore. I brushed my hair and didn't put any makeup on because it is a lazy day. I walked downstairs and sat down on the couch. Jake walked over with Tristan and we started talking about video ideas. We talked for about 20 minutes till my phone rang. I picked it up and looked at the caller id. It was the Los Angeles police department. I told the guys that I had to take this and I walked into the studio. I answered.
Police: hello is this Jessica Smith
Jess: um yes sir
Police: Okay well we are calling to inform you about your father
Jess: what about him.
I haven't thought about him at all. I hated him
Police: well we were informed that he had killed five people.
I froze listening to him say that.
Police: he will be euthanized. You can come to the jail to say goodbye and watch him be executed by injection
Jess: yes officer I will be there. When is it.
Police: in an hour
Jess: okay thank you sir
Police: no problem I will see you then.
I put my phone on the table and rubbed my face. I was crying. I didn't even realize. I took a deep breath and walked out into the living room. Jake looked at me.
Jake: what was that call about
Jess: nothing but I gotta go I will be back later.
Jake: Okay
I walked upstairs and changed into this.

i put my hair into a bun and put a little bit of makeup on

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i put my hair into a bun and put a little bit of makeup on.
I walked out of my closet and Ivan was awake sitting on the bed by now
Jess: hey babe i gotta go out for a little bit
Ivan: where and for what
Jess: *sigh* the jail
Ivan: what why Jess what's going on.
He sat up more and looked scared
Jess: it's about my dad I will be home in about an hour
Ivan: do you need me to go with you
Jess: no but I might go to the gym after and see if I can box again.
Ivan: Okay princess. Emilio and I are gonna be recording a video. I love you
Jess: I love you too
I pecked him on his lips and left the room. I grabbed my gym bag that was down in the entry way. I walked out to my Ferrari talking to myself.
Jess: guess I gotta get over my fears sometime in my life. I got in my car and drove down to the prison. I walked into the office and they make me go through the metal detectors then they made me go to one of the rooms where I can talk to him. It had a peice of glass in between us because I would have killed him.
I looked at him dead in the eyes.
Dad: hi sweetheart
Jess: don't fucking sweetheart me
dad: language Jessica
Jess: no you can't tell me what to do. I fucking hate you. I always will. I can't wait till you die. I hope you rot in the pits of hell.
I stood up from the chair and told the officer that I was ready. They took me into a room with a chair and some other stuff on the other side of a piece of glass.
I sat down then soon he came into his side and sat in the chair. They four point handcuffed him and took a huge syringe off a tray and put it in his arm veins. Within seconds he was dead. I stood up to walk out but before I left I looked at the window and whispered
Jess: rot in hell bastard
I walked out and got into my Ferrari driving to the race track. I figured I gotta get over this fear sometime. I paid the guy to let me get on the track and got out to the line. I watched as the light turned green and I floored it. I was going like 170 when I finished the lap. I had that rush that I used to have. It's like I could breath again. It felt so good to have all of that stress off my chest. I finished freaking out inside and I went back up to the line and did about ten more laps. Then I left and drove to the gym. i pulled into the lot and called Ivan.
Ivan: hey babe what's up
Jess: NO I DIDN'T try that yet. I am at the gym now though. I GOT OVER MY CAR FEAR
Jess: I know. I went to the racetrack after the jail and I was pushing 180
Ivan: damn that's fast babe
Jess: I know. I will be home soon though
Ivan: Okay babe love you
Jess: love you too.
I hung up and walked into the gym. I tried to box and... I COULD. Wow this day is actually amazing. I drove home and everyone was watching a movie In the living room. For once I was actually happy and didn't have a fake smile. I walked over and hopped in between the twins. I kissed Ivan and watched the movie with them we all fell asleep watching he movie.

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