Chapter 26

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I woke up and decided to do nothing today. I pulled my phone off of the nightstand while Ivan was hugging my waist still sleeping. I went onto my phone and texted my mom

Jess: hey how are you doing
Carol: Okay I guess how are you
Jess: well great but this past day has been kind of hard but austin is coming home today so I wanted to remind you
Carol: I know. I miss you.
Jess: I miss you too but I got to go Ivan is waking up
Carol: woah who is that
Jess: oh that is my boyfriend I will explain later
Carol: Okay bye
I hung up and got dressed into this

 Jess: I miss you too but I got to go Ivan is waking upCarol: woah who is thatJess: oh that is my boyfriend I will explain laterCarol: Okay byeI hung up and got dressed into this

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walked into the ratchet room. I woke up my bro and told him it was time to go to the airport. He got up and grabbed his bags taking them downstairs. I walked back into my room and woke Ivan up saying we had to leave. He got up and followed me and Austin out to my car.
Jess: austin
Austin: yes
Jess: I'm gonna miss you dork
Austin: I'm gonna miss both of you so much
Ivan: I will miss you too.
We arrived at the airport and had a really long hug then he hugged Ivan and left. We drove back home and walked in the door . I wrapped my arms around ivans neck while he put his arms In the small of my back. I leaned in and we kissed passionately
I purposely stuck my tongue into Ivan's mouth and we started making out. He pushed me against the wall.
I pulled away and said Anthony left😂
Ivan: that was funny
Jess: that it was. We walked upstairs and just laid in my bed cuddling

I got home about 6 hours ago and I decided to get one of my sisters other vlog cameras out and make a video. I turned it on and set up lights

Hey what's up guys. Most of you know me as Jessica smiths little brother. I decided I would make a vlog channel and make other random videos on this channel too. I just got back from spending two weeks with team 10. In la where my sister is. But sadly now I am back in Pennsylvania. I really miss my sister and Ivan. But I really miss all of team ten. Okay so I know this video is short but I just wanted to let all of you know what this channel is
I ended the vlog and put this chip into my MacBook to edit it. I finished editing and it was pretty late but I created my channel and hit upload. It finished uploading and I went to sleep

I spent all day laying on Ivan's chest while we watched Netflix. I uploaded a video and now I am bored. I saw my brother uploaded a video so I clicked on his channel and watched it. It was just him talking about his channel so I texted him I'm so proud of him and he did a good job then I put my phone away and decided to go downstairs to get food so I drug Ivan with me.
Jess: what do you want Jake
Jake: I need you
Jess: oh god for what
Jake: we are gonna blindfold you then you have to kiss me Anthony and Emilio for five seconds then judge who's the better kisser
Jess: um no I'm not gonna kiss you guys.
Jake: please.
Jess: hold on
I grabbed Ivan and pulled him into the garage
Jess: how do you feel about this
Ivan: um not very good but I will let you do it
Jess: are you sure you are okay with this
Ivan: I'm positive but you owe me tonight
He winked and walked out. I followed him and walked over to Jake
Jess: I will do it but all of you owe me ice cream
Jake: YAY
Jess: go brush your teeth all of you five minutes I will be watching
They all ran into jakes bathroom and I followed with Ivan
I got into the bathroom with them and stood against the back wall
Jess: none of you have gonorrhea or other diseases
like mono right
Jake: nope
Emilio: nope
Anthony: no
Ivan: you didn't ask me that the first time we made out
I looked at him shocked but glaring.
Everyone was looking at us through the mirror
Jess: well I did not care about my life then
Ivan: well I'm glad you do now
He walked over to me and pulled me into a huge hug. I kissed him then the guys were done brushing their teeth so we went downstairs and got blindfolded. Ivan sat me down on the couch then they got into line in random order. The first person came up and held my face. They put their tongue in my mouth but they didn't move it very well
The second person sat down and they were a lot better at moving their tongue around and kissing.
The third and final person sat down and we kissed but then they stuck their tongue in and it was slow paced but really good
All of the guys sat down but I was still blindfolded.
Jake: what one was best
Jess: the last one
Jake: second best
Jess: second
Jess: the worst was the first one Okay can I know who each was
Jake came over and took my blindfold off
Emilio was last Anthony was second and Jake was the worst
Jess: I think I know where all of the good kissing genes come from
Ivan looked at me and laughed. He walked over to the couch and sat next to me. I pulled him in and kissed his with a lot of passion.
Jess: now boys if you don't mind I am going to wash my mouth out.
I walked up to my room with Ivan following me. I went to the bathroom and used mouthwash then went to change. I put this on just to tease Ivan

I usually sleep in a sports bra and shorts but I decided to change

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I usually sleep in a sports bra and shorts but I decided to change. Ivan was still in the bathroom so I hopped under the blanket. Five minutes later Ivan walked out of the bathroom and hopped under the blankets next to me. He wrapped his arms around me realizing that what I was wearing is not what I usually ever wear
Ivan: hey jess...
Jess: yes Ivan
Ivan: what are you wearing
Jess: maybe you have to find out yourself
He pulled me on top of him so that I was straddling him. We started making out very passionately. He flipped me over so that he was on top. He pulled away and went to my neck leaving a few hickeys. He moved down to my boob and left two there then he went back up to my mouth
Ivan: I don't like you wearing this
Jess: why not
Ivan: because I can't control myself
I rolled over and he wrapped his arms around my stomach pulling me into him. We then fell asleep.

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