Chapter 51

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I woke up to Ivan shaking me.
Ivan: princess we are here
Jess: ugh okay
I sat up and grabbed my phone.austin and emi were already off the plane. I went to the back and grabbed my luggage. I got off the plane with Ivan behind me. He had ordered an Uber before we landed so it was ready for us when we landed. The driver grabbed our bags and threw them in the trunk. Emilio was already sitting shotgun. I sat in the middle of Ivan and Austin. I laid my head on Ivan. We started driving and drove for about 20 minutes in silence. I was looking out the window admiring the small streets of Spain. It was very quiet till Austin spoke up.
Austin: when will we be there
Driver: about an hour
Austin: ugh okay thank you
It was silent again and I snuggled into Ivan's shoulder again.
Austin: I'm bored can we play a game
Emi: yes oooh oooh lets play never have I ever
Jess: fine. I mumbled into Ivan's shoulder
Ivan: sure
Austin: yes
Austin: Okay I am gonna go first never have I ever broken a bone
Jess: wait does a nose count cause that is cartilage not a bone
Austin: your nose counts in this game
Jess: ugh fine
I put my finger down and so did Emilio
Emilio: Okay never have I ever snuck out/ ran away
I put a finger down and so did austin
Jess: holy fuck those memories were great
Austin: yeah
Ivan: wait I wanna hear those stories
Jess: another time babe
I was smiling thinking of all the times I almost got away.
We did a few more rounds and I lost. Emilio was the best and only got three fingers down. I had 8 down.
I laid my head on Ivan's lap and fell asleep again as the others talked quietly.
I woke up to Ivan kissing my neck. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up to realize the car stopped moving.
Ivan: we are here beautiful
Jess: Okay handsome.
My heart started pounding and I got nervous. Ivan put his hand very high up on my thigh and rubbed it. It calmed me down a little. Ivan opened the door and got out holding it for me.
Jess: thank you babe
Ivan: no problem princesa
I kissed his cheek and opened the trunk. I grabbed all of our suitcases and put them on the ground. Everyone else got out of the car and walked over to me. They grabbed their bags and Ivan grabbed mine. I looked at the house very nervous and Ivan wrapped his free arm around my waist pulling me closer. He kissed my cheek before talking
Ivan: she will love you my queen I promise
Jess: I know I'm just scared.
We started walking up the stairs towards the door and the Emilio knocked.
Seconds later a beautiful blonde lady opened the door.
Twins: we missed you too Mom
Ivan: Mom I would like you to meet someone
He pulled me out from where I was behind him and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.
Mom: and who is this. She said this rudely
Emilio: this is my best friend in the whole wide world Jessica. And also this one here is Austin
He pointed to Austin.
Jess: it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Martinez.
Austin: yes it's nice to finally meet you
Ivan: Jessica is my world. My girlfriend and my heart.
I chuckled at how emi was fangirling over us.
I grabbed Ivan's hand and tightened my grip as I looked at him Nervously cause it seems like she hates me
Mom: well come in
Now she was smiling and happy so I was confused. We walked in and everyone sat on the couch. I sat down next to Austin uncomfortably.
Mom: so boys how was LA
Emilio: it's amazing Mom we are really happy with Jess and the team.
Ivan looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. I gave him a reassuring smile and he looked back to his mom.
Mom: so why did you bring her and him
It broke my heart that she called me her and she looked me up and down like I was trash.
I decided to just kill her with kindness. I smiled but not the type that she would think I was a stuck up bitch.
Ivan: because she has had a really stressful month and I thought I would be the great boyfriend that I am and take her on a vacation with Emilio and her brother but little did I know you were just gonna treat her like shit
Jess: Ivan it's f—
He cut me off and I just looked down trying to hold back the tears.
Ivan: I love her with all of my heart Mom so can you please respect me and her. She is an amazing girl who has had a really shitty life and she deserves the world
Mom: I'm sorry.
I got up and walked over to Ivan and hugged him
Jess: you should not have done that for me but thank you. I love you so much
Ivan: I love you too a lot
Mom: I'm sorry Jessica I just... my boys have never brought a girl home before and it was just a lot to take in
Jess: it's okay Mrs. Martinez, I understand But please know that I love Ivan with everything I have and Emilio too for that matter. I had a really rough childhood and Ivan loves me through all of the nights that I would stay awake and cry or when I wanted to leave the world Ivan was there right by my side to talk me out of it.
I looked over at Ivan and he looked like he was about to cry. I kissed his cheek.
Mom: I'm glad my son has grown up to find someone who love him as much as he loves you.
Ivan: well Mom I would love to talk forever but I am really tired.
Mom: well all of you can go upstairs goodnight
Everyone: goodnight.
Emilio: Austin you are sleeping with me in my room
Austin: yessss I get my best friend
Emilio: you know it bestfriend
I laughed at them as Ivan drug me into his room. We changed and laid down with my head on his chest.
Jess: I love you so much and I am so happy your mom doesn't hate me
Ivan: me too and I love you my queen.
Jess: I'm not your queen... yet at least
Ivan: I wanna marry you one day
Jess: you will I promise:
Ivan: goodnight princess
Jess: night my prince

Sorry for the late update I was so lazy but I got it up and also I am starting questions of the day.



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