Chapter 41

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I woke up and I was on the couch. I was wearing no pants and Ivan's hoodie I was sleeping on Ivan's shoulder and Emilio had his head laying on my ass. That was a little wired but I carefully got up and ran up stairs to change. I put Nike pros on under his hoodie and took my shirt off under the hoodie so I was only in my red lacy bra. The hoodie was so long it covered my Nike pros. I was okay with that but it made it look like I was naked. I walked back downstairs and tip toed past everyone still sleeping on the couch and went to the kitchen. I am gonna make everyone breakfast. I looked at the clock on the stove and it was 7:00 am. I made like 20 eggs and like 40 pieces of toast. I was almost done with the bacon when I felt arms wrap around my waist.
Ivan: you look really hot in that hoodie
Jess: thanks I know I do. I pulled away from his grasp and smacked my ass
Ivan looked at me in awe
Jess: my eyes are up here. I laughed.
He snapped out of his gaze and kissed my cheek. He helped me put all the food on plates. I grabbed Jakes vlog camera turning it on.
good morning Jake paulers what's Gucci. Make sure your smiling. Make sure your working hard and make sure your dabbing on those flipping haters. So I made everyone breakfast and am now gonna go wake them up.
I ran into the living room. I jumped on the couch dancing around like an idiot.
We turned the camera off and everyone ran out to the kitchen. I grabbed my plate and sat down.
Everyone: thank you Jess
Jake: you should cook everyday
Jess: how about no
Everyone laughed and continued eating.
We finished eating and Jake started vlogging. We were in the living room blasting music and dancing like we were crazy. I was happy for once. Ivan was smiling watching me be stupid. I looked at the time after we danced around for like 4 hours and it was 8:00. We stopped dancing and sat down on the couch. We all causght our breath and beer now bored. It was pretty much silent until I spoke up.
Jess: I'm bored
Tessa: me too
Jess: we should go s omewhere
Tristan: where
Jess: asylum
Chance: JESS NO. He sounded mad. It kind of scared me.
Jess: loosen up chance
Ivan jumped in front of me as I flinched.
Jake: Chance what the hell
Chance rolled his eyes and left the room
Tessa: sorry he has had a bad day
I turned and started to head upstairs when Ivan grabbed my wrist. I shook my wrist out of his grasp and continued upstairs. I walked into the room and grabbed my Ferrari key and walked down the stairs. Everyone was staring at me as I walked to the door.
Jess: I will be back later
Ivan: Jess be careful please.
I looked back at him.
Jess: I will
I turned back to the door and walked out. Since it is winter now. It is dark really early. It was like 7:00 pm. I decided not to go to the gym. I just drove to a park. I got out and locked the car. I walked over to the swings and saw a girl crying on them. I ran over to her and sat down on the swing next to her
Jess: hey what's wrong
Girl: nothing
She looked at me so I could see her face and I recognized her
Jess: Kaylee?
Kaylee: what Jess
I pulled her into a tight hug.
Jess: shhh what happened sweetheart
Kaylee: m-mm
Jess: shh it's okay so you wanna come back to the house with me
Kaylee: yes pl-ease.
She was still crying but her tears slowed down. We walked over to my car and I had my arm wrapped around her shoulder.
Kaylee: nice car
Jess: thank you.
She got in the passenger seat and I drove back to the team ten house.we pulled into the driveway and waited in the car for a few seconds.
Kaylee: my mom and I had a bad fight. She told me to come back when I was sorry.
Jess: ohh what was the fight about.
Kaylee: her
Jess: ohh well do you wanna go in
Kaylee: yeah where am I gonna sleep
Jess: you can sleep in my bed
Kaylee: where will you sleep
Jess: couch
Kaylee: no sleep with me please. It's the least I could do for you
Jess: it's fine Ivan and I can sleep on the he couch
Kaylee: Jess you have a king size bed both of you will fit with me
Jess: Kaylee. It will be awkward. You are sleeping in my bed and Ivan and I will sleep in his bed in Emilio's room. End of story.
Kaylee: please don't tell them why I am really with you
Jess: no problem I will just say you wanted to sleepover.
Kaylee: thanks Jess it means a lot.
Jess: no problem kiddo now let's go.
We got out of the car and I unlocked the door and went in. As soon as I stepped in Ivan ran to me picking me up in a hug. He whispered in my ear.
Ivan: I'm sorry about yesterday. You should have told me
Jess: let's not talk about that now please.
Ivan: Okay. He let me go and I took Kaylee up to my room and gave her comfortable clothes.
I told Ivan I was sleeping in his old room and we went up and fell asleep together.

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