Chapter 7

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Authors note •••••••••
Hi everyone I'm gonna write like 6 chapters today and probably upload three so be excited for that. And also that trip this weekend might be canceled so that's good for you readers.•••••

I woke up grumbling then picked up my phone from the charger to check the time. It was 10:00 am then I remembered what day it was and we have to go back home to Pennsylvania today and I got sad but then remembered that Saturday I'm GOING TO LA TO BE A PART OF TEAM 10 ahh. I am really gonna miss Alison though. But I need to take this opportunity. I got up and walked to my dresser and got an outfit then went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I got out of the hot steamy water I dried off and got dressed then did my makeup and hair.

 When I got out of the hot steamy water I dried off and got dressed then did my makeup and hair

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This is just my hair in the last picture not the makeup

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This is just my hair in the last picture not the makeup.
I walked out into the kitchen where Ali was sitting with her suitcases and everything already packed. I turned to her and said this was the best bestfriend getaway trip ever
Alison: agreed
Jessica: how are you packed already 😂
Alison: I packed last night while you were making out with your boyfriend😂😂
Jessica: ohh I blushed as I said that
Alison: oooh are you blushing
Jessica: no what do you mean
Alison: your cheeks are bright red
Jessica: Shutup
Alison: why such a big scarf
I paused for a moment thinking for an answer
Jessica: cause it's cute
Alison: are you sure you took a while to respond.
Jessica: yes I'm sure
I turned and walked to the fridge to get milk for a brown of cereal
Alison: are you sure you aren't using it to hide something....
I froze dead in my tracks and looked at her.
Jessica: positive
Alison: show me then.
Jessica: no because there isn't anything there
Alison: I'm gonna find out sooner or later.
Jessica: fine
I slowly pulled the scarf down and Alison's jaw dropped so low I swear it hit the floor.
Alison: holy shit there is so many and they are dark
I sadly shook my head and said I know.i made his even worse that mine for revenge
Alison: that's my girl I can help you put makeup and cover it
Jessica: I'm okay
I fixed my scarf
Jessica: I'm gonna go pack if you want you can put your stuff in my car
Alison: Okay
I threw her my keys and she picked up her bags and took them out to the car. I walked into my room and threw all of my clothes and stuff into the suitcase then took all of my stuff to the living room and grabbed the food bag from the kitchen and took all of my stuff out to the car where Alison was loading it.
Jessica: I'm gonna miss Ohio
Alison: me too but I'm gonna miss you more.
Jessica aww I'm gonna miss you too Ali but I'm leaving on Saturday so we have a few days left
Alison: true are we ready to go home
Jessica: no but yes at the same time we both got in my Audi and started to drive home to Pennsylvania. It was kind of sad I am gonna miss Ohio but I am so excited to go to la I just want to be there now. We arrived at Alison's house
Alison: bye I'll miss you love you best friend
Jessica: bye Ali Ill miss you too see you on Friday
Alison: Okay bye   She grabbed her bags and went inside. I backed my car down her driveway and drove home where I was not excited to go.  As soon as I walked in the door my dad was screaming at me that I was a little bitch and that he hated me, and I was an accident. I felt a flood of tears holding behind my eyes. I just got my bags and started walking to my room when he ran up to me and slapped my face so hard it throbbed. I just kept going and locked my bedroom door. I just ran in and fell onto my bed crying for about 3 hours. When all of a sudden my phone started ringing and it scared the crap out of me. I looked at it and it was a FaceTime form Ivan I freaked out and hit answer
Ivan: Hey wha.... are you crying
I froze for a minute then slowly said yeah like it was gonna attack me
Ivan: why what happened are you okay
Jessica: it's nothing I'll be okay
He looked genuinely worried
Ivan: no it's something why is there a huge red mark on your face.
Ivan: oh my god did your mom do that cause of ya know...
Jessica: no they don't know about that yet. I started crying again.
Ivan: what do you mean by they
Jessica: I MEAN MY DAD... OKAY I snapped that at him then I felt bad
Ivan: Okay calm down did he slap you.
I just stayed silent other than my constant balling of tears I looked down and mumbled yes. Ivan looked furious
Ivan: are you okay because I will get a plane to Pennsylvania
Jessica: no don't please he will just hurt you and I don't want that.
Jessica: I will be fine he is leaving tonight anyway for a Business trip.
I hated lying to him but I had to keep la a secret.
Ivan: Okay I love you
Jessica: I love you too.
We talked for about 5 hours before he had to go to the airport to fly back to La i decided to just change and go to bed.

We talked for about 5 hours before he had to go to the airport to fly back to La i decided to just change and go to bed

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I laid down and just prayed that my dad would leave  but this time for good.

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