Chapter 16

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Authors note••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Oh my god thank all of you for giving me 335 reads it it amazing I love all of you.
I woke up into Ivan's chest like always. I sat up to check my phone and it said 9:30 so I got up out of bed and took a quick shower then dried off and wrapped my towel around my waist and walked out into my room where Ivan was now awake.
Ivan: good morning princess
Jess: good morning baby let me go get dressed and I will be back out. I continued walking into my closet and shut the door. I chose this outfit for the day.

I walked out of my closet and plopped down on the bed on my stomach next to Ivan

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I walked out of my closet and plopped down on the bed on my stomach next to Ivan.
Ivan: wow you look amazing
Jess: aw thanks baby you look really hot I blushed a lot
Ivan: aww let's get up
Jess: Okay
I sat up with my feet on the side of the bed waiting for him to get up. He sat up and threw the covers off of him then stood up and walked so he was in between my legs I stood up and we started kissing that then got heated into a make out that was both of us fighting for dominance. Bet he won that battle. I pulled away.
Jess: baby
Ivan: yes he said sneaking another kiss
Jess: let me go finish getting ready
Ivan: fine but I'm coming with you
Jess: ugh okay I pulled out of his grip and walked into the bathroom with him following me . He sat down on the toilet and I stood by the sink doing my makeup and hair.

I finished getting ready and he put on clean clothes and we walked down stairs hand in hand

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I finished getting ready and he put on clean clothes and we walked down stairs hand in hand. Hey everyone I said.
Jake: hey j
Chanthony: heyy jessi poo
Jess: stooooop
Ivan: so what are we doing today
Jess: I wanted to do a never have I ever for a video with all of you
Jess: where is uncle kade
Kade: right here on the couch
Jess: Okay I will need you to ask questions.
Kade: Okay
Jake: let's do it now.
Jess: okay let me get lights and my camera.
I ran upstairs to get my camera and lights and ran back downstairs and plugged them in and set everything up in front of the couch.
They all came and sat on the couch Tessa was at dance. I turned the camera on and started my video
Hey jesters what's up hope you are having a great day and today I am here with a lot of team ten members we have Erika, chance, Anthony, Jake, Justin, Emilio, and Ivan. We also have uncle kade asking questions
Kade: okay question one. Have you lost your virginity.
Only Jake Erika and chanthony put a finger down
Ivan and Jake looked at me
Jess: those two didn't count
They looked back at the camera
Kade: question two have you ever gotten drunk
I put my finger down along with Jake Erika chanthony.
Kade: wow that was a lot of people that just put a finger down.
Kade: okay question three have you ever been arrested
I put down a finger along with Jake and Chance
Everyone looked at me weird I just shrugged my shoulders
Kade: four have you ever been in a serious crash
I put down a finger along with the Martinez twins and Jake.
Kade: five the final question have you ever played with a ouija board
All of us put a finger down.
Kade: Jake you lost with five fingers down. Then Jess and Chance both had four fingers down. Erika and Anthony only had three fingers down. Martinez had two fingers down. And the winner is FRESHMAN.
Jess: shut up freshman okay everyone that is the video I hope you all enjoyed it and remember to subscribe and like this video BYEEEE.
I turned the camera off and carried the stuff up the steps. Ivan helped me and carried a light up.
Jess: thank you for carrying that.
Ivan: no problem but I came up because I wanted to talk.
I got really scared and sat down on the bed next to him
Jess: a-a- about what
He grabbed my hands to try to relax me.
Ivan: don't worry I just wanna know why didn't you say you lost your virginity.
I froze then replied
Jess: because I don't count being raped as losing my virginity.
Ivan: Okay now I have one more question.
Jess: what is it
Ivan: when and why did you get drunk.
Jess: I went to a party with some of my friends and I don't like alcohol so I wasn't going to drink so I just got a Pepsi but someone took it and spiked it with really strong vodka.
Ivan: ohh now come here
He pulled me onto his lap and we started making out. I pulled away after about 5 minutes and checked the time. It's 3:00pm. Let's go downstairs I said
Ivan whined knowing no more making out.
Ivan: one more kiss
Jess: fine I pecked his lips then got up off him lap and ran downstairs to where everyone was sitting on the couch.
Jess: hey everyone
Jake: hey let's go out to dinner.
Jess: Okay
Everyone ran out to the team ten van and sat in the same seats as last time. We went to chipotle and all ordered. We waited for our food to come and decided to talk about what we wanted to do after dinner.
Chance: how about we go to that asylum and play with a ouija board.
We all agreed then our food came. We all ate then decided to go straight home and charge batteries and flashlights. And find the ouija board and get everything packed in a bag. We decided to go at 10:00 pm. We all laid down in our rooms to take a nap before our asylum trip.

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