Chapter 57

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I woke up in jacks arms again but this time we were in jakes bed. I rolled over so I was facing him. He was shirtless and in a pair of adidas pants. I was wearing this

I cuddled into his chest more and looked up at his eyes as he sleptJack: good morning beautiful Jess: good morning Avery damn I need to buy my own $45,000 Aston Martin bed this shit is comfyJack: or is it just that you are cuddled up to meJess: bo...

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I cuddled into his chest more and looked up at his eyes as he slept
Jack: good morning beautiful
Jess: good morning Avery damn I need to buy my own $45,000 Aston Martin bed this shit is comfy
Jack: or is it just that you are cuddled up to me
Jess: both you have a really comfortable chest
Jack: I know I do
Jess: I'm gonna go get dressed come with me please
Jack got up out of bed and followed me
I walked to my room and stood in front of the door taking a deep breathe before opening it. Ivan and that girl were in bed naked. He quickly covered them
Jess: I am not. Jack was there for me when you decided not to be okay and don't worry I'm only coming in here to grab jacks bag of clothes and some more of my stuff so I never have to see you again.
Ivan: wow you have a bag of his clothes in our room
Jess: correction your room and yeah I do. Also I am giving my room to Austin so you have a day to get your shit moved back into Emilio's room.
Ivan: Jess you can't do that
Jess: oh yeah watch me cause I just did
I grabbed our stuff and left the room shutting the door and fell to the floor crying
Jack: oh Jess come on it's okay he is not worth your tears.
Jess: you are right I'm gonna go change in jakes bathroom you can change in his room. I walked into jakes bathroom and put this on

I walked out and jack had a thrasher shirt with black jeans and vansJack: damn Jess what are you trying to do to himJess: show him what he lostJack: anyway let's go downstairsJess: Okay We walked down and everyone was staring at meTessa: um Jess d...

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I walked out and jack had a thrasher shirt with black jeans and vans
Jack: damn Jess what are you trying to do to him
Jess: show him what he lost
Jack: anyway let's go downstairs
Jess: Okay
We walked down and everyone was staring at me
Tessa: um Jess did you forget a shirt
Jess: no I meant to be dressed in this
Tony: wow this gives us a flashback
Jess: yeah let's not talk about that Okay... okay
Jack: do I even want to know what that flashback is
Ohio: yes
Jess: NOO
Jack: I wanna hear this one
Jess: no you don't and I'm not telling it so if you are gonna hear it you are gonna hear it from them
Tony: every night Jess used to sleep in a red or black lacy underwear set like that and one morning she came downstairs not thinking and everyone saw her practically naked it was HILARIOUS
Ivan then walked downstairs and started staring at me
I looked over at him and he looked away
Ivan: uhm uh Jess can we talk
I looked at jack then Ivan
Jess: about what Ivan what could you possible say to me
Ivan: please
Jess: whatever
We walked to the other living room and sat down
Ivan: this whole thing I'm so so sorry
Jess: Ivan sorry can't fix this and you gave her your virginity really
Ivan: it was all fake that girl threatened you and your mom and her baby if I did not cheat on you and makeout with her.
Ivan was crying at this point
Jess: how do I know you aren't lying
Ivan: the noises they were fake she made me make them and I have proof
He handed me a go pro
Ivan: it's okay if you don't forgive me just know I love you so much Jess and I will do anything to protect you and this baby
I put my elbows on my knees and cried into my hands as I rocked back and forth.
Jack ran into the room
Jack: Jess what happened are you Okay did he do anything to you
Jess: can you do me a favor
Jack: of course anything
Jess: look through this footage
Jack: um okay
I left to go into the kitchen and get a water and Ivan was in there
Ivan: did you look at it
Jess: I can't I told jack to
I grabbed my water and went back to him.
Jack: he didn't have sex with her. He tried pushing her away from him when the cuddled and when he was naked with her he wasn't actually naked he had boxers on while she was naked.
I grabbed the go pro and held it to my chest while I cried
Jess: what do I do
Jack: I still want to pound his face in but I can tell that he loves you and you love him so go back to him
Jess: okay thank you so much jack I love you
Jack: no problem but hey I have to get back to the wdw house we have rehearsals
Jess: take my audi
Jack: I was gonna order an Uber
Jess: jack take the damn car
Jack: fine mom
I threw him the keys off the table and he left.
I walked back to the other living room to Tessa
Jess: hey I think I changed my plans
Tessa: Okay what did you change
Jess: I hired four bodyguards and security and I'm gonna move alone
Tessa: Okay Jess that's fine but say the word and I will be there with you
Jess: Okay thanks t
I walked over to Ivan
Jess: hey can we talk
Ivan: of course
Jess: okay follow me
I took him up to the roof and we sat down looking out at the city of Calabasas
Ivan: what did you want to talk about
Jess: I bought a house for us before we broke up. It was gonna be a surprise but it's perfect for us. A huge game room an indoor pool a gym. 6 bedrooms it's beautiful. That's where we were gonna go with the little baby. Do you still want that
I was scared of his answer but I just pushed it to the back of my head
Ivan: of course that's what I want Jess. I want you and our little girl.
I moved over and put my head on his shoulder
Ivan: hey Jess
Jess: yes
Ivan: will we ever get back together
Jess: yes
Ivan: you can sleep in our room tonight I will sleep on the couch
Jess: okay thank you by the way I am moving tomorrow and I hired 4 bodyguards and a ton of security to protect us. Also the house has a 15 foot privacy fence
Ivan: it's perfect Jess
Jess: when do you want to move in if you even want to
Ivan: when can I
Jess: as soon as possible
Ivan: how about next week
Jess: perfect
We stood up and walked inside. We went down to the living room
Jess: what
Jake: neither of you pushed the other off the roof but seriously did you guys fix jivan
Jess: it's getting there slowly
Jake: YAY
I laughed at their stupidity.
Jess: also I'm moving out tomorrow and Ivan is gonna move next week
Jake: Okay
I walked over to Ivan and hugged him
He was shocked but hugged back
Justin: ahshghhhhhh eeeeeee MY SHIP IS SAILING AGAIN
I kissed Ivan's cheek and then went up to my old room. I laid down in the warm bed and snuggled into the sheets immediately falling asleep

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