Chapter 53

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I woke up to Ivan kissing my forehead. I sat up
Jess: hello my love
Ivan: hello my princess
I smiled and kissed him
Jess: where are we
Ivan: Pittsburgh Alison is about to get  on the plane now.
I looked around and the plane already landed. Austin and Emilio were play fighting in the back and Luna was sadly looking out the window. Ivan was kneeling next to me.
I sighed as I looked at Luna.
I kind of feel bad for her. Maybe I was a little harsh. No Jess stop thinking that you don't feel bad for her she is gonna ruin everything. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Ivan.
Ivan: princess are you okay
Jess: yeah I just really miss Ali it has been about a year since we last met.
Ivan: I know
I watched the door that was open as I anxiously rubbed my palms together. All of a sudden a saw her run into the plane. I jumped up and tackled her to the floor in a hug.
Ali: I missed you a lot too. And how did you get me on this plane.
I sat up off of her and pulled her over to the seat next to mine.
Jess: so we spent a week in Spain and then we were flying home on this plane but we had to make an unplanned stop in England.
I looked over and Luna and rolled my eyes.
Jess: then with a whole bottle of grey goose in my system we were flying home to la and I was like I'm gonna bring you out to keep me sane for two weeks because it's either you or alcohol and I can't legally buy alcohol so I chose you.
Alison: Okay then
We finally took off for the 8 hour flight back to LA. Alison almost immediately fell asleep. Austin and Emilio were playing their Nintendo switches in the back and Luna was looking out the window . Ivan was laying down on his side on the couch. I stood up and walked over to him. I climbed on the large couch snuggling up to him.
Jess:I love you so fucking much Ivan Martinez
Ivan: I love you so much Jessica smith
I leaned up and kissed him. The kiss soon got deepened and I straddled him while still making out. I pulled away as we both caught our breath. I slid down and fell asleep on his chest.
I woke up to Ivan trying to push me off of him without waking me up.
Jess: where are you going.
Ivan: sorry I didn't mean to wake you up I was going to get the bags from the back we are about to land.
Jess: Okay
we arrived at the team ten mansion and unpacked our bags. Alison was unpacking in the guest room and I don't know where Luna is .
I walked downstairs and saw Jake in the kitchen with Ivan and Luna.
Jake: Jessica we have to talk.
I rolled my eyes
Jess: about what... how I shouldn't drink a whole bottle of alcohol.... how I should not be rude to her. What Jake what on earth do you have to talk to me about
Jake: Jess calm down I was gonna tell you that Luna will be staying in your room with Ivan because we don't have any leftover rooms.
Jess: WHAT
I turned on my heel and walked away up to the guest room.
Jess: Ali come with me now
Alison: why Jess what happened
Jess: just come
I stormed downstairs with Alison following closely behind and grabbed my keys and got into the Ferrari. I was starting the car as Ivan ran over and opened the drivers door stopping me from leaving.
Ivan: baby I'm mad too but please don't go. Stay safe I can't lose you. You are my world Jessica.
Jess: Okay I will be safe but can I go.
Ivan: Okay
I finally pulled out of the driveway and got onto the road into the city. It was dark out so we just went to get ice cream. I got vanilla and Alison got cotton candy.
Alison: so why did we leave like that
We sat down at a table as the cold breeze hit my skin
Jess: Jake told me that Luna will be living in Ivan and my room.
Ali: what do you have against her
I clenched my fists as I took a bite of my ice cream
Jess: she is my sister that I never knew about. She is perky. Happy. Not broken. I envy her. She got lucky. I didn't.
Alison: Jess really... come on you are so much better than that.
Jess: thanks for being supportive.... best friend
Alison: but you know that I'm right and you are wrong. Jess give her a chance. I know you are hurt about this but please at least try to be nice to her
Jess: whatever
We finished our ice cream and walked to the car in silence. I drove home and parked. Alison and I walked into the house and I found Ivan. I grabbed his wrist and kissed him passionately. I started pulling him towards the stairs when Jake yelled.
Ivan looked back and scowled at Jake.
I continued pulling him into our room and I shut and locked the door immediately collapsing to the floor crying.
Ivan: baby what's wrong princess
Jess: my life is falling apart
Ivan: what do you mean Jess everything is perfect
Jess: Luna came out of fucking no where and now Jake wants her in our room. My mom is pregnant for God's sake. My dad is dead. I keep thinking about my past and hurting myself. I'm gonna have to probably adopt my mothers baby because she is not going to be allowed to have a baby. And I'm 18 Ivan. I can't deal with all of this
Ivan: Jess breathe princess.
I took a deep breathe and looked down.
Ivan: Jess look at me
He carefully put his hand on my chin and made me look at him.
Ivan: Jess you are the most amazing beautiful girl I have ever met in my entire life. and I promise you. Whatever happens with your mom I will be there every step of the way. I will help you raise that baby and love it like it is my own if that is what you want.
I smiled and kissed him passionately
Jess: I love you so fucking much
Ivan: I love you too my princess.
I pulled out of the hug and grabbed his hands.
Jess: I am gonna have to move out of this house
Ivan: Okay princess I will be right by your side through it all
Jess: god I love you
Ivan: I love you baby girl.
I smiled and hugged him again as I heard a knock on the door.
Ugh it was Luna
Luna: um can I come in it's my room too
I opened the door and let her in with a bitchey smirk.
I stripped down to my red lacy bra and underwear while she put on her baby pink silk nightgown and laid down as Ivan changed into basketball shorts. I saw Luna look at me out of the corner of her eye with her jaw dropped like she could not believe what I was wearing. I ignored it and Ivan laid down. I cuddled up to him and kissed him passionately.
Jess: I love you my prince
Ivan: I love you my princess.
And with that we fell asleep

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